Physiology is the science of the function of living systems. This includes how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and bio-molecules carry... | Contact experts in Physiology to get answers
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Questions related to Physiology
I need to preserve termite samples for future quantification of juvenile hormone in their bodies. Or extract the Juvenile Hormone and keep that samples stored for future quantification. I may need...
10 February 2021 2,268 1 View
Hello, I am looking for a good (affordable with scientific evidence) device to measure heart rate variability (HRV) by Electrocardiograph (ECG) or Photoplethysmography (PPG), and I will use it to...
28 October 2020 616 5 View
I work with female mice and I have this doubt. If they are all put together on the same cage, are all of them on the same estrous cycle stage? If so, is there any literature that supports...
02 April 2020 6,491 10 View
I am looking for solid reference to infer mean (human) plasma cortisol concentration of a time unit (e.g. 12hrs) from measured urinary cortisol concentrations (mean cortisol concentration of a...
25 March 2020 2,228 3 View
I am trying the determine how effective HRV is at quantifying transient psychophysiological stress in comparison to blood pressure, the experiment comprises of 4 (45 second long) stressors with 3...
02 February 2020 6,728 1 View
01 February 2020 3,207 2 View
In my study I have exposed the volunteers to 4 separate 45 second stressors that are a mixture of modalities (audio/visual) and task types (emotion-evoking/cognitive) with 3 minute baselines in...
31 January 2020 3,175 1 View
01 January 2020 4,340 3 View
I want to know the Hematopoietic stem cells' surface charge? is there any authentic article about that? and How we can measure this charge? what is the method or protocol as we know that...
02 November 2019 4,475 1 View
I grew Podocarpus seedlings at elevated temperatures for 16 weeks after which I ran temperature response curves using a Licor 6400 IRGA. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis remained...
10 October 2019 7,135 2 View
I'm trying to set up KiloSort2 ( in MATLAB 2019a on Windows 10. Per the github instructions, I've successfully installed Visual Studio Community 2013 and am...
18 July 2019 10,009 8 View
Is chlorophyll content measured using SPAD meter is a physiological trait?
07 June 2019 8,875 12 View
06 June 2019 522 12 View
I am hoping to analyze HR collected and was looking for advice on methods for analyzing HR and linking it to specific tasks and/or overt behaviours thanks!
19 February 2019 3,032 3 View
The phenomenon of respiratory sinus arrhythmia is well known. But, I don't know (I am an engineer) the exact receptors, feedback mechanisms, cerebral control centres, etc. involved in this...
03 February 2019 8,020 6 View
02 February 2019 2,585 3 View
Hi colleagues, I am trying to test how pH may effect the behaviour of the skin of an animal. To do this, the first step is to understand what is the normal condition. How could I do it? In...
11 November 2018 7,906 4 View
I know that an infant's brain can repair itself when damaged but why doesn't the same happen in adults after stroke or brain injuries?
18 October 2018 9,525 4 View
If I had to choose from the list of best racers, the first one would have to be Mario Andretti. He is the only American racer to have won the Indy 500, Daytona 500 and a Formula Championship...
14 October 2018 4,303 2 View
We can observe this for example on the abdomen of Hermetia illucens. Do you have any knowledge in this field or articles?
12 September 2018 10,126 4 View
Following a bergstrom needle biopsy or a microbiopsy, the site of sampling has to regenerate the missing tissue. Is this new tissue muscle tissue or scar tissue? Are there any differences between...
25 July 2018 1,746 2 View
07 July 2018 7,993 2 View
I am going to measure the skin body temperature during sleep, so what is the accurate and available monitor for that?
05 May 2018 10,123 4 View
The apple fruits bought from the market after a few days in the refrigerator changed their skin color from red to almost brown, while the fruit was healthy and no signs of a pathogen were seen,...
20 April 2018 8,378 11 View