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Questions related to Advanced Statistical Analysis
I have two datasets of abundance count (continuous response variable) and habitat features (continuous explanatory variable). One was collected in the year 2000 and another collected in the year...
04 July 2020 5,323 6 View
Should I mean center a dummy IV and dummy moderating variable on a continuous DV? I am asking because I have a dummy IV, dummy moderator and a continuous DV (mediating) variable in a moderated...
10 June 2020 2,339 2 View
Hello, I have little doubts about the statistical model that I am using to analyze my data. I have two groups of residue studies data Group 1 n=7 and the other group 2 n=47. they are independent...
06 June 2020 6,312 9 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to statistically analyze whether data from 3 thermometers differs significantly. At the moment, because of COVID-19, several control points have come up at the...
05 June 2020 2,028 4 View
05 June 2020 7,557 9 View
Most of recent books in longitudinal data analysis I have come through have mentioned the issue of unbalanced data but actually did not present a solution for it. Take for example: Hoffman, L....
26 May 2020 3,150 9 View
I want know what type of PPE and mask has been used by various region and why that particular Region using these particular PPE. And in future what type of PPE they are expecting to use. For...
26 May 2020 10,123 6 View
I have experimented with two Factor: Factor A: Two iron sources and Factor B: two seasons with three blocks. When I run the SAS, the interaction not significant, but the combination of the...
19 May 2020 2,775 6 View
Hello everybody, Is there, by any chance, a statistical method that might help me determine whether two thermometers' data average differ significantly from one another? Since our laboratory does...
18 May 2020 5,818 2 View
I have a between-subject design. My experiment consisted of pre- and post-test procedures, where one group of participants was exposed to one video and another group to a different video. There is...
12 May 2020 2,429 0 View
I have run a probit regression on a sample of 50 companies using the XLSTAT package on Excel. I am having trouble understanding the output. is it that the sample is too small for this kind of...
06 May 2020 9,253 3 View
We are finishing up a meta-analysis that uses the average magnitude of the effect size (i.e. the absolute value of Hedge's d). Therefore, our range of effect size estimates are all positive. When...
05 May 2020 8,532 3 View
Hi I estimate an unbalanced panel with missing values with GMM I get this error message no non-missing values returned for equation 1 at initial values How to deal with this problem?
02 May 2020 493 3 View
I got a data set and codes as follows to estimate a variance component. In the data set "y" is the response, "fuel" has fixed and "day" has random effects in the linear mixed model. I can...
29 April 2020 8,548 0 View
Dear All, I'm interested by the wind turbine reliability and failure models. Can any one help me about the mechanical failure models such as fatigue, corrosion, rupture...etc .Thank you Best regards
18 April 2020 782 0 View
I am working on epigenetic modifications with aging, especially DNA methylation. I have .bed, .sam and .bedgraph files obtained in bisulfite DNA sequencing. 1) Is there any software other than...
18 April 2020 4,061 3 View
I am doing a quasi-experimental study and hence one of my research instruments is pre-test and post-test. Could anyone please tell me how to measure the reliability of the test paper?
17 April 2020 6,531 0 View
When would you be forced to use a mixed model for a repeated measures ANCOVA instead of the General Linear Model?
11 April 2020 9,026 3 View
Hello everyone, I have been trying to solve this riddle but I am not getting any closer. I am in desperate need of help. I want to examine the relationship between two continuous (scaled)...
09 April 2020 853 1 View
Hi, I would like to compute I² in for my meta-analyses, but I can't find any software to do it. I know that ESCI (the excel file from Geoff Cumming, thanks to him!) can do this math, but the...
07 April 2020 6,302 3 View
I am trying to understand which test correlate better for a certain variable. I scored a set of patients undergoing surgery with RENAL and PADUA scores and now I am trying to figure out which of...
06 April 2020 9,964 0 View
Hi, I did outgrowth assays on spiral ganglion neurons from the inner ear with each supplemented by different concentrations of two neurotrophins. For each explant I did an image analysis and...
30 March 2020 8,893 7 View
Hey everyone, I am trying to conduct a mixture of a latent class/ profile analysis because I have categorical and continuous outcome variables. (1) how can I combine these two? I would also...
27 March 2020 514 2 View
I am doing an analysis of my dissertation and wanted to correlate continuous variable (age) and a categorical variable (education-BS, MS, PhD), but not sure which statistics to use.
12 March 2020 9,833 3 View