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Questions related to Advanced Statistical Analysis
Hello RG-Community, I have a question concerning a multilevel model: level 1: situations (12 in average; there are two types of situations, each of them 6 in average). level 2: persons (40...
17 November 2020 1,131 4 View
So when using a biserial correlation you are able to test for an association between a continuous DV and categorical IV but can that be done with multiple IVs with a dichotomous DV similarly to a...
11 November 2020 6,288 6 View
Is there some methodology or reasoning that we can follow for this selection? I understand the difference that for two-tailed are of the tail is equally distributed on both ends. But is there any...
27 October 2020 8,210 4 View
I am applying Dynamic Bayesian networks using GENIE software for availability assessment of a hydropower plant. I have past 10 year failure data based on which I have evaluated the generating unit...
14 October 2020 1,910 0 View
For a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) with a warm spare gate having one primary and one back-up component: If the primary component P is active at the first time slice, then its failure rate is...
13 October 2020 5,181 1 View
Earlier small sample domain was taken for a sample size of 30 or less. But now some recent tables have increased the boundary to 500. What is the reason and which one to follow?
12 October 2020 3,747 5 View
There are many statistical software tools available in the market for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Some are very expensive while some provides student version freely. Which statistical...
11 October 2020 5,188 18 View
I am seeking a clear and exact definition of p_value?
05 October 2020 10,147 16 View
Is there some rule of thumb or method to balance the number of samples vs the sample size. e.g. like a minimum of 10 % sample size or a number of samples = 40% ( like 400 samples for a size of...
01 October 2020 9,338 4 View
I am running ordered probit model for prediction. My Dependent variable an ordinal. And one of independent variable is dummy.
24 September 2020 3,946 1 View
I am looking for ways to improve my average silhouette width for my data. So far I have removed columns from the dataframe that have NA values, columns with many outliers as well as columns that...
23 September 2020 8,224 3 View
Hello everyone, I have a dataset of diabetic patients which has been used to train an xgboost model in several outcomes such as stroke, amputation, and more. Originally we used the continuous...
22 September 2020 5,186 3 View
Dear all, I am processing nondiagnostic pottery shards. I analysed fragmentation and abrasion in the field. I first divided my nondiagnostics into clay groups. After that for each clay group I...
26 August 2020 6,557 6 View
There are two groups in the study such as group 1 and group 2. One of the groups received treatment, but the other did not. When the mortality of the groups is compared, it seems that there is no...
18 August 2020 861 5 View
Hello, I wish to calculate inter and intra rater agreement between 2 observers who are gradings Xrays for degree of bony fusion into 6 grades. In all there are 1750 xrays. Which statistical test...
12 August 2020 1,161 4 View
I asked the same respondents about how much luck, their own efforts and connections they need to achieve Goal # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4. (first group). The second group had the same questions and the...
10 August 2020 3,699 5 View
Hi all, I am dealing with data with sevaral features and many of them are highly correlated with each other as well as with dependent variable. In my research on this topics, I found that...
10 August 2020 3,992 5 View
Hi! How to handle missing data using multiple imputation in STATA?
04 August 2020 5,709 4 View
Hello everyone, I have downloaded the 'Process' plug in onto SPSS and I understand I need to use model 1 for moderations, I know which boxes to put them in etc. Moderator = culture...
30 July 2020 437 5 View
Hi, I wanted to know the fundamental basics of a meta analysis. I have read up and found many diff methods being applied to answer a given research question. I want to understand the below: 1....
21 July 2020 4,653 5 View
My design is that of repeated measures (within-subject design). That is, the subjects (name) are the same through the groups (group). This implies that there is dependency between the data, which...
19 July 2020 2,966 12 View
I have generated so many models having a different coefficient of determination (r2) and RMSE. In this analysis, it has been seen that it is not mandatory that a model having maximum r2 has a...
16 July 2020 6,203 4 View
To illustrate my point I present you an hypothetical case with the following equation: wage=C+0.5education+0.3rural area ( Where the variable "education" measures the number of years of...
11 July 2020 3,054 12 View
I am comparing my model between developed and less developed countries. Some predictors (e.g. CTR in the attached picture) significant in less developed countries model but insignificant in...
06 July 2020 5,866 3 View