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Questions related to Emotion
Do you know where to find relevant documentation on Davis Vantage Vue performance? In particular in extremely cold conditions.
19 January 2021 9,667 2 View
I am struggling to understand what method of statistical analysis would work best for my data. I have a small sample of repeated measures data (15 participants in total) and I've asked them to...
10 January 2021 8,383 4 View
Hello everyone, Sometimes we feel confused when we want to focus on measuring or assessing someone's experience, because someone's experience has a very broad scope, both morally and spiritually....
06 January 2021 889 3 View
Why people feel fear and not share their particulars during social or questionnaire survey, especially in Pakistan?
02 January 2021 5,084 12 View
Will be used for a sentiment/emotion analysis
02 January 2021 9,526 3 View
What are the technical differences between the Model 3 with LFP vs. LCA cells. What does the customer feel as the difference?
02 January 2021 1,477 1 View
In my study about gender inequalities, I want to add a measure of men's derogation. In a nutshell, I want to assess attitudes towards men and see whether this can be predicted by other factors...
30 December 2020 9,261 3 View
Well, welcoming the new year may feel a bit different this year, given the challenges of 2020 and the inability to celebrate together. Your views?
29 December 2020 9,499 15 View
How the pandemic in the year 2020 changes your new year perception?
29 December 2020 9,641 8 View
Sir, The essence of your presentation is quite engaging as it touches upon partially due to surplus engagement hence felt a shortage of time. why can't we devise certain dos and don't to mitigate...
25 December 2020 8,179 3 View
I would like to write my master thesis on how well machine learning evaluation metrics align with statistical estimation properties. For example, is it possible to use the F1 score to draw...
22 December 2020 3,740 3 View
Entre mi alumnado me encuentro con un alumno con problemas cognitivos donde no es capaz de expresar emociones ni gestionarla y me gustaria encontrar articulos y recursos para poder tratar con el...
11 December 2020 8,624 6 View
For my study I conducted, the model displayed below is used. It contains parallel and serial mediation. How do I get the results using Hayes process? I feel like I can only conduct parallel or...
29 November 2020 4,333 1 View
Are there ways to quantify / measure / monitor the degree of loneliness of team members in a Covid-19 lockdown teleworking situation? Team dynamics over a longer period of teleworking and...
17 November 2020 4,529 9 View
There are massive conflict and resistance among students to shift from low-speed teeth to high-speed teeth.
17 November 2020 9,110 100 View
Dear Professors, I am a PhD student (PRISME Laboratory, University of Orléans, France) who is currently working on the setup of the Conservation Element and Solution Element method in a three...
16 November 2020 1,507 3 View
I am testing the hypothesis using Mann-Whitney Test: Ho: Median rating (for likert type item) for males and females is equal Ha: Median rating is not equal VS Median rating for males is greater...
31 October 2020 2,881 5 View
Hello I want to build a questioner about emotional and cognitive Strategies . my question is: how should I Formulate sentences or items? they should began mostly with " I thing " or "I feel" to...
15 October 2020 3,894 7 View
Hi, I am trying to create a computation model of acoustic plane wave propagation through multiple layers of fluid. What should be the appropriate boundary conditions in my fluid-fluid interface?...
15 October 2020 6,421 1 View
I am asking this question because my theory can do it and I know that L-CDM cannot. L-CDM cannot even parameterless predict the SN1a distances or parameterless predict the mass distribution of...
14 October 2020 7,296 9 View
So basically I have three variables. The first variable is an emotion which is induced in them through a video. This has two phases, in the first phase, they were sent a form with one emotion and...
03 October 2020 8,930 3 View
For those who frequently work in markov models, I am interested in knowing the minimum number of time points/observations to get stable estimates of parameters. I have some follow ups, too:...
25 September 2020 9,961 3 View
In my current lab we have one cell culture room with 2 thermo biosafety cabinets facing each other. Some people in the lab just don't feel safe to use one hood if the other one has the UV light...
24 September 2020 5,663 2 View
Hi all, Stats noob here. I'm looking at reporting on averages of scores, and would also like to include SD. However, the scale used has an upper limit of 10, and because scores are quite high,...
23 September 2020 8,173 3 View