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Questions related to PEAKS
I measured the symmetry RSM of a single crystal film, but the Qx of the peaks were not located at the origin. Is there any method for me to transmit the Qx of the peaks to origin? or any details...
13 May 2021 9,562 1 View
I should have one peak of stained platelets. I am staining an intracellular protein after fixing and permeabilising. I keep getting two peaks in various samples, as if some of the platelets are...
12 May 2021 9,193 3 View
Dear all, I encountered some peaks (right above 2000 cm-1 as seen in the picture attached) that I can't explain while analysing my multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) using FTIR, Perkins Elmer...
12 May 2021 3,565 6 View
I synthesized ZnO nanotube array via hydrothermal method and measured its photoluminescence (PL) property. There are so many PL peaks (UV emission and vis emission). UV emission peaks can be...
26 April 2021 4,062 1 View
The diagram shows Raman spectra (measured with a blue diode laser at 473 nm) of carbonized polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers. The fibers were in contact with different metal surfaces during...
26 April 2021 3,177 3 View
If we measure large (up to micrometer) Janus particles with differently charged surfaces, what would be the resulting Z-potential? Two separate peaks representing each surface or mean value...
23 April 2021 645 3 View
Kindly share the process of doing so if you know.
18 April 2021 3,722 0 View
a) Peaks for oxidation in PE b) Peaks for hydrolysis in PE c) Peaks for oxidation in Polyester d) Peaks for hydrolysis in Polyester If you could specifically mention the wavelength number...
17 April 2021 9,855 1 View
Hi, I'm working on Co3O4 catalysts now. When I do H2-TPR to determine the reducibility of Co3O4, I could observe two peaks, one at ~350C, and the other one at ~405C. However, I could not fit the...
16 April 2021 3,679 8 View
Dear all, I am very new to chiral HPLC. Can someone help me understand a thing regarding chiral HPLC : I am studying stereoselective reduction of bulky ketones by recombinant aldo-keto...
16 April 2021 8,766 3 View
I have synthesized plain mesoporous silica nanoparticles by sol-gel method. After synthesis disperesed particles into di water, methanol and ethanol for dls. what could be the reason conclusion by...
16 April 2021 3,758 10 View
Hi, I ran the IR spectra of 4 Chloro resorcinol standard (first image) which is consistent with the reported spectra. Also I ran the spectra(multiple times) of a sample of supposedly 4 Chloro...
14 April 2021 1,365 3 View
Hi, I am trying to detect N2O using an Agilent 7890a GC-uECD using Markes Application note 018 for info. I am using a GS-Gas Pro capillary column, oven temp 150C for 10mins, inlet 100C, uECD...
07 April 2021 2,066 2 View
Dear Researchers, I am working with a screen-printed sensor and when I plot the CV curve I am getting additional small peaks and dips beside the oxidation and reduction peaks. Can you please tell...
01 April 2021 936 1 View
There are many ways to calculate crystallite size and lattice strain of a sample, based on XRD peaks: "Scherrer" calculation, "Williamson-Hall" or "Rietveld". Each method or calculation is used...
31 March 2021 3,009 7 View
What are the steps for preparing a water extract from the leaves of some plants and diluting them to 1: 1, 1:10, and 1: 100?
30 March 2021 9,872 6 View
hi evrybody, I am using the internal standard technique for building a calibration curve for PHB((Polyhydroxybutyrate).My internal standard is benzoic acid.Before GC, I used 2ml 2 mg /mL PHB(in...
28 March 2021 9,124 2 View
I have tested a 3D-printed sample, in two directions. The results showed the intensity differences in the peaks. But after I normalized the data, the peaks looked very similar. So in the research...
26 March 2021 2,722 7 View
TMS is shifted for 0,5 ppm towards metabolite peaks which match peaks in literature.
25 March 2021 9,739 10 View
Dear Researgate Community, I hope you are all doing good. I am using caffeine as an additive in my experiment. I have run FTIR spectroscopy to analyze the purity of the sample. FTIR spectra showed...
20 March 2021 9,379 7 View
I have 20% (w/w) formaldehyde-d2 in water. I want to calculate the isotopic purity using NMR. But I am getting 3 to 4 peaks corresponding to different polymers of methylene glycol. How to find the...
18 March 2021 4,611 2 View
I want to be able to create a macro on topspin that can find a peak in the spectrum and calculate its integration evenly according to specific Hz. For example, I have a spectrum with peaks at 10,...
16 March 2021 1,933 1 View
Hi all, is there a way to analyze cell proliferation with CFSE with BD DIVA software? I activate murine splenocytes or purified CD4 and I use Cell Trace and follow the exact protocol but I only...
16 March 2021 8,476 1 View
Dear Researchers We attempted to degrade methylene blue (MB) with negatively charged nanoparticle (NP). Both NP and MB were in aqueous solution and they were mixed. Immediately after mixing or...
15 March 2021 8,760 10 View