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Questions related to Antennas
Hello, I have two antennas (modem-microwave communication- Mikrotik) and I need to set them in the line of sight of each other for good quality(Best SNR) when they are located in different places...
19 November 2021 1,428 3 View
Dear all: I am working on a project, in which I have a bowl-shaped dipole antenna with four ports. In simulation, the antenna is excited using four lumped pors: ports 1 and 3 for one polarization,...
19 November 2021 1,343 3 View
Hi everyone, is it possible to design some efficient (good impedance matching, accuracy and gain) , but miniature antennas in VHF bands. Till now, I have seen that people are mostly relying on...
14 November 2021 9,569 7 View
Hi, I am currently working with a spectrum analyser with the frequency range of 300 KHz and 13GHz. I need to connect and antenna that works in those ranges. What are the equation that I need for...
12 November 2021 6,535 3 View
What is the benefit or application of using a massive MIMO system assuming 128 antennas in the transmitter and 128 antennas in the receiver if the transmission is in one direction (downlink or...
08 November 2021 5,085 4 View
Hi everyone. I have an antenna and human head model that I wanted to simulate in HFSS. The model includes all those detailed tissues inside the head. And those tissues listed in the materials...
04 November 2021 7,235 1 View
Why does VSWR of an antenna decreases as frequency increases, what is the physics behind that?
04 November 2021 7,559 6 View
I want to know how the detailed step-wise procedure to measure the ECC data from the far-field pattern. If the process needs to be conducted inside an anechoic chamber, collecting such a large...
01 November 2021 3,438 3 View
how would i know the dimension of ground, substrate, and patch while designing SIW based horn antenna. Is there any formula to calculate the dimension based on frequency?
30 October 2021 6,720 4 View
I designed a antenna working at MHz range. I got -10 db impedance bandwidth for certain range of frequencies. In that range of frequencies I got a spike in impedance bandwidth for -2db. I tried...
26 October 2021 8,712 4 View
I have designed a small antenna. Now., I want to know how to determine the minimum gain for it according to Chu–Harrington limit Because this limit relates the size of the antenna to the Q-factor....
26 October 2021 7,779 5 View
Hello everyone , I want to know what are the applications of bowtie antenna ? Do you have an example of Bowtie antenna application at 28 GHZ. ? Thank you
22 October 2021 917 8 View
My team is working to build a reciver antenna, sensitive to the Jovian radio emissions. The dimensions must not exceed 7m. Frequency to be recived = 22.5 Mhz (Wavelength is aprrox 15m) Bandwidth...
21 October 2021 2,873 3 View
Respected, Researcher, Kindly suggest the important 2D materials which show the highest EMI property. I am looking forward to the design and fabrication of a radio frequency (RF) Antenna. As I...
01 October 2021 6,993 3 View
Hello Everyone, I am an antenna designing; so many times it is very much required to know the gain and beam width of some standard antennas like dipole, yagi antenna, some specific gain patch...
29 September 2021 390 3 View
Am working on the means of improving the read range of RFID considering the nature of the antenna. pIs I will need list of refernce books to consult. Tnks?
24 September 2021 7,144 3 View
" It is rare to use an LCR meter to characterize the electromagnetic shielding performance of materials. Please give details of the test process and explain the basis for choosing this test...
21 September 2021 5,683 5 View
I am trying to get percentage radiation efficiency of leaky wave antenna. Could anyone tell me the steps for the same?
18 September 2021 6,011 5 View
Hi, I am working on research related to DF antennas. I have come across a number of techniques such as Manual DF, Watson Watt, Pseudo Doppler, Correlative Interferometry. My question covers 3...
10 September 2021 3,774 6 View
Hello, I've attached my Bow-tie antenna-whose parameters is calculated by this site online calculator- project...
06 September 2021 1,263 6 View
I had instilled cst 2014 and i want to work on biomedical antenna so i need to measure Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) .
03 September 2021 5,787 5 View
Group delay is used to measure the response in the ultra-wideband region. Can it be a good parameter to analyse the performance of a narrowband antenna? If yes, how? Please share your views on the...
02 September 2021 7,876 7 View
CST ( Computer simulation technology) HFSS
02 September 2021 4,972 3 View
In CST antenna simulation Antenna shape resolution is different in design window and Mesh view. Which one is more real? Like I was trying make ring antenna and in design window it was showing...
01 September 2021 9,223 5 View