59 Questions 479 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raju Chiluvuri
Dear Friends, There are systematic attacks on freedom to express scientific ideas and facts in India (also may be True in other 3rd world countries). There are so many crony...
07 July 2018 433 34 View
Dear Friends, Kindly allow me to extract few interesting quotes from this page “Science is at its end, all the important things have already been discovered!”. The following paragraph is...
07 July 2018 2,992 8 View
Dear Friends, This wonderful adaptation of an address to Rice University’s class of 2018 made me think of this question about honour code for researchers and...
05 May 2018 4,967 5 View
Dear Friends, Please read this outstanding synopsis for the famous book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas S. Kuhn, who is one of the greatest philosophers of science of...
05 May 2018 8,971 2 View
Dear Friends, I am looking for an example for “subverting dominant paradigm” other than the 400 years old example, where heliocentric paradigm overthrown then dominant geocentric...
05 May 2018 9,602 15 View
Dear Friends, There are two kinds of risks for any fundamentally disruptive scientific discovery of facts and inventions rooted in the disruptive facts. The 2 risks are: 1). The...
04 April 2018 1,232 8 View
Dear Friends, Example for practical Knowledge: If I drop a stone from top of a building, I know that it falls on the ground. Example for intellectual Knowledge: If I drop a stone from top...
10 October 2017 6,745 24 View
Dear Friends, In the context of disciplines for hard sciences or technologies there is no clarity between kinds of paradigm shifts. For example, the scientific discoveries of Newton such as...
10 October 2017 9,409 54 View
Dear Friends, Isn’t it dangerous to having flawed knowledge, if the knowledge successfully prevents us from seeing the objective reality or truth? Not knowing about a thing compels...
09 September 2017 800 12 View
Dear Friends, I have been struggling for many years to expose 50 to 60 years old flawed implicit assumptions (considered to be self-evident facts) at the root of software engineering....
05 May 2017 6,142 0 View
Dear Friends, So far I failed to convince the experts and researchers, even though I have multiple valid proofs for my disruptive discoveries about the components and CBD (Component...
03 March 2017 9,874 28 View
Dear Friends, Sir. Karl Popper and Dr. Thomas Kuhn are the most respected 20th century philosophers of science, whose contributions gave us deeper insights into the very nature of our...
01 January 2017 8,237 12 View
Dear Friends, The axiomatic belief that “the Earth is static at centre” successfully hidden and/or prevented exposing objective reality or Truth (the Sun is at the centre) for many...
01 January 2017 4,925 0 View
Dear Friends, I am sure almost every scientist in the world must agree that: The biggest and most well-documented mistake in the history of science is “relying on a flawed myth (i.e. the...
11 November 2016 619 1 View
Dear Friends, Any real truth (e.g. discovery of objective reality/fact for scientific or engineering Body of Knowledge) can withstand even the most rigorous validation and prevail. In fact,...
10 October 2016 4,144 1 View
Dear Friends, Summary of the Scandal: It is impossible to solve certain huge unsolved computer science (software) problems without expanding the theoretical foundation by acquiring certain...
10 October 2016 6,637 5 View
Dear Friends, Isn’t it fraud (if not crime) against scientific and technological progress, if scientists/researchers blatantly violate well established and proven “scientific method”...
10 October 2016 2,234 35 View
Dear Friends, Any thing can be a proven fact (or proven theory), only as long as (i) it is supported by published repeatable and falsifiable proof backed by demonstrable well...
09 September 2016 8,594 0 View
Dear Friends, There is a very interesting article at https://www.firstthings.com/article/2016/05/scientific-regress. There is very interesting point: Quote from the...
09 September 2016 9,676 0 View
Dear Friends, The scientific method evolved for centuries and comprises of comprehensive mechanisms for testing, validation or correction of any theory, axiomatic assumption/belief or...
09 September 2016 2,062 6 View
Dear Friends, The researchers of software committed a monumental mistake (no other scientific or engineering discipline committed similar mistake during past 500 years). The...
07 July 2016 9,333 2 View
When scientists and researcher were clearly informed about a flaw (e.g. a lie) in the existing scientific knowledge, can they continue to propagate the lie (e.g. teaching the lie to the students)...
06 June 2016 7,074 4 View
Dear Friends, I am wondering, if any philosopher of science answered these important questions? I feel it is essential that the main differences must be debated to gain insights to...
06 June 2016 8,640 19 View
Dear Friends, I have moral and ethical questions for real scientists. What are the moral obligations of a real scientist to expose scientific Truth for scientific advancement? Mahatma Gandhi and...
06 June 2016 4,847 58 View
I feel, any research scientist having Ph.D in any modern scientific discipline must surrender his Ph.D, if he denies or ignores any fact (backed by irrefutable proof) by relying on belief/faith...
05 May 2016 2,452 0 View
I am disparately searching for real scientists (doing research in computer science everywhere, but not yet able to find. I greatly appreciate, if anyone can direct me where I can find real...
05 May 2016 2,622 0 View
Most of us assume, what we experience or thought as facts of nature. Let me explain this based on my experience. I grow up in a remote village in India. One of the most fascinating thing I saw...
02 February 2016 6,708 8 View
One of the RG members shared this link https://www.change.org/p/researchgate-researchgate-violation-of-freedom-of-speech-and-scientific-freedom, which made me wonder about Galileo’s struggles....
