A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. | Contact experts in Laboratory to get answers
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Questions related to Laboratory
The ultraviolet behavior of quantum Yang – Mills theory possess no instability as the separation between physical gluons becomes exceedingly smaller & smaller with increase in energy. Ultimately,...
01 December 2020 5,284 5 View
In my project "Load-carrying buckling capacity .." there is a reference to the Lab of Carlos Guedes Soares. Also under my preprint and the related published paper "influential imperfections ..."...
30 November 2020 4,479 1 View
Hi everybody, We are setting up a new laboratory. We want to examine the immunological response to the presence of different bacterial species. Therefore, we have to store human cell lines and...
27 November 2020 8,148 2 View
I want to know in the cold weather for improving performance and immunity which nutrient is added to the diet.
23 November 2020 2,430 4 View
I have run a study on auditory perception with a sample of children with ASD. Given the high rates of comorbid diagnoses in individuals with ASD, I have some participants with multiple diagnoses...
17 November 2020 1,168 3 View
I need the rates for calculating the mentioned enzymes after the laboratory work. I have trouble calculating and extracting the activity of the mentioned enzymes in soil and plants because of the...
04 November 2020 8,831 1 View
Hi all, We are planning to measure microclimates in urban verus rural forest fragments, with a focus on the microclimate inside tree holes. I am currently considering the iButton DS1923-F5...
27 October 2020 6,537 3 View
I noticed laboratories store bacterial cells at -80°C. I wonder if there any studies or anecdotal evidences showing that -80°C storage for bacterial cells works better, in terms of whichever...
22 October 2020 3,175 1 View
Several vacuum pumps are developed for creating vacuum in laboratory and also measuring gauge are developed based on physical phenomenon.How far we reached near perfect vacuum in laboratory.
20 October 2020 3,083 3 View
I need software of Original Lab, May help me ?
15 October 2020 300 3 View
Dear researchers greetings, I'm working on eggs quality for my Ph.D thesis and I want to know what is the protocol for eggs sampling from a production unit. The main questions I have are the...
14 October 2020 9,904 7 View
Hello everyone, I was wondering whether I should autoclave or filter d-mannose solution. In our laboratory, we autoclave glucose separately when we make YPD media for yeast culture. So, I am...
09 October 2020 7,355 1 View
I want to suspense and mix my micro/nano-particles inside a solution. What are the differences between an ultrasonic homogenizer and a vortex mixture?
06 October 2020 5,801 3 View
We need normality values to do qEEG in our laboratory . We need values of absolute power, relative power, average frequency and coherence, by age. We were working with a Neuronic device that...
01 October 2020 5,072 1 View
hello, I would like to know please, if there are cases in which we can observe an increase of catalase activity in mice treated with a therapeutic dose of immunostimulants? I did twice the...
29 September 2020 4,399 3 View
I came out to realize that a person who is enlisted as an author of some publications that I am the REAL AUTHOR, is marked instead of me. How do I change that? Example: Standardized sampling...
22 September 2020 599 7 View
Many researchers use the kits for measuring biochemical parameters and human hormones in measuring the same parameters and hormones in laboratory animals of various species. I would like to know...
21 September 2020 1,023 4 View
I am interested in any resources that would help with a genetics laboratory course online. I know it is going to be difficult... but this is how things are for the moment, and we need to adapt....
21 September 2020 2,893 3 View
The rate at which health information managers are being shabbily treated among health care system in the developing world health care system, has created a lot of low esteem personality among...
16 September 2020 6,007 4 View
We are going to use Scicos as software for simulation of communications equipment for laboratory experiments. Most of the experiments are related to Analog Communications Systems like AM, FM,...
15 September 2020 8,414 3 View
The soil analysis requires the sample to be transported to a laboratory. This means work and costs. In the laboratory the process steps take place: Soil preparation, analysis and documentation of...
11 September 2020 5,562 3 View
I work in the northeastern USA and I am trying to find options for temperature/level loggers with automated real-time data collection and cloud-based data storage for easy data access. We have a...
10 September 2020 872 13 View
I used SPE columns to cleanup 1L sample volume and after eluting and drying , I reconstituted to 2ml using methanol before quantifying with HPLC-DAD? please how do I perform the recovery studies...
29 August 2020 8,382 3 View
How can I manage acetic acid conversion to ethanol by LiAlH4 safely? I want to do this reaction in laboratory. I have read some text about the reaction condition but I need some more detail to do...
23 August 2020 6,360 1 View