09 September 2017 12 799 Report

Dear Friends,

            Isn’t it dangerous to having flawed knowledge, if the knowledge successfully prevents us from seeing the objective reality or truth? Not knowing about a thing compels the researchers to explore all unknown possibilities (or options) such as each of the unknown paths possible with open mind (without any preconceived notions and prejudice). They are more open to counter evidence or challenges for their theories by engaging in civilized discourse to see other perspectives with open mind.

            Having wrong or flawed beliefs (that are perceived to be sacred self-evident facts for eternity) have quite opposite effect. The researchers feel offended by any counter evidence or descending views that appear to be conflicting the sacred beliefs (i.e. flawed negative knowledge). Many researchers resort to vicious personal attacks or humiliating insults, if any one requests for valid evidence or proof in support of the sacred belief (considered to be inalienable self-evident fact for eternity).

            For example, saying the Truth “the Sun is at the center” in 16th century offended common sense and then deeply entrenched conventional wisdom. We know what happened to many philosophers such as Giordano Bruno and Galileo for questioning the validity of the sacred belief “the Earth is static” and for trying hard to expose the flawed belief. Galileo had to accept the lie (i.e. the Earth is static) to save his life.

               The harder and harder they tried to question the validity of the sacred belief hostile resistance and reprisals became fiercer and fiercer. No one ever questioned the lie “the Earth is static at the center”. But the Truth “the Sun is at the center” faced unprecedented fierce and hostile resistance and reprisals during 16th and early 17th century, since the truth contradicted the 2300 old sacred belief concluded to be inalienable self-evident fact for eternity. 

                As illustrated in the above example, the flawed belief had insidious evil devastating consequences. Such negative knowledge acts as black-hole consuming research efforts by adding negative knowledge to become bigger and bigger dominate paradigm. We can find such example even in 21st century. Having wrong knowledge about a thing is insidious and far more harmful than having no knowledge about the thing. Kindly allow me to illustrate this using insidious and harm caused by flawed knowledge about the components that are essential for achieving CBD/CBE (Component Based Design, Engineering and Development or Building) for products.

            Let me briefly summarize the objective reality and facts: Primarily 2 kinds of parts are used for designing, engineering and building countless products we know such as cars, computers, airplanes, ships, cell-pones, TVs, Bikes, machines or machinery for factory. They can be broadly grouped as (1) reusable ingredient parts such as metals, steel, cement, alloys, plastic, wood, leather, specialized material silicon-metal-oxide (e.g. to make computer chips), lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium to make batteries, and (2) parts that are designed and/or conducive to be assembled (or plugged-in such as CPU, DRAM, CD-Player, Gear Box or Engine), where such parts are widely referred to (named or known) as components. Hence, any part that is not designed and/or not conducive to be assembled is not a component.

            In fact, the later (i.e. 2nd kind) of parts are made by using the 1st kind of parts. To be clear, we can divide the components into 2 kinds (i) basic components having no sub-components and (ii) container components built by using sub-components.  The components and other kind of parts are not mutually exclusive. In fact, each of the basic components is built by using reusable and/or ingredient parts such as specialized material silicon-metal-oxide (e.g. to make computer chips), lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium (to make batteries). Hence, reusable or ingredient parts are essential for building the components.

              Many large components are created by assembling multiple sub-components, where each of the sub-components is built by using reusable and/or ingredient parts and/or other subcomponents. Hence, each of the products is built by assembling many components, where each of the components is created by using reusable, ingredient parts and/or other basic components (as sub-components).

            Kindly keep in mind that any part that is not conducive to be assembled (or plugged-in) is not a component in the context of designing and building countless product (e.g. cars, computers, airplanes, TVs, machines of machinery for factory). Software researchers not yet invented such very useful kind of parts that are designed or conducive to be literally assembled for software products. Software researchers have been misleading or fooling themselves and the world that they have been already using components by referring to reusable or other kind of useful parts as components, where the reusable or other kind of parts are not conducive to be assembled by any stretch of imagination. This negative or flawed knowledge about the components giving a false impression that components for software is already exist. No one sees any need to search for Truth, if everyone concludes that he already knew the Truth.

           The flawed belief that reusable parts are components preventing the invention of real components (i.e. very useful kind of parts that are conducive to be assembled) by masking the Truth and by skewing or altering our perception of reality (as the belief “the Earth is static at the centre” altered mankind’s perception of reality until 16th century). It is not hard to invent software parts that can be assembled (or plugged-in), but no effort is made (i.e. no evidence can be found that anyone ever even tried) to invent such real components for software.

            Hence, today every large or complex software is built by using only reusable parts and/or ingredient parts. On the other hand, each of the large physical products is built by partitioning into components, sub-components and so on, where each of the components is designed, built and tested individually. Once each of the components is built and tested individually, the product is built by assembling all the components.

         Even in 21st century, any effort to expose insidious and evil effects of such untested and unproven 50 to 60 years old flawed beliefs have been facing hostile resistance and personal attacks. No one ever tested or even questioned the validity of the beliefs, but the beliefs are fiercely defended as sacred self-evident facts for eternity. Isn’t flawed knowledge is far more insidiously dangerous than having no knowledge at all about things such as “which planet is at the center” or “what is the essential function of the parts/components that is essential for achieving CBD/CBE (Component Based Design, Engineering and Development or Building) for products”?

Best Regards,

Raju Chiluvuri

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