Why I'm Fat: The Naked Truth. BBC documentary.


How do we need to tackle the subject of fat and obesity?

Some debate points.

1) Public is not aware of fat as nutrition.

a) Fat is unhealthy (trans-fat), but in case of saturated fat this is unhealthy in relationship to amount of use. A small amount might be safe.

b) The mono-unsaturated fatty acids are healthy(-ier) and can be used in higher amounts in opposition to saturated.

c) The polu-unsaturated fatty acids are healthy, but the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio is disbalanced.

In short: bad fats: transfats. good fats: omega 3. orange: MUFA, omega 6 & saturated fats (or they need more evaluation)

2) Public is unaware of function of fats in the body.

a) Fat as protection of organs is important. However, visceral fat should not be too little, and not too much.

b) Fat as energy source is not needed, there is enough energy around us in Western society.

c) Fat as warmth source is not needed. We have clothes and heaters. So to claim fat is needed for thermoregulation is incorrect.

d) Fat ingestion is needed because of essential fatty acids, and because fat-soluable vitamins need fats.

e) Fat is needed in the body, however the body can create saturated and MUFA's and certain PUFA from adipose fat tissue. So essentially the essential fatty acids are most important.

3) Science and society seems unaware about young people's strive to look thin.

a) Young people, in general, want to look thin, and will strive to achieve this. Science and society is sometimes unaware of this and forbids this to young people.

b) If young people will do it anyway why not focus on education in stead of forbiding people?

c) Young people should ingest essentially fatty acids. When there body fat is high they can ingest less other fatty acids.

d) If people achieve a low body fat percentage it is essential to improve the quality and balance of fat ingestion. More saturated fats should be ingested in case of low body fat percentage.

e) The fact that low body fat percentage can be achieved with healthy exercise, and a well balanced scientific diet should be more to the focus.

4) There seems to be a contradictonary view on fat as a look.

a) Fat-shaming is bad.

b) Obese people are unhealthy.

c) Obese people can not be insulted.

d) Obese people should exercise and diet more or better.

e) Thin people are looked down upon.

f) Thin people are looked up to.

g) We want obesity to change.

So how can we achieve this?

5) The excuse factor.

a) Genes are important, but not all deciding in the majority of cases.

b) The food industry is fooling us, but we have also our own responsibility.

c) This is different for childeren, but parents should be more critical to the food choice.

d) People with a real obese gene of course have a valid excuse.

e) I do not have time to sport. This is valid, but then watch the food intake more.

6) unawareness about exercise.

a) It takes more than 7000 Kcal to burn a kilo of fat, because not all calories burn are fat.

b) it takes long to burn Kcal, on average 400 Kcal might be a lot already.

c) extensive exercise burn relative more fats, but absolute not in relation to high-intensity. However the adaptations are different, so it should still be pursued.

d) High-intensity is good for health, when time is short.

e) Resistance training improves muscle mass and energy expenditure in rest.

So any point I missed or opinions?

Please give opinions rather than literature. Of course giving an opinion with a literature is preferred.

Many thanks

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