Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. | Contact experts in Condensed Matter Physics to get answers
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Questions related to Condensed Matter Physics
Dear Computational Material Experts, Can anyone guide me, how to calculate LDOS using Quantum Espresso? I am working on TMDs and submitted a paper related to the gas-sensing application of TMDs....
26 February 2023 1,007 8 View
Thermoelectric material, hydrothermal method, wet chemical synthesis, solid-state reaction,
08 December 2022 3,432 9 View
Hello Everyone, Recently I am doing some Phonon branchesbased studies. For some materials the gap between the optical and acoustic branch is small, for some it's large and for some there is no...
05 November 2020 4,290 2 View
which is better for thin film growth, electron beam evaporation or sputtering? which results in better film quality?
25 July 2020 6,549 4 View
I am doing a PhD in AdS/CMT. In order to have a better understating of the physics of the systems the correspondence aims to describe, I am looking for accessible reviews or online seminars about...
08 July 2020 4,814 1 View
Hello, I am trying to extract the Huang-Rhys factor S from the progression of LO phonon overtones in the resonance Raman spectrum of a material. In the configuration coordinate model, we consider...
09 January 2020 10,060 8 View
Hi, I have integrated the total DOS of a system up to the Fermi Energy and got the expected valence electrons. But when integrating the Partial DOS (PDOS) for each atom and summing these, the...
04 December 2019 3,070 3 View
The electron-phonon coupling is very common in condensed matter physics. But I am not sure if the same phenomenon is allowed between lone pair of electrons and phonon?.
27 November 2019 413 4 View
I need to find the low energy model Hamiltonian for a material (semimetal). I heard that this is possible by using Wannier90 clubbed with VASP or QE. It would be very helpful for me if someone...
19 September 2019 6,897 2 View
Can you explain in a more practical point of view?
13 September 2019 10,217 3 View
I ran VASP relax calculations for Fe in the interstitial position of MgO for different charge states of Fe from 0 to +3. The magnetic moment seems to increase from 2BM to 5BM in steps of 1 as each...
27 August 2019 2,096 2 View
Whenever there is a concept of diffusion involved and we need to decipher what is going to happen we tend to draw common tangent s in the phase field diagrams and decide which direction the...
05 July 2019 7,816 1 View
What is the significance of h^2+k^2+l^2 values in BCC and FCC?I have seen how h,k,l values are the ones which are relatable to the structure factor theorem and why all odd or all even and sum...
01 July 2019 7,826 3 View
Wien2k server for calculation
07 March 2019 7,406 2 View
can someone please explain me in simple physics that why spin-orbit coupling is relativistic?
31 January 2019 4,755 5 View
Is there a way, to get the same electronic structure of the Bilayer graphene and isolated monolayer graphene?
18 January 2019 4,531 7 View
Generally band E-k band diagram of a material look like parabolic type. However this is not the case in the TIs. Why bands in TIs are like this (Fig. shown)? Is it due to spin-orbit splitting...
21 December 2018 8,514 9 View
In thermodynamic tables of liquids, S is usually given without mention of constant volume or constant pressure. In solids this makes sense because Cv ~ Cp, so S should be the same. In liquids, Cp...
07 December 2018 3,673 11 View
We all know one of the most widely studied phenomena in condensed-matter physics is Kondo effect. Very briefly the milestones are as follows: This field began in 1933 when Wander Johannes de Haas...
20 November 2018 1,898 4 View
It is common that authors use Raman shift (cm-1) instead of Raman wavelength. So I am wondering if we can perform Raman spectroscopy with any wavelength. If no, how can I decide which wavelength...
23 October 2018 8,518 9 View
Hi i am using VASP to generate input files for wannier90 and for this i am using the method available in the following VASP...
01 June 2018 3,006 3 View
Hi I am microelectronics MSc students. My PhD thesis will cover condensed matter physics. I want to know among all available sources such as books and online courses, which one do you suggest me...
18 March 2018 6,650 12 View
Why we can not observe QHE or QAHE in bulk samples? what is the restriction? and why we do not have this effect at high temperatures? how these effect can be utilized at low temperatures?
17 March 2018 528 3 View
If its possible to create a Bose-Einstein condensate for which no possible Fermi interactions can prevent further collapse and the mass was large enough, could the system collapse into a black...
03 December 2017 2,910 12 View