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Questions related to Nano
We working on PCL nano particles 1).Ketoprofen (10mg)+ dmso(5ml) Pcl (10mg)+ DCM(5ml) 2).Water 10 ml+ 10 mg When we mix both 1+2 after solublization (400 rpm) Why precipitation of polymer occurs?
10 December 2020 5,224 11 View
what is carbon quantum dots anti bacterial characteristics in nano food packaging?
08 December 2020 5,251 3 View
How can calculate dielectric and electrical properties of nano ferrite powder form ? from powder form can we calculate electrical properties like dielectric resistivity .
04 December 2020 3,854 4 View
I want to start my research work on nano reinforced polymer composites, for that i am choosing desktop SLA additive manufacturing process for preparing the component. My doubt is that, is it...
29 November 2020 1,170 4 View
Hi, SO I prepared nano co-crystals and I have done a dissolution study on them, the thing is I'm getting 130% of my co crystals at the end of dissolution which doesn't make sense !! I have...
27 November 2020 9,007 4 View
I am facing the problem, the fuse keep blowing during the hot pressing of Nano powder. If anyone had experienced this kind of problem please share your experience.
25 November 2020 9,602 4 View
Hi i was trying to deposit the polystyrene nano fibers on aluminum substrate... Can anyone help me how to enhance the nano fiber's adhesion to the substrate? Like annealing pr vacuum drying ? Any...
17 November 2020 1,972 7 View
I was wondering if it could be possible to modulate a CW laser to pico/nano seconds pulsed laser somehow. I need to generate that condition to pump DFB polymeric lasers. Probably using...
17 November 2020 7,856 3 View
Will there be any gold oxides formed due to the reaction between gold nanoparticles and sodium borohydride?. If so, will it affect the reuse of gold nanoparticles supported catalyst. What is the...
17 November 2020 5,696 3 View
How can we study ionic conductivity of nano particles through grain boundaries using electrochemical study? We have CV and FRA data.... Can these data, supported by TEM, throw light on the...
11 November 2020 5,271 4 View
An ice film sublimates under a severe vacuum pressure and a low does of electron beam. when the sample is in-situ annealed the sublimation rate significantly induced. In an isobaric process,...
07 November 2020 7,732 2 View
Hello researchers I am conducting research on heavy metal contaminated groundwater remediation using nZVI, a batch lab experiment using the stock solution will be done but I want to design a...
07 November 2020 10,084 4 View
Which parameters should I employ for nano creep testing of Titanium and Inconel alloys? Should I load it with a constant load rate or strain rate? What should be the maximum load? What should be...
30 October 2020 5,923 4 View
I'm trying to obtain graphene oxide sheets with a size of less than 50 nm. My starting material is graphite flakes 325 mesh particle size. For oxidation, I used both the modified Hummers method...
30 October 2020 2,117 27 View
I am working on a droplet based digital biosensing project. Assume I have some droplets (size 30-40um in diameter), each droplet contians aroun 10-20 Nano beads (100-300nm in diamter). The surface...
29 October 2020 5,923 7 View
How do I analyze a system/materials' magnetic properties from the density of state (DOS) results? If I have the density of state results for two materials, how can I compare the two materials'...
27 October 2020 861 6 View
For measure Uv vis of nano ferrites like zn and mg which solvent is used
26 October 2020 3,109 4 View
Currently, I am working on nano lipid carriers the issue that I am facing while formulating nano lipid carriers is that the solid lipid iam using in the formulating NLCs, is getting solidify after...
25 October 2020 2,153 19 View
I am looking for a non-toxic and ineffective hydrogel that can be converted into fibers by electrospinning. I also need to know its solvent. Since I am going to use these fibers for medical...
15 October 2020 10,080 8 View
Our research team is involved in the study of drug loaded PLGA nanoparticles and nano lipid carriers (NLCs). We are planing to use Wyatt Heleos II MALS for particle size and PDI. Any insights/...
10 October 2020 5,069 4 View
I need to get a detailed 3D profile of an AFM tip that is accurate both near the apex and up to 300nm back from the apex. TEM imaging or blind tip reconstruction from imaging on a sharp e.g....
08 October 2020 8,068 3 View
I need to understand the basics of NextNano. Can anyone provide me with helping materials. Paper, thesis or book. Any set of basic simulation would also be helpfull.
05 October 2020 1,937 3 View
Greetings all, I'm interested in studying the zeta size of a couple of nanoparticles solutions I have tested on simple acute toxicity assays. Those NPs were suspended in three or four different...
01 October 2020 9,481 7 View
Dynamic light scattering method is used to determine the distribution of particles in solutions and suspensions. This method uses the Stoke-Einstein equation.However, this formula uses a...
25 September 2020 333 13 View