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Questions related to Nano
I synthesized bioglass powder and i couldn't analyze its XRD pattern by Xpert. Would you please tell me how i can find its JCPDS card?
06 February 2020 4,512 2 View
Ratio of micro/nano particules of TiO2 in toothpaste which could be tolerated
05 February 2020 4,316 4 View
During last 5-6 decades we have generated enough data from traditional experiments on nutrient management with graded levels of fertilizers in almost all systems and situations. Research on...
05 February 2020 7,628 3 View
the method for obtaining keratin nano material
04 February 2020 6,762 2 View
How is it that we propose nano particles in lubricants, for instance, engine oil. To what extent does the particle size in relation to viscosity affect the metal surfaces. Is it a trade off due...
04 February 2020 7,587 4 View
What is another alternative to Turbisan Lab Expert to check for nano lipid carrier's stability?
03 February 2020 9,300 2 View
I need to grind hematite ore to size
02 February 2020 8,166 2 View
i am looking for ways to transfer hBN nano sheets from the Cu foil used in the CVD process to a polymer substrate (PDMS or PMMA)
29 January 2020 6,850 7 View
I deposit TiN decorative layer by cathodic arc manner, help me please about wear standard test of it.
29 January 2020 2,323 7 View
Below Debye temperature, heat capacity of crystal increases and above DT heat capacity is constant. A nano phase materials having lower DT. What is the role of Debye temperature on bulk and...
25 January 2020 8,840 2 View
Currently, I m working on the synthesis of nanoparticles using leaf extract and I m receiving a very little amount of end product. So to get more end product what are the techniques associated...
22 January 2020 8,006 2 View
I'm working on electrospun nano fibers using PLA-PEG-PLA triblock polymer. I tried to perform DSC analysis for the characterization of the fiber mat. however there is a large hook at the beginning...
16 January 2020 9,058 4 View
In Field ion microscopy (FIM), polycrystalline tungsten nanotip is (110) oriented tip. under the gas etching process, the nanotip becomes more sharp by reducing the atomic layer. During the...
15 January 2020 8,205 1 View
What parameters i have to adjust to grow homogenous, uniform and smooth structures (spin valves or magnetic tunnel junctions) in Magnetron Sputtering like Argon Pressure Flow, doposition pressure,...
13 January 2020 3,417 3 View
hi. i add .28 gr silica nano particle into 28 gr brine.i used ultra sonic but didn't disperse. could you help me?
13 January 2020 9,198 2 View
25 years ago, Mullenix and coworkers demonstrated sexual dimorphism in rats exposed to dietary Fluoride. Fluoride was seen to accumulate in different brain regions with the Hippocampus of...
12 January 2020 6,774 0 View
Dear researcher, Is there a chance that experimentally obtained ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforced with nanofiller can become higher than the value of...
06 January 2020 1,702 1 View
Two nano fertilizer formulations are available : bio and organic? Can you please provide information on these (mode of action, efficiency etc)? Any research publication?
03 January 2020 1,567 2 View
unsuitability is greatest obstacle to make nano fluid suitable for commercial application. inspite of various remedies available , it is still difficult to maintain it for long time.
03 January 2020 1,811 15 View
1. On what factors Slonczewski Spin-transfer torque parameters (Lambda and epsilon prime) depend for a multi-layer system? and how to evaluate them? 2. Is there any way to evaluate these...
27 December 2019 7,960 1 View
I did nano indentation on coarse grained alpha + beta & one fine grained lamellar alpha + beta structure. But the hardness of coarser grained was found to be higher than the that of the finer...
25 December 2019 2,428 4 View
I am not getting any bands after miniprep and restriction digestion. I have measured the DNA concentration with the nano drop and my concentrations are all over 80 ng/µL. I restriction digested my...
20 December 2019 7,676 1 View
Dear all I read one literature in past, which discusses selection of solubilization technology based on the melting point and log P of active pharmaceutical ingredient. The faint content back of...
18 December 2019 6,972 3 View
I want to use nano fertilizer in my experiment of Chrysanthemum. As nano fertilizers pose some health hazard to human and environment. I need to know the dose limitations.
16 December 2019 475 3 View