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Questions related to PEAKS
I am working with a 7820A GC and 5977B MS. Recently, we changed the helium tank and since then we have been seeing baseline noise in the chromatogram which is high enough to interfere with my...
12 November 2020 6,807 2 View
Hi, I am using the Masshunter software to quantify my GC-MS data. So, did the integration using MassHunter. but the data (area) are weird. I have a lot of peaks in one chromatogram, therefore,...
10 November 2020 2,487 5 View
i am confused if sample should be prepared in mobile phase as used in HPLC Will the different solvent for sample and mobile phase being different affect peaks or any component of anlysis ?
04 November 2020 1,917 2 View
I get a mutation by CRISPR, but when I do the sequencing I always get the results with poly peaks. How can I know the type of my mutation? The poly peaks always present from my target, and shows 3...
14 October 2020 7,263 4 View
Hi, I would like to know if the "I%" parameter indicates any match percentage or something like that? This doubt arose because after an analysis, a magnetite sample showed a slight color change,...
08 October 2020 9,968 3 View
The authors use cyclic voltammetry and amperometry to determine H2O2. However, these electrochemical techniques are not suitable, as they were used for quantification. The amperometry in a static...
07 October 2020 7,550 2 View
Do you know how to interpret the data from LC - MS/MS analysis? I have peaks with me and need to know how to identify unknown compounds.
06 October 2020 3,190 7 View
Hi there, after obtaining LiFePO4 by different routes, I always get the same DRX peaks. They match with the ones of reported Pnma LiFePO4, but the only difference observed is a peak over 30º,...
06 October 2020 9,219 3 View
Hello, Recently I used the Positive Up Negative Down technique to calculate the polarization of PZT. After the experiment, I observed two unwanted current response peak which appears right before...
05 October 2020 6,929 3 View
We have a Quininone reference standard and with RP chromatography the standard gives two peaks, why it gives two peaks?
05 October 2020 2,757 1 View
Most of my microsatellite markers are dinucleotides, therefore they show stuttering. In regular stuttering is easy to identify the allele, which is the highest peak on the right, after the shorter...
27 September 2020 1,717 5 View
Hi, I want to know how to find the %crystallinity from PXRD peaks. I have a highly amorphous compound where I get a broad peak. For your reference my PXRD looks same as in the following picture.
27 September 2020 6,525 5 View
for 1% Mn doped BaTiO3, c/a =0.9955 for 2%, c/a=0.9845 for 3%, c/a=0.9913 Major peaks of all XRD shifts to right with increasing doping concentration.
24 September 2020 7,246 3 View
Ideally peaks should be separated and having a somewhat symmetric pattern but could any one give me a help with reading H NMR with multiple peaks totally mixed up which could not be attributed any...
23 September 2020 3,887 3 View
My sample was the copper paste contained PEG, and there were no endothermic peaks or exothermal peaks, so I was wondering why did the heat flow in the 2nd and the 3rd cycle decrease? Thanks!
01 September 2020 7,418 3 View
Hi, i am working on solution combustion synthesis of Y3Al5O12 powders with different oxidizer to fuel ratio. I would like to know if higher weight loss signifies lower combustion temperature? And...
26 August 2020 1,075 3 View
I run full scan for Dimethomorph (a fungicide) in GC-MS/MS, and it gives two peaks with different retention times 11.1 and 11.3. I increased temperature from 280 to 320°C and peaks little bit come...
20 August 2020 3,919 3 View
In visible reflectance spectroscopy performed on a bovine tendon, peaks were observed corresponding to tendon amides. But I do not know these peaks are related to what kind of amides.
17 August 2020 4,655 3 View
Does the Raman peaks of carbon nanotubes under strong ultrasonic waves with a duration of more than an hour shift to higher or lower wavelengths and why? Can very low amounts of these sonicated...
13 August 2020 8,475 5 View
A casting plant with three identical aging furnaces is operating 24/7 using certain energy consumption and peak demand with data logging logging on 10 minute interval. I am trying to study whether...
04 August 2020 8,276 3 View
2D Mos2 shows three distinct absorption peaks which are related to A, B, C excitons and are almost fixed for different flakes of different sizes of small variations. According to theory, when the...
03 August 2020 3,493 7 View
Trapping parameters of the different deconvoluted peaks of the γ rays irradiated glow curves.
29 July 2020 2,629 2 View
Hello. I synthesized nickel iron selenide and measured XPS for analysis. I found something strange while I was analyzing the data. We don't know the cause, but compared to the previously reported...
27 July 2020 6,753 5 View
Dear scientific society, In my XPS results of Ru-zeolite catalyst, there's no carbon however in the spent catalyst there is a chance of carbon deposition. I spent catalyst XPS, Ru 3d3/2 at 284.6...
25 July 2020 4,685 4 View