49 Questions 311 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nafees Mohammad
Heavy metals are everywhere, in one form or the other. All salts of a heavy metal are either not soluble or not harmful. The present trend in heavy metals research has revealed that every part of...
07 July 2023 5,299 4 View
From the ongoing research on biochar, it seems that we should take two to four grams of biochar every morning with breakfast. Biochar of wood Biochar of banana peels Biochar of orange...
01 January 2023 1,740 4 View
If we want to established laboratory for complete solid waste analysis (Physical and chemical parameters), what type of equipments / instruments will be required? 1. Physical = individual...
30 March 2021 3,695 2 View
Mutation is one of the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2. Recently, scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than...
05 May 2020 8,345 6 View
If we know the flow rate, area of stream/ river catchment, what type of simple equation can be used to calculate erosion rate as ton/Km2/annum. Note: This question is not aboutvRevised Universal...
12 January 2020 4,830 19 View
Sustainable tourism and Eco- tourism are frequently used under the head of tourism. Sometimes it seems that both are synonym of each other. It is therefore, required to differentiate between these...
25 March 2019 1,486 15 View
Cost of wastewater treatment increase with the increase in quantity of wastewate and increase in pollution load. For better treatment and management it is important to have knowledge of per unit...
17 February 2019 6,282 12 View
Generally, to maintain ecological status, five factors are considered for a river ecosystem: 1. flowing water that is mostly unidirectional 2. a state of continuous physical change 3. many...
12 September 2018 4,696 6 View
Citicoline is also called brain supplement, or nutrients. Physician prescribed this medicine for brain related problems. Sometimes dependency on this medicine may create complications. In such...
10 September 2018 547 0 View
Cellulose gum is indigestible, your stomach and intestines will not be able to break it down and absorb it. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, commonly known as cellulose gum or CMC, is a type...
08 June 2018 4,605 14 View
Different chemicals are added to different canned Juices as preservative or additives. These chemicals increase shelf life of juices and enhance its taste and nutrients quality. Some of these...
06 June 2018 852 19 View
Canned juices of various fruits are available in the market. It is always a preferred to have juice prepared from fresh fruits. But a particular fruit is not available in every season or it may...
05 June 2018 5,922 22 View
Indigenous people are part of a particular ecosystem. They have unique information about their locality. This important segment is always ignored. Indigenous peoples are among the most...
03 June 2018 6,016 14 View
We have two types of forest, natural and man-grown forest. Forest is one of the most economical resource that has a big role in maintaining ecological systems. But each trees has got its own...
30 May 2018 9,611 17 View
Ground water, surface water and wastewater always contain dissolved solids. Most of researchers used electrical conductivity (EC) meter for measuring dissolved solids. But the results are always...
16 May 2018 884 20 View
Chemical Oxygen Demand is a common problem water test. Silver sulfate is used as a catalyst. Sometimes, if AgSO4 is not available, we can use AgNO3 as a catalyst or not.
25 April 2018 3,259 10 View
There are different international law, doctrines for Trans Boundary Water Resources, such as: 1. Absolute territorial sovereignty theory 2. Absolute territorial integrity theory 3. Theory of...
19 April 2018 3,236 4 View
Plastic is now integral part of our life. Plastic industry is growing with a lot many Environmental problems. We have various options and technologies but each one has its own merits and...
27 March 2018 8,031 8 View
Different thermal technologies, such as "gasification", "pyrolysis", "incineration", "bio gas" etc are available. The composition of municipal is not uniform every where. Similarly, there is...
08 March 2018 9,334 12 View
Various researchers are suggesting biochar treatment for soil, contaminated with heavy metals. Biochar got the ability to adsorb heavy metals and make it unavailable for plant. But for how long...
28 February 2018 9,807 8 View
Different approaches have been used or developed to mitigate/reclaim the heavy metal polluted soils and waters including the landfill/damping sites and industrial effluent. Among these...
26 February 2018 3,982 9 View
Heavy use of copper based fungicides is a big source of soil copper contents. Uptake by plant is generally linked with pH and presence or absence of some micronutrients, such as Zinc, molybdenum....
12 February 2018 9,276 7 View
We have different water quality guideline standards for different purposes. Different countries have set different standards. How we can identify a guide lines standard for a particular pollutant...
09 February 2018 9,154 14 View
https://newsgranularity.com/2020/05/11/covid-19-vs-spanish-flu-a-societal-comparison/ Overall, the Spanish Flu is likely to be deadliest epidemic in the history of world. Estimates are that 1-3%...
01 January 1970 5,283 5 View
Many researchers recommending "Biochar"for soil contaminated with heavy metals. Some heavy metals are micronutrients such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Mo etc. If biochar adsorb these micronutrients and make...
