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Questions related to Emotion
I am performing a test where the pH of the sample needs to be between pH 6 - 8. I combine 10g of dry sample such as ground maize with 50 ml of 65 % Ethanol. The sample is then mixed and the...
22 October 2019 9,836 2 View
I am interested in determining if there is a correlation between stimuli that affects an individual's feelings and (incline/decline) effect towards one's cell development--neurons.
21 October 2019 9,937 1 View
I am currently analyzing physicochemical parameters of water in my city can anybody tell me which is the best method to calculate WQI for drinking water.
20 September 2019 487 7 View
Malaysia is a Southeastern Asian country that is multiracial, with many different ethnic groups living in the country. As the Bahasa Melayu is the national language of Malaysia, a translated...
10 September 2019 5,335 0 View
I am interested in the way governments select urban elements of cities. In Mexico they are usually selected following aesthetic criteria and not functionality
06 September 2019 4,335 4 View
What kind of dimensions can use to study comprehensive urban form? Most of the scholars have mentioned about the Density, accessibility and Land uses mix dimensions. But these dimensions can not...
22 August 2019 390 15 View
I feel communication helps in coping such issues to some level.
17 August 2019 7,605 31 View
There are four different units for the chargeability, two in the time domain they are mV/V & msec. and two in the frequency domain they are PFE& mrad. What is the relation of them? thank...
15 August 2019 3,346 0 View
Before lesson planning there needs to be a conscious planning and the unconscious needs to conduct inspiring and disruptive to the state of student's knowledge results. This process is...
10 August 2019 7,320 1 View
I am working on resting state fMRI.
09 August 2019 7,318 0 View
In your opinion, how old is the researcher feeling that he is unable to absorb and retain information highly in light of the pressures of life and the huge technological development that makes us...
06 August 2019 3,610 68 View
I need the time history of Mexico city 1985 earthquake occurred on 19 September. I've been searching different databases including PEER, but I couldn't find it. So, any help would be appreciated.
31 July 2019 7,790 8 View
I encounter difficulty in getting the sense of transgender. If it is feeling how does it develop? If it is desire what motivates it? It is important that I should have knowledge on this phenomena...
24 July 2019 5,329 4 View
Hi, I am currently working on a project where I am looking to measure variables such as sense of presence, immersion, and realism using a self-report questionnaire. Participants are to be divided...
12 July 2019 1,137 1 View
I wonder is there any way to map emotions on the two-dimensional circumplex space mode based on valence and arousal generated from either heart rate or GSR? (or any other biometrics) I presume...
10 July 2019 4,507 8 View
My study is on electric vehicles and I want to test whether factors such as cost and range anxiety have significant effects and their degree of influence when analysing the intent to adopt. I am...
04 July 2019 9,761 10 View
During the synthesis of 1,3,6,8-tetrabromopyrene, nitrobenzene was used as solvent, so I feel that it was used as a solvent may be because the reaction requires high temperature to form the...
04 July 2019 2,738 3 View
I'm looking to study people who have anger (exhibit it in their behaviors or compensate--being extra friendly and nice) but are either unaware or deny it because of beliefs that anger is something...
19 June 2019 9,503 1 View
Please give their appropriate cases.
09 June 2019 3,246 6 View
There are 3 scales that my company is currently using to benchmark products against one another. Two of the scales measure the emotions of customers after using the product and the third measures...
29 May 2019 4,040 2 View
I am using the ninhydrin method as a way to quantify the amount of proline in a particular sample. I've started off testing out my method using pure L-proline as a test. However, the reaction...
22 May 2019 6,607 8 View
I started using a ‘borrowed’ 6530 Agilent QTOF but I‘m afraid I still lack practical knowledge with it. I’m more used to the Thermo’s Q-Exactive and I feel like Thermo‘s acquisition software has...
21 May 2019 1,666 5 View
My usual approach in qualitative interviewing is use of open-ended questions, very few open-ended questions. I now come upon a situation where I again want answers to a few open-ended questions,...
21 May 2019 1,745 7 View
Hello, I have no experiences with data from sanger sequencing. I amplified 16s rDNA from pure cultures and sent samples for sanger sequencing for identification. Now, I got the data back but...
04 May 2019 5,587 0 View