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Questions related to Nanocomposites
Mine is Shimadzu LC system and there is a error message showing "SIl no pump adjusted". The needle is going home. But the error message is still coming. Please suggest. Thank you!!! in Advance.
28 April 2020 6,897 1 View
I am trying to purify the exosome from biological fluid. Most protocols say to use Sepharose CL-2B or 4B columns for purification of the exsosome. I was just wondering if it would be okay to...
21 April 2020 1,695 5 View
If I can limit the temperature build up during the ultrasonication process, can I increase the amplitude from 30 to 100 % and observe the changes in the prepared nanocomposite. Some people are of...
13 March 2020 2,661 3 View
I am working on different nanocomposite for supercapacitor electrodes. But I am confused with the edlc and symmetric supercapacitor. I am unable to clarify whether edlc means both electrodes of...
06 March 2020 9,709 3 View
The glass fibers (specifically in fiber-reinforced epoxy composites) at higher temperatures turn into just pure glass at higher temperatures in TGA and the weight loss just stops at a certain...
03 March 2020 8,330 5 View
Raman thermometry can be used to determine the temperature of a material either by measuring the shift in Raman peak with respect to increase in temperature or by measuring the signal strengths of...
12 February 2020 2,773 7 View
I am working on arsenic removal from ground water by employing magnetite. But I am getting very low yield through co-precipitation method. I need to get high yield, some kindly help me in this regard.
10 February 2020 408 3 View
Unreacted (White) and Uniform (Black) Phases. Graphene oxide and acrylamide have been mixed together in thermal condition. I have tried various variables such as temperature, concentration, etc....
27 January 2020 1,089 2 View
I have got a publication in which the authors prepared BaFe12O19/CoFe2O4. But the amount / concentration used for preparing the metal nitrate solutions were not mentioned in the publication...
16 January 2020 3,738 2 View
Hi, I have been working with Origin pro 8.5 to do XPS analysis. However, I am not really sure how to calculate atomic composition of each element using origin.
03 January 2020 9,096 3 View
In order to analyze epoxy neat and nanocomposite coatings in SEM, AFM, etc. I need free or free-standing films. How do I produce them? Basically, if I coat the epoxy nanocomposite on a substrate,...
18 December 2019 3,522 5 View
I found air bubbles in the cured epoxy coatings. I do not have a vacuum oven, vacuum pump, thinky mixer, etc. in order to remove the entrapped air. I came to know that there are bubble release...
12 December 2019 321 3 View
I am trying to find out the effective properties (elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric coefficient ) of the nanocomposite. My unit cell consists of a sphere (piezoelectric nanoparticle-...
11 December 2019 346 3 View
I have prepared MgO nanocomposite in powder form . I want to check its electrocatalytic properties but I have no expertise in making electrodes as it is also not my guide's field. Is there any...
11 December 2019 10,163 3 View
Kindly give the information about the instrument which can be measuring the depth of the micro scratch /dent on the polished surface?
05 December 2019 5,293 2 View
After preparing epoxy clay nanocomposite using the solution intercalation method, how can the solvent be removed? I do not have a vacuum oven, vacuum pump, degassing equipment, etc. Are there any...
30 November 2019 4,220 2 View
Application: to peel out epoxy coating from mild steel or glass substrate Basically I am going to apply epoxy coating on a substrate. But since I want to peel out the coating for further AFM/SEM...
21 November 2019 5,199 1 View
Hello, What is the relation between dielectric constant of the plasmonic material and the magnetization of magnetic materail in magnetic-plasmonic nanocomposite or structure.
15 November 2019 7,683 2 View
Dear All, I am working on research related to fabrication of glucose biosensor by using screen printed carbon electrodes (SPCE). I modified the working electrode with nanocomposite and then...
04 November 2019 5,530 3 View
Can steel pin of the pin on disk tribometer setup be used in doing wear rate testing of sintered Alumina??
08 October 2019 3,932 6 View
Hi everyone, The purpose is doping polymer with Magnetic Nanopariticles for making a final nanocomposite material. Is there any suggestions what is the best technique that can be used to check the...
04 October 2019 7,577 3 View
Hi, I have a glass column packed with Sephadex-G25 and onther with Superdex-S200. I would like to store it in this way (packed) for a long time at 4 ºC. The manufacturer recommends using 20%...
01 October 2019 3,360 0 View
I planned to make use of nanofillers in my PVDF based nanocomposites. There are so many nanofillers available,but I'm confused. Kindly tell.
26 September 2019 6,388 1 View
I am working on a project of zinc based nano composite material. Anyone guide me how to prepare zinc carbide.? What is the required temp. To mix zinc carbide by mechanical stirr casting.
20 September 2019 9,097 3 View