Dear Friends,

I have moral and ethical questions for real scientists. What are the moral obligations of a real scientist to expose scientific Truth for scientific advancement? Mahatma Gandhi and hundreds of his followers considered that it is an honor to go to jail in their struggle for independence. Many soldiers courageously on their freewill go to battle fields knowing the possibility that they might be killed.

The scientific advancement also needed sacrifices and had martyrs such as Galileo and Giordano Bruno to expose flawed belief (i.e. the Earth is static) at the root of geocentric paradigm.

If similar flawed beliefs are at the root of a major modern scientific discipline and you discovered the evidence to expose the flawed beliefs, would you be willingly risk becoming a martyr (e.g. knowing you could loose lot of your savings, credibility, face humiliations or even imprisonment)?

Please keep in mind, if you don’t take the risk, world economy would end up loosing trillions of dollars. Any scientific discipline ends up on a wrong path, as soon as it started relying on a flawed belief (by mistakenly assuming that it is a self-evident truth). If the scientific discipline continues to travel on the wrong path (for a long enough time) it ends up in a complex scientific crisis, stuck in web of dead end (e.g. a death) spiral or paradox (i.e. an altered perception of reality).

It is impossible to make any meaningful scientific progress until the flawed beliefs are exposed. For example, mankind would be still in the dark ages, if the flawed belief (i.e. the Earth is static) at the root of geocentric paradigm were not yet exposed. Today research community and mankind must be eternally grateful for the sacrifices of Galileo and others. Many such great scientists only endured humiliation and persecution during their life time for many years. They only got due credit or recognition many decades or even centuries after their death. We can’t even know how many other such struggles never even known to give credit.

It is hard to explain the pain of enduring many years of prolonged insults, snubbing and humiliation. You will be tired with so many not so thinly wailed sarcastic comments and patronizing or condescending snubs. If you try to tell the facts, many of the experts feel you are insulting their intelligence. Most of the colleagues and one time friends start avoiding you or talking badly behind you.

Instead of countering facts with facts, they resort to insults or personal attacks. Others use obvious evasive tactics by using known beliefs (or even lies) as facts. If you ask for proof, each belief is defended by using another belief (or an evasive lie), and so on. Can one’s LinkedIn credentials change an unproven belief (or lie) into a scientific fact? Why they rely on such credentials to defend a belief/lie? You feel a 5 year old has longer attention span and common sense.

Knowing that this is a real possibility, how many researchers or scientists willingly enter such battle fields? How many would start a battles such as attending scientific conferences only to endure humiliation, snubbing or insults from the research community; or going to courts to compel government funded research organizations to investigate the truth (that will prevent wasting billions of tax payer dollars on geocentric paradox of the scientific discipline)? Is it ethical to go to court for compelling government research organizations to investigate truth, if they refused your discoveries when submitted for a competition/solicitation?

If a scientist is not confident enough or willing to openly defend his revolutionary discoveries that expose flawed beliefs at the root of a major field, does he deserve any credit or recognition for such revolutionary discoveries? Is it an honor or curse to have such an opportunity to become a martyr? Isn’t it his moral obligation to expose such flawed beliefs to defend the Truth?

Starting drugs may be fun but he suffers 10 times more, if he ends up addicted. Making such discovery may be exciting, but end up suffering 10 times more, if try to expose such flaw. Copernicus didn’t want public to know his discovery until after his death. Knowing this, would you even consider starting such research or want to make such discovery by luck/chance? Who could possibly imagine that it is treated as heresy or blasphemy even in 21st century, if one requests fellow researchers, scientists to not violate basic well established scientific processes, principles and rules?

Isn’t it shocking, if hundreds of thousands of researchers wasted their passion and hard work for many decades by relying on unproven beliefs about the nature and properties of the virus or bacteria? Is it possible to find cure for infections by blinding defining properties of virus or bacteria, without any basis in reality/fact and by refusing to make any effort to learn the facts/reality? No one could believe that scientists could even do such kind of monumentally foolish mistake even in 21st century. But software researchers did (have been doing) this for nature and properties of components or CBD (for decades). Many feel it is heresy to request researchers to investigate facts/reality? Doesn’t exposing such flaws leads to revolution in software engineering & computer science?

Best Regards,

Raju Chiluvuri

Thesis Is it heresy to request software scientists to not violate b...

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