Please answer keeping in mind the future job market i.e. after the lockdown is over. Add your age, education level, and employment status as well please.
Living with the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year has changed the way we think of jobs. Freedom and personal control seem to be far more important, capturing attention that may have previously gone to money, rewards, or titles. I have found that since COVID-19 became a regular part of our lives, recruiters: care less about employment gaps, care more about cover letters and care more about interview thank-you notes.
job seekers may be taking themselves out of the running even before or right after the virtual interview because they’re ignoring the key factors to which recruiters are suddenly paying attention.
P. Soto-Acosta, (2020). "COVID-19 Pandemic: Shifting Digital Transformation to a High-Speed Gear", Information Systems Management, Vol. 37, Iss. 4, pp. 260-266, doi: 10.1080/10580530.2020.1814461
The problem for what happens next is that:
1) no one knows what this "new normal is"
2) Lot of talks, people would like to return something which is "pre COVID-19" time, BUT our societies are not the same anymore => we cannot return to past
3) We do not know how fast people would to transform their habits 100% from current covid-19 norms to something what is so called "new norm"
4) organizations have adjusted their services, resources and supply chains to work on covid-19 "realism", a really good question is how fast can they again adjust to something we can call post COVID-19 time??