01 January 2016 7,473 10 View
Mankind learned a valuable lesson 400 years ago that it is bad science to rely on untested concept (e.g. the Earth is static at the center). Unfortunately researchers of computer science repeated...
01 January 2016 353 0 View
I have been struggling for years to make at least few software researchers see the reality about the CBD (Component Based Design) for physical products and nature of the physical functional...
11 November 2015 2,414 0 View
Reality is immutable and never changes. Duty of scientists is pursuit of absolute Truths for discovering the reality (a set of Truths and laws of nature that are proven). Mankind’s perception of...
11 November 2015 7,531 0 View
It reminds me Will Smith’s dialogue in iRobot (smartest dumb person), when an expert refuses to verify simple fact that contradicts his paradoxical paradigm, where the fact is otherwise simple and...
10 October 2015 2,277 0 View
"I think therefore I am" ... René Descartes. With this famous quote one of the great early philosopher of science questioned the validity of everything. Let me quote from “wiki”: Profoundly...
06 June 2015 745 13 View
My objective is to create, accumulate physical evidence and demonstrate irrefutable physical evidence to prove that the existing definitions for software components and CBSE/CBSD are...
03 March 2015 3,729 24 View
Please kindly let me summarize the reality of CBD of the large physical products: In case of the CBD (Component Based Design) of physical products the following things are taken for granted:...
02 February 2015 8,278 9 View
Today there exists many kinds of software components, where each software component is nothing but a kind of software parts either having a given set of useful properties (e.g. reusable or...
02 February 2015 7,419 2 View
Every one says, Copernicus discovered that the Sun is at the center, this statement ignores at best (misleading at worst) his greatest contribution – exposing the error in then prevailing first...
01 January 2015 8,153 5 View
A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with...
12 December 2014 4,857 5 View
I have no Masters degree in Physics. But I have this question and like to know, what scientists think. We all agree as a first principle that there is an attraction between any two objects having...
11 November 2014 7,368 1 View
Is there any evidence that exists to prove seed axiom for CBSE is valid? If any one has tried to test the validity of seed axiom, kindly provide evidence? The origins of seed axiom for existing...
11 November 2014 2,731 1 View
Over 500 years ago the basic sciences were not real science, because they had been evolving for centuries by relying on erroneous assumption that the Earth is static at the center. The first...
11 November 2014 4,736 0 View
This page gives chronology of events for exposing a huge error in a deeply entrenched paradigm 500 years ago:...
11 November 2014 6,204 0 View
Dear Friends, History shows that many influential members of the research community actively instigated and clandestinely aided the prosecution and conviction of Galileo and others. I can't find...
01 January 1970 5,410 7 View
Dear Friends, The books are only the tools to document and disseminate the BoK (body of knowledge), where the BoK must be acquired and accumulated by meticulous handwork of real...
01 January 1970 2,341 4 View
Dear Friends, I have been struggling for many years to convince software research community that the nature such as essential properties of physical things are not ideological choices....
01 January 1970 1,488 6 View
Dear Friends, In his famous letter to Kepler in year 1610, Galileo complained that the philosophers (i.e. Scientists were referred to as philosophers) who opposed his discoveries for...
01 January 1970 2,747 51 View
Dear Friends, Please read this outstanding synopsis for the famous book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas S. Kuhn, who is one of the greatest philosophers of science...
01 January 1970 8,653 20 View
Dear Friends, Isn’t it true: “Paradigm” is one of the most deeply useful and most used or abused term in the intellectual circles and discussions? I used the term often, without...
01 January 1970 7,894 4 View
Dear Friends, Researchers of computer science and software engineering committed huge mistake, such mistake was not committed by researchers of any other scientific or engineering field for...
01 January 1970 1,252 6 View
Dear Friends, Saying the truth “the Sun is at the centre” 500 years ago offended common sense and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom. Researchers refuse to see or investigate either...
01 January 1970 4,671 31 View
Dear Friends, If and when counter-evidence brought to his/her notice for any concepts or theories he has been promoting or supporting, isn’t it a moral and ethical obligation of any...
01 January 1970 5,293 4 View
Dear Friends, I believe, it is extremely valuable to create a list of mistakes (researchers did in the past) that must be avoided (or must not be repeated) at any cost by the researchers...
01 January 1970 8,669 17 View
Dear Friends, There are many videos about modern scientific method “empirical falsification” at:...
01 January 1970 5,085 1 View
Dear Friends, The biggest mistake in the history of science (committed by researchers) was relying on untested and unproven flawed myth (i.e. the Earth is static) for understanding the reality...
01 January 1970 4,894 3 View
Dear Friends, How could any proof for disruptive discovery or theory could see the light of day (or error in our knowledge can be exposed), if no one is willing to investigate evidence that can...
01 January 1970 6,815 0 View
Dear Friends, I am sure no scientist such as Copernicus, Kepler or Galileo bribed anyone to validate their discoveries that exposed 2300-year-old flawed belief (e.g. the Earth is static at centre)...
01 January 1970 9,663 3 View
Dear Friends, I have encountered many researchers in the field of computer science and software engineering, each of them considers himself to be a scientist. But all most all of them fail basic...
01 January 1970 3,569 34 View
Dear Friends, Every software book and research paper on so called software components has been promoting a lie for past 50 years such as "reusable software parts are components for...
01 January 1970 3,507 25 View
Dear Friends, Can anyone answer this question that has been perplexed me for years? What kind of scientific discipline blatantly violates basic principles or proven rules of scientific method?...
01 January 1970 6,682 19 View