31 Questions 89 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wong Ling Chie
We tried to isolate Ralstonia spp from diseased plant and cultured the Ralstonia spp. on TSA (supplemented with TZC) media. On the media, the colonies seemed to have red color center enveloped in...
24 December 2020 8,307 6 View
I extracted my DNA (from fungi myceliAa) using 2% CTAB protocol: - 800µl CTAB extraction buffer (2% CTAB, 0.1M Tris HCL pH8.0, 20mM EDTA pH 8.0, 1.4M NaCl, 1% PVP40, lastly b-mercaptoethanol...
08 October 2020 1,087 0 View
Fusarium conidia with 3 cells is considered as microconidia or macroconidia? I understand that Fusarium microconidia and macroconidia are produced in different ways. However, when observing...
16 September 2020 9,365 21 View
Im going to test cereal leaf cellulose using updegraff, seaman hydrolysis and anthrone test. But before that, i need to process my samples to obtain alcohol insoluble residue (AIR). I am using...
11 January 2020 9,881 1 View
I notice that the plants in our temperature controlled room were having problems. It looks like pest attack on the rice panicles. Does anyone know what pest this is? and what type of pesticide...
29 October 2019 6,898 8 View
I have samples which I need to extract for analysis such as RNA, protein and cellulose test. I will first grind the sample to powder using liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction, then the rest of the...
25 October 2019 1,878 2 View
I am working on T1 transgenic rice plants. Let's say that for one of the transgenic lines, I have only one positive plant (pcr tested to contain the inserted gene). I need to take leaf samples for...
26 September 2019 8,671 3 View
I'm doing research on cellulose content in cereal leaf (transgenic plants). I have collected T0 seeds and for each line of T0, I planted 20 seeds to get 20 T1 plants which will be used for further...
12 September 2019 9,821 2 View
i'm trying to extract and quantify cellulase form cereal leaves using Megazyme kit CellG5. Since I have a lot of samples, can I store the leaf samples in -80C, then take out for cellulase...
04 September 2019 1,407 3 View
I'm working on GUS detection whereby I use MUG as substrate that will be cleaved by plant extracted protein to produce fluorescence compound (GUS fluorometry method). In the protocol, i mix plant...
29 August 2019 7,666 0 View
I'm trying to quantify GUS activity using fluorometry method. But I have several things that I would like to confirm: For standard curve, how should I dissolve 4-Methylumberlliferone (4-MU)?...
28 August 2019 2,665 0 View
I've tried to prepare for BSA standard curve for Bradford assay, I tried to methods: Method 1: I mixed 20ul standard with 980ul Bradford reagent in 1.5ml tube, leave at room temperature for 5min,...
21 August 2019 7,501 9 View
I'm going to use BSA as standard for Bradford test. However, BSA is hard to dissolve. I searched around and there are different suggestions on how to dissolve BSA. Some suggest layering BSA in...
16 August 2019 4,900 7 View
I'm a little bit confuse about the method to prepare 4-MU standard curve. Here's the method that i'm using (questions are in between the steps): 1) Prepare 1mM 4-MU. Dilute to 1uM 4-MU. Store at...
16 August 2019 9,706 1 View
Hi, For GUS fluorometry protocol, I need to prepare 4-MU for standard curve. For the 4-MU standard, I will prepare 10ml of 1mM stock first, then dilute to 10ml of 1uM stock to be stored in dark...
16 August 2019 5,192 0 View
I would like to quantify GUS activity in rice leaf. Below is the protocol, but I have questions in some of the steps: 1) Prepare protein extraction buffer (50mM Phosphate Buffer pH 7, 0.1% SDS,...
09 August 2019 8,624 0 View
I would like to quantify GUS activity in rice leaf. Below are the protocol, but I have questions in some of the steps: 1) Prepare protein extraction buffer (50mM Phosphate Buffer pH 7, 0.1% SDS,...
08 August 2019 408 1 View
I'm extracting total protein from rice leaf and would like to quantify the total protein. So I would like to ask if my protocol below is ok? I wrote my questions in between the steps: Total...
08 August 2019 3,325 2 View
I'd inserted a glucanase gene into rice an would like to quantify its effect on cellulose, hemicellulose, matrix polysaccharide composition in rice leaf. 1) Which is the best method to quantify...
19 June 2019 3,129 1 View
I'm trying to quantify cellulose in rice leaf. i'm using nitric acetic method, followed by 67% sulfuric acid digestion, then using anthrone reagent to quantify the glucose released. My sample and...
30 May 2019 7,926 1 View
These are rice seedlings planted in planting trays, put in basin, submerged. I apply foliar fert 18:18:18 + TE once every 2 days and also granule fert 20:10:10 + TE once. The leaf tips, some...
06 December 2018 7,664 4 View
These are rice seedlings planted in planting trays, put in basin, now 5th leaf stage. I apply foliar fert 18:18:18 + TE once every 2 days. I noticed leaf tip burning on most leafs (young and old)....
06 December 2018 1,058 4 View
I've planted different batches of rice but i'm having problem with this batch whereby i noticed small dots/patches of yellow in the middle of the rice leaf (please refer picture). I've discarded...
26 October 2017 5,050 2 View
I'm trying to extract DNA: The extraction buffer consists of Tris-HCl, NaCl, EDTA and SDS. I put 600ul of the extraction buffer for extraction using steel beads and homogenizer, followed by...
17 April 2017 8,453 3 View
I understand that PFU taq have proofreading activity, therefore can reduce error during amplification, therefore it is recommended to use polymerase with pfu ability for fragments that will be...
10 March 2017 4,493 4 View
Chlorantriniliprole is a diamide chemical that stimulates receptors in insect muscles to excessively release calcium leading to paralysis of the insect. It is good for dealing with Lepidopteran...
09 September 2015 5,255 1 View
Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacteria that can produce Cry toxin which is useful as pesticide for Lepidopteran pests. But what are the factors that can degrade or denature or reduce the efficiency...
09 September 2015 865 7 View
I'm trying to isolate yeast for further study, can I know where I can isolate it? after isolation, I'm going to grow yeast in fermenter, what is the optimal growing condition for yeast in term of...
19 January 2015 8,036 4 View
I'm trying to quantify the population of bacillus species in the soil, can anyone suggest a selective media for bacillus species?
19 January 2015 8,542 7 View
I have found out that conductivity meters and total dissolved solid meters (TDS meter) are used to measure the quality of RO water. Which method is more accurate and why is this the case?
19 January 2015 4,435 11 View
I'm culturing fungi in a fermenter and currently I'm using Antifoam A concentrate from Sigma which consists of 100% active silicone polymer to prevent foaming at 0.75%. Is there any other...
13 January 2015 1,312 9 View