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Questions related to Nano
I am running a reaction catalyzed by Pd triphenylphosphine complex, which I separate later by reverse-phase semipreparative HPLC. I have a strong feeling that the product I am making is partly...
25 September 2020 6,176 0 View
Today, I was searching my paper. I was completely shocked. This paper was based on my Master of Engineering thesis. Journal Paper - Thermodynamics and Adsorption Behaviour of the Nano Phases...
22 September 2020 8,978 4 View
I have a question in regards to the formation of a carbon composite for wastewater application. I came across some articles that suggest doing co-precipitaition, however those articles requires...
21 September 2020 9,950 5 View
Hi I know that : the term“nano” in nanofiltration refers to the size of the particles rejected and not to a nanostructure as defined by the International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO)" I...
21 September 2020 5,626 2 View
The use of nano tungsten for staining polymer nano particles is what I have been doing but in certain publications they use Uranyl acetate. What is the reason for the difference.
20 September 2020 4,260 4 View
Hello, I need to know what is the difference between the short range order (SRO), Short range clustering and nano-precipitates. From my understanding, based on the names, SRO are short range...
17 September 2020 5,755 4 View
I have nano powder material but i do not know the exact nm size, however it is understood nano powder consist of various different nm size, but if surface area of particle is known then can find...
15 September 2020 5,876 8 View
We started project on new application of nanomaterial. In this project we try to use one-side plate with nanomaterial. One side of the plate is covered by nanomaterial, for example it can be...
12 September 2020 7,136 3 View
I face a problem. I have a protocol to synthesis the silver nano particles in which I used millimloar solution of AgNO3 but i need a sufficient amount of silver nano particles. please give me a...
11 September 2020 2,915 6 View
Nanotechnology has gained intense attention in the recent years due to its wide applications in several areas like medicine, medical drugs, catalysis, energy and materials. Those nanoparticles...
11 September 2020 4,509 5 View
Hello, I am having a debate with some colleagues about how we believe a non-stoichiometric oxide would be observed in XPS. Let's say we have an oxide in the form of AB2-x (A = transition metal,...
11 September 2020 5,588 5 View
I want to prepare zinc oxide nanomaterial using ginger extract by green method am asking about the best method to preparer the extract and the condition of optimization and the concentration?
10 September 2020 5,170 4 View
I extract the plasmid from e. Coli, on nano drop its concentration was 60.but no band was formed in gel electrophoresis?I use 1% agrose gel with 2.5 ethidum bromid.
07 September 2020 4,621 11 View
what is a proper protocol i can follow for an experiment regarding nano fabrication of hollow structures in SPR? , for example the methods and the instruments needed, chemical solutions, etc, and...
06 September 2020 4,626 3 View
Need this information for my ongoing work.
02 September 2020 6,971 4 View
Hi, I am a student working on my master thesis in biochemistry. In the research I do, we plan to increase the yield from producing the enzyme hSMUG1 (wt). One of the analysis I plan to do is to...
01 September 2020 3,989 3 View
Some types of plant herbs were extracted with alcohol in order to obtain their pigments and add specific chemicals materials to obtain their nano scale features ... The question is, are they...
31 August 2020 4,962 4 View
My understanding is that both nano and micro machining fall under ultra precision machining.
26 August 2020 2,771 5 View
I need to measure the surface area of the polymer film (PTFE, PET, 50 um thickness) with micro/nano roughness on the surface (not porous). Is it possible through BET analysis? What is the best way...
21 August 2020 9,055 6 View
I am looking for a good dispersion liquid for fe3O4 nano particles. Especially acetone is a good dispersion or solvent?
17 August 2020 8,198 7 View
How are nanoparticles removed from the body (that are present in the body after injection) ?
11 August 2020 4,203 17 View
best research topics and methodologies on pollulatnts which influence genetic diseases and the treatment through nano technology?
10 August 2020 5,488 1 View
What is the smallest & light-weight hardware that we can implement a CNN model? It is possible with Rapberry pi and Jeston nano. Any other specific hardware?
07 August 2020 1,971 0 View
I am currently degrading ethylbenzene with some nanoparticles/photocatalyst and I am using Shimadzu 1800 UV-Vis spec to analyze the degradation. After blank scanning with ethanol and also...
30 July 2020 8,974 0 View