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Questions related to Mind
while conduction panel data analysis, the outcome of unit root tests says that some of the variables are already stationary at level while other are non-stationary at level, but after first...
06 December 2020 7,900 6 View
Our group need to start giving topics on which one should we focus on regarding non renewable resources. I've looking these past 2months but nothing comes to mind.
28 November 2020 4,573 3 View
For the past few years I have been in doubt and a question about the nature of research always occupies a part of my mind. As researchers, we have been asking and researching for years. We may...
18 November 2020 4,676 11 View
Greetings from Vancouver, Canada! My doctoral research is going to begin soon. Because the instance of higher education students in Canada, and elsewhere, has been on the rise for more than a...
12 November 2020 2,751 3 View
Dear collegues. Having in mind that the Likert-type scale only uses a five-point (or seven-point others) to answer on a single question. A full-blown Likert scale on the other hand uses a series...
29 October 2020 10,087 3 View
I hesitate a lot before raising the question just mentioned. As RG is mainly a scientific forum, it is natural that the concept of theory appears in many posts from many posters. But what are...
26 October 2020 7,795 34 View
Reading Nord's Translating as a Purposeful Activity (1997/2018), and earlier works of Reiss and Vermeer in the 1970s and 198s, it came to my mind that issues such as the importance of cultural and...
21 October 2020 6,030 6 View
Is there any evidence to address the correlation between theory of mind and imagination? The idea comes from daily experiences demonstrating a possible relation between the power of imagination...
11 October 2020 7,533 9 View
I konw it have some bad,because there are few consideration in my mind,but I think I need to get more advance technical and machine to service my find in my eyes. Simply, I need more and more...
05 October 2020 1,352 0 View
To have global information regarding the contribution of professional especially academicians in minimising the impact of COVID-19 on the minds of young students. Also to know the various...
23 September 2020 696 7 View
This appears to be a pure sabotage. Someone has thrown out my abstract - so far I discovered two - about scarce rationality, and about institutions in evolutionary economics - and replaced...
18 September 2020 2,153 3 View
I am trying to write my first review paper. I don't have much knowledge about writing it. If you could provide me with some valuable points, I would be very thankful.
16 September 2020 10,217 10 View
Hello, I am looking for a mindful parenting scale to use with a cohort of parents (predominately mothers) who have personality disorder related difficulties, with a preference for measures with...
07 September 2020 6,765 5 View
Hi, I am currently doing a quantitative study (between-subjects design) to measure the degree to which alexithymia, emotional expressivity, mindfulness and coping strategies predict emotional...
01 September 2020 3,323 1 View
every person knows that teaching is the most important weapon we can use change the world. but there is an important question which education ? or teaching? when I think this question my mind...
05 August 2020 7,147 3 View
What are the best tactics, suggestions and recommendations that one should adopt while converting a Ph.D. thesis into a Book and who can be the genuine or reputed publishers for it?
03 August 2020 5,428 14 View
Will people be able to socialize as before or will fear work in their minds? What do you think about this?
28 July 2020 9,520 26 View
Scholastics have called "entia rationis" those objects, which do not and cannot exist in reality but only within the mind, such as chimaeras, privations (like blindness), negations...
20 July 2020 4,849 22 View
In our ancient scriptures of the science of life, i.e., Ayurveda, Manasa a synonym of Sattva has been recognized as one of the four components of Ayu (life). Manasa, a Sanskrit word is derived...
14 July 2020 4,368 17 View
Explain the development of conceptual framework or conceptual model that is formulated while doing research. Any specific website that explains well and can be recommended.
16 June 2020 5,338 0 View
Please answer keeping in mind the future job market i.e. after the lockdown is over. Add your age, education level, and employment status as well please.
04 June 2020 9,716 2 View
What analytic software would you recommend to examine a data set I created that lists the faculty members making up 1400+ thesis committees over a ten year period? I'm interested in seeing how...
13 May 2020 5,826 3 View
If we read ongoing research, news, news articles, etc different people are writing different opinions on COVID-19 as follows: 1. It has a relation with temperature ( As it grows very fast below...
04 May 2020 7,698 5 View
Hello! The "Edit disciplines" field of the EDIT link at the right side of the "About me" section is the only link that is not functioning. Would you mind please providing to me a way to change my...
19 April 2020 4,158 1 View