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Questions related to Advanced Statistical Analysis
Hi, I am currently working on a research project with the title "How does internet use affect trust? An intergenerational comparison." I'm essentially running an ordered logit model, with the...
14 May 2021 3,078 4 View
Dear Experts, It is stated: for 15 pairs of data, with 5% significance level, R2 values should be higher than 0.2601. how can I know such R2 value for 540 pairs? how can I find this certain...
05 May 2021 1,336 3 View
Hi! I would like to do a latent class analysis with ranking data (in MPLUS). Adolescents ranked 5 areas of life according to their personal importance from 1-5 (e.g. 1 school, 2 peers, ...). My...
26 April 2021 3,417 2 View
So i'm doing a meta analysis, and i have some question about a study that i have. This is the data for one group(lower intensity group): pre intervention mean(SD): 274(70.5) post intervention...
10 April 2021 315 11 View
I'm having trouble interpreting the results of some recent bayesian mixed effects models I ran. I am looking to predict a continuous outcome variable ('accuracy') from a binary, dummy coded,...
08 April 2021 9,119 11 View
Hi, I am currently working on a project titled 'How does internet use affect interpersonal trust, a comparison across 4 European countries'. However, I have been struggling with deciding on which...
06 April 2021 754 6 View
I am doing a study on the relationship between religiosity and visitation to religious healers. Before adding interaction term in the regression, the multilevel model showed religiosity as...
31 March 2021 1,152 20 View
Hi, I am writing a research proposal. I chose to study the relationship between cognitive flexibility (CF) and psychological flexibility(PF). To this day, the definitional overlaps between these...
27 March 2021 8,935 4 View
Hello! In my last question, I asked a question about how to analyze a dataset with an ordinal dependent variable and multiple categorical independent variables. Here's the question if you'd like...
15 March 2021 1,907 7 View
I'm trying to calculate SD from 95% CI to do a meta analysis. i have a mean change of 6MWD test from pre intervention to post intervention of pulmonary rehabilitation groups which is 12.7(-27.1,...
15 March 2021 682 3 View
Hiiiii everyone! I have an enquiry on statistical analysis. I was looking for many forum and it's still cannot solve my problem. I want to compare means of two groups of data but only with two...
04 March 2021 9,767 3 View
What's the best way to measure growth rates in House sparrow chicks from day 2 to day 10? Since, the growth curve from day 2 to 10 won't be like the "Logistic curve" it might not follow logistic...
04 March 2021 2,194 3 View
I am trying to make an SEM model in AMOS for my dissertation but having some trouble with getting a good fit. I am looking for relationships between self-efficacy reported on a Likert scale and...
27 February 2021 8,962 4 View
I'm in the process of doing a meta-analysis and have encountered some problems with the RCT data. One of my outcom is muscle strength. In one study, I have three different measurements of muscle...
26 February 2021 7,948 3 View
I want to run 5 different models to estimate stream flow. In order to optimize the characteristics of these models I use Taguchi method. So I have to run different models according to the Taguchi...
12 February 2021 8,216 6 View
I have a dataset from a questionnaire that consists of a dependent variable called skill level. This is an ordinal variable that has dummy coded values 1-5. I also have multiple (up to 10)...
06 February 2021 3,733 5 View
I have two datasets (measured and modelled). I want to calculate 95% confidence intervals for RMSE. Cany anyone please help me with this? Thank you in advance
05 February 2021 5,981 6 View
Hello guys, could someone enlighten me and advise me in choosing a statistical test to evaluate responses from patients before and after a treatment, the variables being categorical (> 2...
29 December 2020 5,992 12 View
How to weigh the "basic events impact rate" in fault tree analysis? Each basic/intermediate event, may have a different impact on the top event, in addition to and independent from its failure...
26 December 2020 848 0 View
I'm working on metabolomics using H1-NMR and I'm doing data normalisation and statistical analysis in metaboanalyst. I don't find any data binning step in Bruker topspin and metaboanalyst. Is data...
08 December 2020 4,613 7 View
I have data on the effectiveness of the three treatments: T1, T2 and T3 for each patient. Each variable is coded dichotomously - 0 = drug not working; 1 = drug is working. The patient could feel...
01 December 2020 1,343 14 View
Hello, I plan to perform a linear mixed model analysis to look at change in cognitive function over 5 follow up waves. I am interested in looking at how this change is influenced by dietary and...
28 November 2020 5,333 3 View
We have very large data sets of populations across five years. We want to compare the proportion of people in different categories statistically, controlling for the differences in sample size....
23 November 2020 8,404 3 View
I want to do a descriptive analysis using the World Values Survey dataset which has an N=1200. However, even thought I have searched a lot, I haven't found the methodology or a tool to calculate...
18 November 2020 1,736 4 View