Dear Friends,
Please read this outstanding synopsis for the famous book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas S. Kuhn, who is one of the greatest philosophers of science of 20th century:
The first paragraph of this synopsis of the influential book says: A scientific community cannot practice its trade without some set of received beliefs. These beliefs form the foundation of the "educational initiation that prepares and licenses the student for professional practice". The nature of the "rigorous and rigid" preparation helps ensure that the received beliefs are firmly fixed in the student's mind. [Mistake-1] Scientists take great pains to defend the assumption that scientists know what the world is like... [Mistake-2] To this end, "normal science" will often suppress novelties which undermine its foundations. [Mistake-3] Research is therefore not about discovering the unknown, but rather "a strenuous and devoted attempt to force nature into the conceptual boxes supplied by professional education".
For example, each and every book on software and research paper in the world teaching that “parts that are designed and/or conducive to be reusable are components” and “CBD/CBE (Component Based Design, Development or Engineering) of a product is using such parts (that can be reusable) for building the product”. Now every researcher in the world strenuously and devotedly working hard to force the nature into the conceptual boxes (i.e. boundaries of knowledge for dominant paradigm) supplied by their flawed education and many years (or decades) of work and experience confined to the conceptual boxes (i.e. dominant paradigm).
Dr. Kuhn and Dr. Popper are considered two of the greatest 20th century philosophers of science. Dr. Popper works describe ideal scientific process in the perfect world, while Dr. Kuhn describes imperfect states of scientific knowledge. No one in the world can prove that this statement is wrong: Software researchers have been committing all three mistakes described by Dr. Kuhn’s famous book.
Researchers violently oppose any thing that oppose their sacred received beliefs such as a discovery of any novel fact that is outside of the conceptual boxes (i.e. dominant paradigm), for example, by resorting to hostile attacks to suppress novelties that are often obvious facts such as parts that are not conducive to be assembled can’t be components. That is, parts that are designed and/or conducive to be assembled are known (i.e. referred to or named) as components. So, no part can be called as a component, if it is not designed or conducive to be assembled (even if the part is reusable). Today, no known kind of software components are designed and/or intended to be assembled by any stretch of imagination.
The dominant geocentric paradigm of 16th century was rooted in 2300-year-old received belief “the Earth is static at the centre”. In other words, the researcher 2300 years ago believed that the Earth is static at the centre. The research community accumulated huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) for next 1800 years until 16th century by relying on this flawed received belief, where the BoK fundamentally altered their perception of reality. Their research was therefore not about discovering the unknown, but rather "a strenuous and devoted attempt to force nature into the conceptual boxes supplied by the huge BoK (i.e. conceptual boxes for dominant paradigm)". The researchers treated the received beliefs as sacred and violently oppose any thing that is perceived to be contradicting the sacred beliefs by instigating religious institutions to prosecute anyone questioning the untested or unproven sacred beliefs that resulted in killing or imprisoning him for heresy.
Likewise, the dominant software engineering paradigm exists today is rooted in 50 to 60 years old flawed untested or unproven received beliefs. The research community accumulated huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) for past 50 years by relying on the 50 to 60 year old untested or unproven flawed received belief, where the BoK fundamentally altered their perception of reality. Unfortunately, even in the 21st century that research is therefore not about discovering the unknown, but rather "a strenuous and devoted attempt to force nature into the conceptual boxes supplied by the huge BoK (i.e. dominant paradigm)". The researchers vehemently opposing any thing that contradicts their sacred received beliefs, for example, resorting to hostile personal attacks to suppress novelties that are often obvious facts given below:
The reality of CBD/CBE (Component Based Design, Development or Engineering) of a product can be briefly summarized as follows: Implementing large portion of features and functionality of the product in a set of special kind parts, where the parts are designed and/or conducive to be assembled (or plugged-in). The special kind of parts are known (i.e. referred to or named) as components and the product is built by assembling (or plugging-in) the components. A part that is not conducive to be assembled is not a component.
