A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. | Contact experts in Laboratory to get answers
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Questions related to Laboratory
Detailed information on recombinant DNA technology
26 May 2020 3,213 0 View
With Growing energy demand, Conservation of energy is one of the prominent area which lags lot of research work. As conservation of energy is being accomplished by making the artificial lighting...
26 May 2020 8,548 0 View
South Korea, China, and the United States started racing for 5G network deployment. NYU Wireless Working on 6G, then what about India ? Is there any Lab in India ?
24 May 2020 7,942 7 View
What method is used to assess the ratio of combined substances? Simple chemicals are often used for laboratory and other research practices. On the other hand, very few laboratories use mixtures...
23 April 2020 8,955 3 View
What is the relation between the product reliability that is calculated in lab using ALT (Accelerated Lab Tests) and the reliability in field ? Is it always in most cases the Lab test reliability...
21 April 2020 4,479 5 View
Hello, I'm looking for this document: - Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document M27-A3—Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts - or -...
21 April 2020 9,047 3 View
suppose for illustration i got average value of nitrogen 0.8 % what it should be interpreted likewise phosphorus is say 8 kg/acre ?? and potassium 300 kg/acre what will be interpretation/relation...
09 April 2020 8,746 0 View
Hi all, I have been working with thin-film semiconductor devices and was subjected to severe hysteresis (occasionally) in the I-V electrical profiles that span across both positive and negative...
07 April 2020 752 5 View
Dear I'm in process to do a big data microsatellites analysis about all cattle breeds around a world. I'm very gratitude for all researchers accept help me in this project; sure any researcher...
30 March 2020 6,699 3 View
The transfer of data to the laboratory remains the key to the success of hybrid implant supported prosthesis.The impression represents the preliminary step of this procedure. Different material...
28 March 2020 3,487 2 View
We are renting a small laboratory (135 sqft) where we mainly do chemistry. We will receive from overseas samples of 1 kg of Purple non-sulfur bacteria which has been fixed and disinfected with...
20 March 2020 6,951 4 View
I wonder if there are examples of NMR experiments where the resulting NMR spectra show periodic signals, being these periodic signals produced by the NMR experiment itself, external phenomena, or...
14 March 2020 5,546 7 View
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering - In the next month many professors are being challenged to move all classes online, including classes with Laboratory components. How do you teach...
13 March 2020 471 2 View
Can we use Artificial intelligence 1. handling or process of samples 2. Microbiology lab for detection of bacteria load 3. technical errors 4. Microscopic examination if yes than how?
11 March 2020 5,697 5 View
Give the two important feature that was discussed during laboratory.
11 March 2020 5,113 2 View
Dear All, I am interested in exploring open source firewall software for computer network laboratory. Can you please share a good open source firewall software with its download URL? Thanking you,
06 March 2020 9,751 1 View
I would like to know if they have done or have published work done or not about red flags or diagnostic factors of epidemiological elements, symptoms or laboratory in individuals with febrile...
03 March 2020 9,885 5 View
I need to transport PBMCs I have frozen in liquid nitrogen to another Lab where I will carry out flow cytometry analysis of some cells as well as Elispot for T cell secretion of IFN-Y. Due to the...
11 February 2020 9,793 2 View
How is the process of introducing myocardial infarction in laboratory rats and what are the materials required for this and what are the details of that in order to be sure of that?
08 February 2020 6,642 3 View
We are beginners in Engineering Geology and want to set geotechnical laboratory. We are looking for theoretical material an an introduction and focused on eurocodes. Please, let us know how can...
07 February 2020 9,411 3 View
hello, i need some help. i am searching for good reference values for pediatric laboratories for the potassium levels. in the newest version of "Thomas" i found a good table, but they did not...
06 February 2020 3,542 6 View
For my final year dissertation i am conducting a study on whether or not Progressive Muscle relaxation (PMR) can change physical and emotional responses towards aversive sounds. The purpose of...
03 February 2020 3,682 1 View
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته Hello drear researchers. I need a help to find a laboratory in Tunisia for getting a one month stage. I'm working on ZIFs, so i need a laboratory that they have a...
02 February 2020 5,476 1 View
I am working on a project to profile/quantify volatile compounds and their evolution during dough fermentation by various yeasts I am screening. I am looking for an independent or university...
31 January 2020 6,825 3 View