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Questions related to Emotion
I am looking for softwares which can analyse the facial expression of emotion of previously recorded therapy sessions. As far as I know facereader and emotion are the only automated softwares on...
10 March 2020 7,108 3 View
I have both relative and absolute power-band(theta,alpha, beta, gamma) data of 14 channels. I would like to represent it to topography by each band and see changes according to the emotion. I...
09 March 2020 5,824 2 View
Lately, many cases of murder or aggression against people in the trans community are emerging. It is already difficult to accept that great change in your body, mind, adapt, so that people also...
05 March 2020 1,344 6 View
Hi everyone, I am currently constructing a survey study, in which I want to elicit compassion in my participants. Prior to that, I want to pilot a few vignettes to see which one elicits the most...
02 March 2020 7,547 3 View
I do communication studies and during a course my teacher explained that " society has never been so connected, and that there has never been so much communication between people as there is...
01 March 2020 7,802 15 View
I did not feel comfort and I went to a clinic to have my BP measured. The physician told me my BP is 170/85. I went the next day and it was 140/70. I was curious about the non-proportional...
05 February 2020 6,810 3 View
Why currently generosity is perceived as a form threat to the self-control of emotions. unconditional Love has become a way of defining our aggressiveness towards the kind because it is...
16 January 2020 1,361 2 View
It seems to me that this relationship is foregrounded in for example Japanese arts, but that the two are often uncoupled , for example in arts in the UK? I'm not restricting my field to the arts,...
14 January 2020 979 3 View
can we use score level fusion of Genuine and Imposter scores of a multi-Biomteric techniques to multimodal emotion recognition ?
11 January 2020 6,349 3 View
Say, for instance, you want to collect financial statements data on firms that do not publish their financial statements. These firms may be too small or may not be required by law to make their...
11 January 2020 6,012 1 View
I'm designing a user study on robot-human communication and I want to design the robot speech according to human feelings. I did a research to understand how human feels from speech, and I want...
06 January 2020 7,300 3 View
For my experiment, I tested 3 (virtual reality) scenarios on 82 participants. Each scenario involved 2 vehicles: Scenario 1 involved 2 automated vehicles; Scenario 2 involved 1 automated and 1...
03 January 2020 808 3 View
Now days the feeling bored and alone is very cruel and damage your life ,. Iloneliness is boring. Your keen observation reveal that when some people when among lot of friends also, will be...
30 December 2019 495 3 View
As 2020 comes to a close are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of Pharmacy Practice in the USA? If you are from another country please answer but Identify your home country
21 December 2019 7,696 2 View
Hi! All. I want to study whether poor communication will cause the effects caused by poor communication. But I am not sure which analysis/test should I use. I use degree of agreement to collect...
19 December 2019 9,630 2 View
The question of whether a professor could be taught classroom management arose fact that a few students in their end of term evaluation forms had commented they felt their teachers did not have...
14 December 2019 8,266 14 View
For my master's dissertation I will be using semi-structured interviews to ask five people (with an established mindfulness of dream and sleep/lucid dreaming practice) to talk about their...
07 December 2019 3,695 6 View
I have set up the cell line from liquid nitrogen 10 days ago but I feel they are growing too slow. Not sure though so would like to know other people's experience. When I checked cells today, they...
29 November 2019 2,176 0 View
- Individuals with BPD tend to experience and/or express an emotion without fully experiencing the entire emotional experience (expressing sadness without feeling it, or feeling sadness without...
24 November 2019 7,109 2 View
Hello, i was wondering what was the difference between emotional contagion and interindividual emotional regulation in a group. It seems that emotional regulation "comes first" and is the...
20 November 2019 885 3 View
I would like to carry out a research based on Motivational interview skill application by trained staffs and if the method used was effective or no, in changing the lifestyle behaviour of the...
13 November 2019 1,474 1 View
Hi, I would like to perform emotion analysis of texts based on keywords using a dimensional emotion model (e.g., the circumplex model of affect). Do you know of any available database that lists...
08 November 2019 5,512 3 View
Most of the databases of dynamic stimuli for facial expressions only include faces expressing basic emotions. Is anyone aware of a database that also includes dynamic face expression stimuli on...
06 November 2019 8,488 2 View
In other words, does imposter syndrome affect peoples ability to perform at certain levels or in spite of it people can perform well at any level? Are there other factors to be considered?
03 November 2019 7,586 6 View