For example, computers or cell-phones are built by assembling many components such as CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, Screen, Key Board or Power Supply, where each component implements a specific features or functionality, which are a subset of the superset of all the features or functionality necessary for overall functioning of the product. These components collaborate and/or communicate with each other for providing the overall features and functionality of the product. Likewise, automobiles are built by assembling components such as engine, battery, gear-box, steering system, alternator and wheels etc.
I humbly request software researchers to introspect, for example, before resorting insults or personal attacks for defending the fiction and lies in the existing software engineering paradigm, which in effect suppressing novel facts that are obvious to laymen, such as: The obvious reality (in the context of countless products such as cars, computers, cell-phones, airplanes, machines or factory machinery) is: A very special kind of parts that are designed and/or conducive to be assembled (or plugged-in) is named (i.e. referred to or known as) components. No other kind of part that is not designed and/or conducive to be assembled is called component.
Saying the truth “the Sun is at the centre” offended the common sense and enraged many researchers in 16th century. Unfortunately, many software researchers in the 21st century are reacting no differently than the researchers in the 16th century. Many software researchers feel offended or even enraged by simple facts (that are considered obvious by non-software experts or engineers) such as: “It is error to define parts that are not designed and/or conducive to be assembled (or plugged-in) are components”; and “It is error to define CBD/CBE (Component Based Design, Development or Engineering) is using any other kind of parts that are not designed and/or conducive to be assembled (or plugged-in)”.
We must accept the inevitable: The initial or first reaction for such disruptive novel discoveries or inventions is always negative. Almost every philosopher of science agrees that the initial or first reaction for such disruptive novel discoveries or inventions would be negative or hostile. Hence, it is wrong to make decision based on the initial reaction of the software experts for such novel disruptive proposal.
I learned hard way that it is impossible to convince any software expert either in an hour of presentation, or by sending few emails. I am not saying that it is impossible to convince software experts, but only saying that it is impossible to convince software experts either in 1 or 2 hours presentation or by sending emails (under this condition of intense resistance due to negative or bad first impression).
I can convince any team of software experts within couple of days, if they are willing to investigate all the evidence (preferably in the presence of neutral observers), where my rational reasoning backed by evidence can answer each of their questions or concerns for overcoming deeply entrenched prejudice and preconceived notions of the exiting dominant software engineering paradigm (that can be referred to as the geocentric paradigm of the software engineering).
After begging for a decade for giving me an opportunity for presenting proof, I feel it is foolish to expect positive reaction from any software expert or researcher. It may be foolish even to expect muted sceptical reaction, such as: I am sure you are wrong but since you are begging I am open to look at (i) evidence to determine if it can prove your contentions and (ii) counter evidence that can prove received beliefs that are foundation for exiting software engineering paradigm is flawed. The received beliefs include: CBD/CBE is composing any kind of reusable software parts that are either form 3rd party vendors or designed to be reusable. Today no known kind of so called software components is designed and/or conducive to be assembled.
The dominant geocentric paradigm of 16th century evolved for 1800 years and accumulated huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) by relying of unproven flawed received belief (e.g. the Earth is at the centre). Likewise, existing software paradigm has been evolving for 50 years and accumulated 20 to 30 times more BoK (than the 16th century BoK that supported then dominant geocentric paradigm) by relying on flawed received beliefs (e.g. reusable parts are components and CBD/CBE is using such so called components). So, any novel proposal that appear to be undermining flawed received beliefs (that are at the very foundation of existing dominant paradigm) would face fierce hostile resistance (or reaction) due to intense negative first impression (e.g. by offending common sense or enraging experts). If no one is willing to look at counter evidence, how any flawed dominant paradigm can be subverted?
Best Regards,
Raju Chiluvuri
Research Proposal The Objective Reality of CBD/CBE & Facts about the Components