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Questions related to Advanced Statistical Analysis
Hi, I am analyzing my experiment data, but I have some problems. My experiment has three replications, which are microbial data from three different filed samples. These fields are under the...
12 March 2020 7,762 7 View
I want to perform DNA methylation profiling in leukocytes for an epigenetic analysis. However, I want to preserve the leukocytes for DNA methylation profiling for later. What is the best way to...
02 March 2020 7,677 3 View
I am working on fish geometric morphometrics using truss network. I have fishes of one species from two sites. I have applied Principal component analysis PCA on the data to extract components....
25 February 2020 2,331 6 View
what will be the explanation of the moderation effect, when the direct effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable is significant and positive. while the moderated effect is also...
23 February 2020 1,413 5 View
dear all, How to understand the difference between OLS regression and Quantile Regression more intuitively without referring to mathematical notations and theorems. thanks in advance
16 February 2020 7,093 4 View
I have a problem with my cross-validation R-squared values. Dear All, Please I am writing to seek some assistant on computing cross-validation R-squared with R-studio. I have attached the...
02 February 2020 9,239 3 View
Hi all, I need to compare some population means, but my data are non-normally distributed and with unequal variance (even after transformation) so I can use neither parametric t-tests nor...
02 February 2020 9,182 6 View
I am doing an experiment on analyzing the effect of my formulated liquid fertilizer on the growth of Chaetomorpha linum. I decided to have 3 replicates on my 6 treatments (4 Experimental levels of...
02 February 2020 2,022 3 View
Dear researchers, According to the central limit theorem for a large number of random samples as X1, X2, ..., Xn, with expected value mu and standard deviation sigma, the following confidence...
02 February 2020 5,863 4 View
02 February 2020 2,951 3 View
Hello everyone, Please, would somebody can help me to indicate a right direction how to analyze salary? I asked students about their salary expectations in 6 different situations, so I got 6...
02 February 2020 1,726 12 View
Hi all, I'm interested in comparing the ratios of yes/ no results between 2 strains: yes no strain a 10 20 strain b 50 50 For each...
02 February 2020 5,946 3 View
Need to compare the agreement between two methods. Out put data are catogorical- Nominal data 4 types of nominal data for each method(eg: A,X,Y,Z) Need to compare the agreement between two...
02 February 2020 3,023 3 View
My current method for identifying outliers only works for highest and lowest value by the use of command: sum age height weight – what about the second highest value which might be an outlier as...
02 February 2020 5,493 3 View
02 February 2020 8,070 4 View
Can someone explain and give me a precise mathematical definition of what "variance" means in terms of principal component analysis (PCA)?
02 February 2020 1,266 3 View
Dear Scientists, Please, can you help me understand why my data give no value of interaction (see attached) on XLSTAT upon running the two way ANOVA. the value of type I, II and III give empty...
02 February 2020 3,315 3 View
Hello! I'm trying my hand at multilevel modeling during my master's dissertation. I have three levels: firms, industries, regions. I'm having the issue of many of my firms having multiple...
02 February 2020 9,379 3 View
02 February 2020 2,998 6 View
I am a year three student I am having a course which included the test but it seems to be difficult. this could be as a result of the methods employed while using the test. I wish to know if there...
02 February 2020 2,607 5 View
Hi, I want to measure the copy number of mtDNA by qPCR by doing nDNA/mtDNA. This, of course, will be after DNA extraction. The problem is that I think that I will get also the mtDNA which inside...
28 January 2020 4,167 4 View
I have several predictor variables and an outcome variable, diabetes self-management which has several questions related to diet, physical activity etc. Each question has a discrete response....
03 January 2020 3,253 5 View
In a regression with a database with N=1200, I have an independent dummy variable that measures if the surveyed is unemployed or employed. The variable has the following...
01 January 2020 7,029 5 View
Dear All, I was able to find many studies that show analyses of data from Likert scale surveys, for example; ranking the importance of drivers of sustainability in projects. My problem is that...
01 January 2020 8,295 3 View