Raman thermometry can be used to determine the temperature of a material either by measuring the shift in Raman peak with respect to increase in temperature or by measuring the signal strengths of a particular Raman band at the Stokes (Is) and anti Stokes (Ias) positions and calculate the temperature based on Botzman distribution of the ground and the first excited state populations using the following formula:
Is/Ias =(νl −νph)4/( vl + νph)4 * exp(hcνph/ kT),
vl is laser frequency (532nm), vph is phonon frequency, and h, k are Planck 's and Boltzman 's constant.
I am using Horiba LabRam HR Evolution spectrometer to measure Raman spectra and then the temperature of superlattice system such as AlGaAs and InAlAs using Raman thermometry and I see discrepancies in the measuring temperature. I also measure the temperature using an independent means by a thermistor attached near the superlattice system.
What other factors do I need to consider to get right value of temperature by Raman thermometry?