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Questions related to Emotion
I contracted the infection in mid May.My symptoms included runny nose,skin,widspread skin tinglings,slight headach,profuse sweating,and extreme tiredness that I was not able to walk for few meters...
13 September 2020 2,650 4 View
Perennial crops survive for 40-50 years in tandem , without experiencing any decline in productivity . But , many a times , this is not the case , for eaxmple , apple , pear, peach , tea and...
11 September 2020 5,295 3 View
Hello Everybody! I am currently writing my master thesis in which I am trying to understand the stiffness values of tapered roller bearing. For this, I am have made the model simpler by using only...
02 September 2020 9,065 2 View
In other words, is there a chemical impact caused by THC which could be activating neural correlates in the insular cortex (ic) of the brain? The increase in the sensory activating...
05 August 2020 1,220 4 View
Hello, I am simulating MSW feed as a non-conventional using Aspen plus. In the RYIELD block I have entered the basis yield (mass basis). I am facing an error saying that ''THE following elements...
17 July 2020 9,471 4 View
The objective in formulating the questioning is the search to identify what is the feeling that the researchers have about the interactions between the strengthening of democracy through the...
13 June 2020 4,310 2 View
We need to move from virtual reality to real world again. The research aim at making individual working on a robot at a distance to feel what the robot feel order than by vision and tactile...
09 June 2020 2,750 6 View
Biomass fuels have a wide range of different physical and chemical properties. Sustainability of biomass fuels and combustion facilities are depends on the characteristics of these biomass fuels.
09 June 2020 3,160 8 View
Hi, can any one guide how could we calculate national figure for a health statistic where subnational figures are available but no national figure is reported?
09 June 2020 6,098 2 View
Hello there. I am new to research and my research area is about "Energy Management System in Microgrid". I had already studied some research papers to have a better understanding on that...
02 June 2020 1,291 6 View
Present global pandemic will, definitely, have an impact on affective domain (social, emotional & feelings) of the people, which may change the state social fabric. Your views please.
26 May 2020 5,065 1 View
Many of us do work that they do not like and do not feel a desire to do because they love specialization and work of another kind that meets our ambition
24 May 2020 2,888 27 View
good morning, I am a marketing student who is approaching research. I would like to conduct a content analysis to measure the engagement on the social pages of some brands that use...
12 May 2020 7,611 0 View
Hi, I was wondering whether one can compare attributions of uniquely human traits to one own national ingroup and to an outgroup defined by religion. I've read many papers on infrahumanization...
12 May 2020 7,053 0 View
There are issue with Journalism and media in the hype on COVID-19 , especially effect on metal health,there are report on effect of lock down on People health and increase in sucide report ,please...
04 May 2020 4,490 0 View
Dear Colleague, I would like to find some original literatures studying on aethetic feeling. Many literatures have focused on how to possess this capability, like experiential learning. But it...
03 May 2020 7,189 3 View
The problem arises because I am wanting to do bibliometrics analysis of more than 500 records. Web of Science search results are exported as 500-record batches (savedrecs.txt) only.
02 May 2020 9,878 0 View
Hello! I have a set of survey questions I am analysing. Response answers are 5 point [strongly disagree, agree, unsure, disagree, strongly disagree]. I did recode into 3 [disagree, unsure, agree]...
22 April 2020 7,227 0 View
Hi, I am looking for a suitable method to take into account the non specific SCRs when computing the average SCL. Since non specific SCRs artificially distort the SCL, I want to "remove" them...
31 March 2020 1,835 2 View
Previously, all of us are worried about Ozone layer depletion. World has taken measures to reduce pollution all over and the results are coming fruitful as per recent news of Earth's Ozone layer...
27 March 2020 10,141 14 View
As a polyglot invalid 65%, I feel more armed to face myself in confinement. I know how I can help friends and neighbors. It's time to bury all war axes. The real time for a better world.
15 March 2020 1,858 6 View
Hello, I am conducting a dissertation using a sequential explanatory design. The order of the design is quantitative, quantitative, qualitative with more or less equal emphasis on each phase,...
15 March 2020 8,347 3 View
Futuros profesores de cualquier área, entrenadores de la mente y el cuerpo, formadores... ¿que prioridad le darían a la inteligencia emocional en la formación del educador?
11 March 2020 3,141 9 View
In my recent study I found that all program codes, models and estimates of deposition of “air pollution” in the lungs used by WHO (the World Health Organization) and all national centers for...
11 March 2020 1,629 7 View