The radiation and total efficiency of the antenna in CST can be seen from the 1D results section plot. As plot mentioned by Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi , you simply take the linear scale value and multiply by 100. So, you will get the efficiency of any kind of antenna.
You can try this. Just copy the dB values and use the following formulae.
x(in dB) = 10*log10(p), where p is in % with scale 0-1. To get p, divide x by 10 and take the antilogarithm of the answer, you will obtain p with scale 0-1, you can then multiply this p values by 100 to obtain the percentage scale 0-100%
i.e p = 10^(x/10) where p is with percentage scale 0-1. p=(10^(x/10))*100 where p is with percentage scale 0-100. Hope it works.