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Questions related to PEAKS
I am trying to obtain Ru 3d XPS spectra of samples with RuO2 content of 0.1 ~ 0.3%. But due to the overlapping of the C 1s region and maybe the low content as well, the Ru 3d5/2 peak was almost...
23 July 2020 7,998 4 View
Hello, We have synthesized the cyclic peptide (D-Glu(OtBu)-L-Lys(Alloc)-D-Glu(OtBu)-L-Ala)2. LC-MS shows a mixture of linear and cyclic peptides. There is only one peak by HPLC (reverse phase,...
22 July 2020 2,464 1 View
The fluid in liquid phase is injected through inlet, due to given boundary condition the liquid phase fluid vaporizes in the ventilation( has both liquid and vapours) and the fluid exits through...
21 July 2020 7,357 0 View
I have done solid-state proton NMR. General solid-state proton NMR shows broad peaks. But, I find a negative value peak. In the case of solid-state, there should not use any reference (as...
14 July 2020 6,319 1 View
FTIR peaks are related to bond vibrations. In that context, what does the variation in the peak width after doping signify? Is it because of the variation in bond length or any kind of microstrain...
14 July 2020 6,274 1 View
I have simulated a circularly polarized truncated corner patch antenna in HFSS, but the gain does not peak at theta=0 as it should. It peaks around theta=10deg. How can I fix this?
10 July 2020 3,655 8 View
D and G band in CARBON DOTS observed at 1304 and 1441 cm-1 unlike 1348 and 1581cm-1. Can someone help me in knowing the reason behind this shift. I am attaching recorded raman spectra of carbon...
06 July 2020 8,374 0 View
Hello, I recently stumbled upon a voltammogram of HQ/Q in 0.1M NaCl on glassy carbon electrode. I was surprised to see two pairs of peaks present on the graph. As far as I know it is a two...
30 June 2020 2,048 2 View
We are currently running ASTM D7419 on 2 x Agilent ZORBAX SIL 9.4 x 250 mm, 5 μm, Part number: 880952-201 1 x Agilent ZORBAX CN 9.4 x 250 mm, 5 μm, B12246 and with every run we are seeing the...
30 June 2020 6,609 0 View
COVID-19 took its devastating form in Europe and USA since the last week March. Then after the April, EU countries could manage the spread but USA could not and already exposed with several peaks....
24 June 2020 7,479 15 View
I am working with Fluorescence spectrophotometer (Model:F-2700 FL) to determine concentration of chlorophyll a and carotenoids in cyanobacteria. I set up the excitation and emission wavelength...
20 June 2020 5,785 0 View
I am working with Fluorescence spectrophotometer (Model:F-2700 FL) to determine concentration of chlorophyll a and carotenoids in cyanobacteria. I set up the excitation and emission wavelength of...
19 June 2020 2,337 0 View
Dear all, I am preparing for a simulation that involves a shell of oblique geometry (they are almost like a twisted wing shape with a shell and core). I'm wondering what would be the best way to...
10 June 2020 1,489 0 View
In Zno (pristine and doped) kindly help in the analysis of these PL results at exc. 510 and 380
27 May 2020 7,645 7 View
The peaks were obtained for CsPbBr3 Nanowires excited by a 532 nm laser. Needs a clear explanation.
16 May 2020 8,277 3 View
In Rietveld refinement of pure zeolite-A (by Fullprof package), plot visible agreement is ok, but asymmetry in peaks and k-alpha2 peaks causes deviation in observed and calculated peak...
02 May 2020 6,493 3 View
Looking at the HSQC of my unknown compound, there is a carbon signal that correlates to two different H signals. How can I tell which H signal is the hydrogen on the carbon?
21 April 2020 8,137 5 View
Hello researchers, I am currently working on cell proliferation assays with CD8+ T-Lymphocytes which I extract from the mice spleen. I label CD8+ lymhpcytes with CFSE and stimulate them for 2...
01 April 2020 8,033 3 View
In the TGA of my sample , it happen to be increase in weight around 300 degree Celsius, the reason for which i found is oxidation. My question how can oxygen be present if the TGA is carried under...
29 March 2020 1,505 3 View
I measure exosome size using DLS Zetasizer, Malvern. If I were to choose to present my data in 'size distribution by number', should I take z-average ( which is an intensity-based overall average...
22 March 2020 1,458 4 View
viscometer is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of a fluid.
16 March 2020 7,772 3 View
I have a metabolic extract from a plant, when I injected it into the LCMS all the chromatogram peaks are small, although I have increased the concentration several times but there is no change in...
13 March 2020 3,253 2 View
I have done sodium carbonate in FTIR analysis. A wide peak appeared in ~1428 cm-1 while another peak appeared in ~868cm-1. I know the peaks come from stretching mode and bending mode. But, what is...
12 March 2020 1,655 3 View
I am currently modelling the sound propogation inside an acoustic domain of a car. The excitation is provided by an incident wave loading point at the front end of the car, near the dashboard....
06 March 2020 3,639 3 View