Dear Friends,

This wonderful adaptation of an address to Rice University’s class of 2018 made me think of this question about honour code for researchers and scientists:

My understanding of purpose of scientific research is, pursuit of absolute Truth with passion, determination and perseverance, for example, for accumulating BoK (Body of Knowledge) comprising knowledge such as facts, observations, evidence, empirical results and sound reasoning for comprehending or painting the objective reality.

Unfortunately, often absolute Truth remains elusive, hence pursuit of absolute Truth includes getting closer and closer to the absolute Truth with great passion, determination and perseverance. The BoK only paints our perception of reality. But our perception of reality can get closer and closer to objective reality, if the research efforts push each part of our BoK closer and closer to the absolute Truth.

Isn’t it essential to uphold the Truth (in pursuit of absolute Truth) by overcoming prejudice, biases and unproven received beliefs? I feel, scientific method plays valuable role in overcoming prejudice, biases and unproven received beliefs. It is a sacred duty and moral obligation of every researcher or scientist to uphold the Truth, so this must be the core foundation for the honour code.

Best Regards,

Raju Chiluvuri 

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