37 Questions 867 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Pisipaty Srinivas Kishore
Education is imparting stress to each and every individual. There is heavy competition and all are striving to reach the limit. There are plenty of things to do and there is nothing in specific....
05 January 2024 9,700 1 View
Now a days, core subjects in Engineering such as electrical, electronics, chemical, mechanical and civil apart from computer science are getting least priority for option. These days everything...
24 May 2023 2,951 4 View
A simple problem in heat transfer can be solved for getting temperature and heat flow by writing equations. For solving certain problems in heat transfer, some means has to be made use of to get...
08 April 2021 442 3 View
Each one has certain specific talent or expertise to do particular work. Apart from these, one may perform work through skill and continue with spark in approach, the others may not. For that,...
30 November 2020 8,697 9 View
Boss could be the immediate person as one has to respond and communicate whether it could be in educational institution or in industry or in various working environments. In order that the...
10 June 2020 9,372 28 View
Mechanical engineering consists of different subjects and specializations. All the students are bound to know, aware and understand the same. Applications of interest in different areas of this...
27 May 2020 9,167 15 View
Previously, all of us are worried about Ozone layer depletion. World has taken measures to reduce pollution all over and the results are coming fruitful as per recent news of Earth's Ozone layer...
27 March 2020 10,135 14 View
Parents give birth to children. Parents would be very much fond of children, playing with them, seeing in them the happiness and excited and attracted by their innocence and their behaviour. As...
18 February 2020 5,486 96 View
All of us try to learn, make us to understand and have a particular idea to remember and recollect the topics in a subject studied. How to become expert in a subject?
11 January 2020 1,583 21 View
All human are clever, intelligent and have good thinking capabilities. Due to nature of work, environment and treatment of their colleagues or neighbours or relatives, they may deviate from their...
13 August 2019 7,266 68 View
All of us have certain ideas and thoughts. While answering a question, each one of us have a certain approach to represent. However, some answers will be straight and understandable and some of...
01 June 2019 4,201 75 View
As teaching is a noble profession, several teachers use several ways and several methods to impress the subject in order to convey the correct and necessary information to students. What are the...
09 May 2019 3,063 85 View
Competition among the students is getting more and more these days either in education or in games or in getting jobs. If the student is not able to sustain, one will be placed at the end even...
01 May 2019 9,028 72 View
The study of a single woman in a family encourages and enhances the entire family to become disciplined, self motivated, get good studies and to know good or bad. Government is also encouraging...
14 April 2019 412 85 View
The gases coming out from exhaust of an Internal combustion engine with usage of petroleum products consists of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The release...
13 April 2019 1,543 16 View
In the society, we come across doctors, engineers, technical people, researchers and other professional people. Only few people opt for teaching. Selecting an option to become a teacher is one's...
11 April 2019 4,445 38 View
Now a days, technical education is given importance. The technology is advancing day by day in terms of construction, industries, soft ware development etc. Hence in order to have good quality...
10 April 2019 4,663 64 View
Gas turbines use solid or liquid or gaseous fuels. Name the fuels used.
06 April 2019 4,158 30 View
We all know that any person teaches us would be called as a teacher. The name of teacher is spelled or understood in a different way as we go for higher studies. Why they are called in different...
03 April 2019 9,978 22 View
Fan is used for domestic purposes, blower is used for cleaning and compressor is used in air conditioners and to pump air in a tyre. What could be the differences associated between fan, blower...
29 March 2019 3,554 33 View
Many of us are organizing technically either workshop or seminar or conference. All of them are meant for giving a specific information by theme to the participants and the society. In this...
15 March 2019 3,967 39 View
Thermal equipments are steam generators, heat exchangers, automobiles etc. In designing of mechanical thermal equipment, several efficiencies are considered and out of the two (mechanical,...
10 March 2019 1,266 22 View
There are more number of power generation plants like steam, hydroelectric, nuclear, biomass, solar etc. The supply of power from these plants depends on the utilization. Each plant has some...
02 March 2019 707 25 View
Octane number and Cetane number are used to characterize the combustion phenomena in petrol and diesel fuels respectively. However, they can be extended to other petroleum fuels also. How these...
28 February 2019 5,275 25 View
It is understood that petrol and gas engines work on Otto cycle, Diesel engines work on Diesel cycle. A combination of Otto and Diesel cycle evolves a dual combustion cycle where heat is added...
21 February 2019 493 28 View
Shape factor is also named as view factor or configuration factor. Shape factor depends only on geometry. As radiation is emitting from a body at a high temperature, only some part of the...
19 February 2019 7,273 35 View
Generally when a fluid is flowing inside a tube under forced convection under laminar flow conditions, constant heat flux and constant wall temperature conditions are demonstrated. In coming to...
14 February 2019 2,890 45 View
Fouling or scaling is becoming a major hurdle for getting high heat transfer exchange between two fluids. Scaling is formed in tubes and the type of scale formation is difficult to assess since...
13 February 2019 6,968 37 View
Several air cycles like Otto, Diesel Brayton etc. have been developed earlier. Otto cycle has application to petrol/ gas engines, Diesel cycle has application to diesel engine. Brayton cycle has...
06 February 2019 3,605 28 View
Lot of research is going on to invent an alternative source of conventional fuel in place of Diesel because petroluem fuels are depleting. Out of which, biodiesels are found to be reliable source...
02 February 2019 1,116 52 View
Heat transfer equipments in general use metals and some cases alloys in manufacturing and to withstand high temperatures. Using of new materials and their combinations are coming into picture now...
29 January 2019 5,574 34 View
In view of the increase in power demand, the power plants have gone starting from therrnal, hydel, gas and latest to nuclear power generation. Nuclear power plants has application not only for...
26 January 2019 1,327 32 View
Experiments are being conducted on a Diesel/ Variable Compression Engines to determine output parameters like performance of an engine and emission parameters. In order to validate them by a...
23 January 2019 6,955 29 View
Fins as an extended surface is used to remove heat from a surface subjected to high temperature. Uniform cross-section fins are generally used because of easiness. However, the concept of...
22 January 2019 2,764 37 View
Many parents are choosing, selecting and discussing to join their children or recommending their friends, colleagues or relatives to join in a particular institution which is good. What could be...
01 January 1970 4,472 43 View
Good and Bad are the ones described to say this is correct and this is wrong. Some good things done may be bad for others and some bad things done may be good for others. What makes us to say...
01 January 1970 8,021 26 View
Ornaments especially give beauty to girls and ladies. Now a days, boys and men are also wearing ornaments. Ornaments also resemble the status symbol in society. Are ornaments necessary and...
01 January 1970 7,037 87 View