01 January 1970 9,097 12 View
Amaranthus viridis Linn is a common summer weed found every where. It has got medicinal properties. There is any specific research that may have extracted some compounds (alkaloids) of medicinal...
01 January 1970 9,961 6 View
If someone publish research papers in open accessed journals. Collect and compile papers in sequence on the same theme and publish that in the form of a book. This will come under self plagiarism...
01 January 1970 2,474 18 View
For a job, especially at universities we designed a set of criteria. In this the most important one is about number of research papers (publications), impact factor and citation. Generally, a...
01 January 1970 5,233 1 View
It is true that CO2 is soluble in water. As soon it come in contact with water molecules, it produce carbonic acid. CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 Carbonic acid work on slightly or non soluble calcium and...
01 January 1970 4,170 7 View
Temperature has got a detrimental role in fruit & vegetable varieties. Hot regions of the globe are rich in food varieties and production. Most of the published research papers are talking...
01 January 1970 5,812 28 View
Off-seasons vegetable offers the higher prices to the farmers. Instead of high price, people preferred off-season fruits and vegetables. It is a general perception that such fruits and vegetables...
01 January 1970 8,197 15 View
The use of Ethylene gas (C2H4) is considered suitable for ripening of fruit. Due to low price, majority of farmers in Pakistan are using Calcium Carbide as alternative. When Calcium Carbide reacts...
01 January 1970 1,346 3 View
Dissolve Oxygen (DO) meter is frequently used in river study. Calibration in the laboratory is not a problem, but it is difficult to calibrate DO meter in the field, especially for streams with...
01 January 1970 3,099 6 View
Scientists have been warning since the 1980s that strong policies were needed to limit emissions. Various countries and international community are with efforts to cope with the situation. But I...
01 January 1970 8,436 23 View
Net zero refers to a state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal out of the atmosphere. A growing number of countries, cities and companies are aiming for...
01 January 1970 5,140 12 View
Electric cars have been introduced world wide with the idea that there will be some decrease in carbon footprints along with decrease in air pollution. But we have to charge an electric car on...
01 January 1970 431 19 View
There is terrorist attack in one country. Another country start war-on terror or counter terrorism. In this way, partially or fully capture a handsome piece of land. In this way control all...
01 January 1970 6,426 9 View
Industries are earning, and it is easy to justify recovery of operational cost for an industrial waste water treatment plant. Municipal wastewater water treatment receive a bulk of wastewater from...
01 January 1970 5,696 13 View
When talking about waste reduction, various terms came under discuss. Such as: Low waste no waste Cleaner production Zero waste These terms are discussed under the concept of preventive...
01 January 1970 254 30 View
We measure heavy metals in each and every thing and compared it with standard Guidelines. If the total concentration in water, soil or crop is high, straight away we declared that as hazardous and...
01 January 1970 4,591 8 View
Most of pesticides are organic and not water soluble. If it get absorb, there is a lot of chemical changes too. In such circumstances how it get accoumolated and contaminate food cycle? It is true...
01 January 1970 7,357 50 View
If we want to study an area of tourist interest for bringing it under the concept of Eco-tourism, what parameters should be selected? Or what aspect we have to study and analyse? What changes are...
01 January 1970 1,643 20 View
To meet the needs of growing population, scientists are on the way to introduce new crop/plant varieties. The indigenous species are going to disappear. But we have a new high yielding variety. It...
01 January 1970 545 11 View
EIA was introduced in early 1960s with the aim to analyze a proposed developmental project for its negative impacts on environment and identify suitable mitigation measures. Initially EIA was...
01 January 1970 4,703 3 View
Canned juices are common and available every where. Some are of good quality, still most of the people called it unhealthy.
01 January 1970 9,719 40 View
Now a day we are very much worried about plastic waste, especially shopping bags. But it is only a fraction of crud oil. About 2 to 3% of crud oil is converted into plastic, while 97 to 98% is...
01 January 1970 4,889 8 View
Everyone know about the non bio-degradable nature of plastic and associated environmental problems. Now new bio-degradable plastic shopping bags have been introduced in the market. How plastic...
01 January 1970 8,656 21 View
Troposphere sphere contains 99℅ (by weight) of the total atmosphere. CO2 is water soluble and continuously washed during rain. Some CO2 is also get dissolved in surface water. A big percentage is...
01 January 1970 5,208 4 View
What mechanism may be adopted to declare a wetland site as RAMSAR site? What are the attached benefits and liabilities for the host country. There is any other organizations, supporting wetland...
01 January 1970 5,437 1 View