Dear Friends,

There are two kinds of risks for any fundamentally disruptive scientific discovery of facts and inventions rooted in the disruptive facts. The 2 risks are:

1). The disruptive discovery of facts might be invalid (e.g. many claimed discoveries end up proven invalid) and the invention (made by relying on such so called disruptive facts that can be invalidated) can’t deliver promised benefits. This kind problem (or risks) can’t be addressed (or mitigated).

2). The disruptive discovery likely faces unprecedented hostilities and resistance, even if the disruptive discovery can’t be invalidated and the invention (made by relying on the disruptive discovery) can deliver unprecedented gains.

The 1st risk is well known risk, since most claimed inventions don’t work. Let me illustrate the 2nd risk using an analogy, in the case, if the disruptive discoveries of new facts can’t be invalidated and the benefits of the inventions can exceed expectations by working as claimed: Assume that a researcher made a real disruptive discovery of new facts (that can’t be invalidated) and the new facts lead (or guided) him into a new unexplored area that resulted in useful invention of vaccine for preventing many kinds of cancers. In this example, there is no first kind of risk, in case the vaccine woks as claimed and can certainly prevent many kinds of cancers.

How to address the 2nd risk, if such disruptive discoveries of facts and inventions face unprecedented fierce resistance and hostilities, for example, any one openly defending newly discovered facts must endure personal attacks and humiliation from community of researchers or experts? Unfortunately, such disruptive discovery of facts is perceived to be heresy (e.g. the facts are perceived to be contradicting or breaking the most revered fundamental laws of nature or basic principles, so many experts feel offended by the newly discovered facts). The research community refuses to investigate evidence or facts that can prove the discoveries or inventions beyond any reasonable doubt.

The 2nd risk could kill such disruptive discoveries and inventions. But the 2nd risk can most certainly be mitigated by investing sufficient money and/or being persistent with passion and determination, for example, by finding and pursuing every effective paths such as legally compelling larger scientific or research community to investigate the evidence (force scientists to fulfill their sacred duty of upholding the Truth).

Also must force the community to investigate results and examples that are created by using the inventions. The second risk is often grossly under estimated and such under estimating the required efforts for overcoming 2nd kind of risk could be fatal.

If no one in the scientific or research community is willing to investigate evidence, how any scientific discovery can ever be proved? If the scientific community behaves like religious fundamentalists by abdicate their sacred duty of upholding the Truth about obvious objective reality, how to compel the research community to perform their sacred duty of upholding the Truth by educate them of their error?

If an invention of vaccine for preventing cancer doesn’t work, no amount of conviction, advertisement or promotion can make the vaccine prevent the cancer. If an invention of vaccine for preventing cancer works as promised, no amount of hostility, resistance or promotion can stop the invention from preventing the cancer. The whole world dogmatically insisted for 1800 years until 16th century that “the Earth is static at the center”, which has no effect on the reality “the Sun is at center”.

Pursuit of discovering objective reality and Truth is the sacred obligation of scientists and researchers, because even 10 times the combined wealth and intellect of all the great scientists ever born can’t change such objective reality.

Except dragging government funded research organizations to courts, are there any other effective ways for compelling the community of researchers to aware of their sacred obligation to upholding the Truth, when they abdicated their sacred duty of upholding the Truth (by investigating evidence and facts)?

Best Regards,

Raju Chiluvuri

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