37 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Peter Griepink
During exercise, would increased pH in the sarcoplasma lead to a different flux of H+ with lysosomes, as the pH in the cytosol will decrease? During exercise the pH can decrease due to protons...
02 February 2020 2,015 1 View
Would resistance training lead to a form of neurogenesis and changes of motor unit innervation of muscle cells? So RT can lead to alteration of the nervous system and creation of new branches or...
07 July 2018 4,000 0 View
Can we scientifically rate veganism? 1) It is claimed that DHA led to better functional brains. This would be important in the human developement. (is this correct?) 2) DHA is nowadays (what...
06 June 2018 2,548 0 View
Concurrent training. Would type IIx muscle fiber, not contain more myoglobin because it can be reached less efficient by oxygen because of fiber size? Would bigger muscle fibers that are hard to...
06 June 2018 7,151 0 View
In shoulder press and lats pulldown there is the "breaking the bar" principle to limit injury. Is this correct, and/or are there other options? This to create external rotation. Is there any...
05 May 2018 7,805 2 View
Can supplements with nitrogen oxide alter the natural nitrogen oxygen production in skeletal muscle cells, and it this potentially harmfull? Would the body create less NO or alter certain...
05 May 2018 5,603 0 View
In case of mTOR I notice cancer research wants to block this pathway right? So would resistance training, amino acids and insuline be dangerous to some extent? Someone with genes for cancer growth...
05 May 2018 5,533 12 View
Should the pectoralis major pars abdominal be trained with a different insertion position as the pectoralis major pars sternum and/or clavicula? The insertion is different for the three parts. So...
05 May 2018 2,854 0 View
In case of omega 3 supplementations and training effects, should there first be a ratio of 1:5 omega 3 to omega 6 before we can assess real effects? The ratio n-3 to n-6 is not balanced. This...
05 May 2018 9,005 1 View
DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness, can it be seen as a protective mechanism? Pain can be warning sign. Could DOMS be seen as a warning sign? Because the muscle is recovering and it would not...
05 May 2018 8,570 2 View
Is there a change between triceps exercises and the involvement of the tricpes in the chest press? Can the specific movement be trained? Most triceps exercise seems somewhat different than the...
05 May 2018 10,086 0 View
is there literature about power lifting and weight lifting and the hamstring curl or knee flexor capabilities? Most they do squat, deadlift, goodmorning, straight leg deadlift, but it seems the...
05 May 2018 3,431 2 View
How much fat tissue a person needs for normal hormonal functioning of adipokines such as leptin and others?
05 May 2018 1,682 0 View
Is sport science about individual holistic approach, or inter-individual reductionistic specialism? Should someone try to know as much as possible about everything related to the wide field of...
05 May 2018 4,063 5 View
do we need white adipose tissue to a large extend on basis of hormons? Vitamins can be stored in IMTG, or in beige/brown adipose tissue. Energy we do not need with normal food stores. Isolation...
05 May 2018 3,503 2 View
What are the best video websites on youtube for learning about skeletal muscle and sport science. Please be critical.? I found these...
04 April 2018 5,377 2 View
Are muscle atrophy and muscle memory connected with eachother? Muscle atrophy is loss of muscle mass. However the muscle memory has a role in regaining muscle mass. So is there a link between...
04 April 2018 7,163 0 View
How can inter/intra-individuality and meta-analysis be connected into a more realistic model for recommendations in sport science? Recommendations are made for the "average" public, while at the...
04 April 2018 8,932 0 View
Glycogen stores and train low, train high sleep low and other formats. The difference between intra- and inter myofibrillar glycogen? Would an athlete not empty the inter myofibrillar glycogen...
04 April 2018 1,672 0 View
does training in hypohydration have beneficial results for performance athletes?
04 April 2018 2,699 3 View
In case of creatin supplementation, should it be ingested pre-training or does it not matter? This in case of benefits in MPS and such. Should it be ingested before training, if that is...
04 April 2018 654 2 View
Mouth rinse and exercise performance, some questions? 1) How many times MR should or could be applied? Would rinsing it during a time trial have effect, if it is done every 5 min, 10 min, 15 min?...
04 April 2018 7,565 2 View
It is claimed in some articles (2014/16) that big muscles can have 40 g protein and smaller one 20 g protein in their recovery. Opinions? So glutes, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major should have...
04 April 2018 10,103 2 View
Would cardiovascular exercise before doing a high rep, low load resistance training exercise have an impact of type I trainability? Would pre-exhausting type I muscle fibers through...
04 April 2018 2,008 0 View
Is there literature about a two day training of push or pull muscles in relation to experts and adaptation and recovery in resistance training? Normally there is chest day and back day. Or push...
04 April 2018 4,926 0 View
Should bodybuilders train with, without or in a variety with pre-exercise supplements? Pre-exercise will lead to better performance in training (for instance weight lifted) but to less stress on...
04 April 2018 5,930 0 View
In case of block training, periodization, and other non-traditional training methods, how can they be compared to traditional which is more trained? If traditional is more trained there is less...
04 April 2018 6,972 0 View
omega 3 and omega 6 ratio and muscle damage. Is there a problem? To much omega 6 in western diet, will lead to a non optimal muscle recovery? Omega 3-6 ratio should be 1:5, but is more 1:20 in...
04 April 2018 9,761 0 View
If you need to urinate, but is might be because of a high water ingestion. Would ingestion of electrolytes be able to lead to less drive to urinate? If you need to urinate because of a high water...
04 April 2018 422 1 View
Fat soluble vitamins. The RDA are "a day", but literature claims vitamines are stored in fat tissue. So how should this RDA be taken in that light? Vit A, D, E, K. These can be stored. How...
04 April 2018 5,749 0 View
Do fruits and veggies really differ in characteristics related to colour? For instance red, green, yellow and orange paprika? Do they have different features related to colours? Sometimes it is...
04 April 2018 3,181 9 View
mTOR1 is associated with myofibrilar synthesis such as myosin and actin (?). mTOR2 is regulator of actin cytoskeleton, so how they interact?
04 April 2018 8,011 0 View
Why I'm Fat: The Naked Truth. BBC documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCWirtR20jk How do we need to tackle the subject of fat and obesity? Some debate points. 1) Public is not aware...
04 April 2018 7,007 0 View
can peptides be absorbed or only amino acids? What about fats? Is there a role for esther and such like? CHO are always monomeres such as glucose, fructose and galactose when they are absorbed...
04 April 2018 9,298 3 View
In case of energy thermodynamics and weight, why is there energy intake, but not energy reserves (fat/glycogen) in the balance?
04 April 2018 9,645 2 View
Would it, or is it, be possible to find markers of "muscle memory" in myonuclei? So when you don't train, it is stil contained "somehow"?
01 January 1970 4,900 6 View
Can intra-muscular triglycerides (IMTG) consists out of different fatty acids, and does that have an effect on ATP production and muscle cell health? I read that palmitic acid can be...
01 January 1970 3,928 3 View