41 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammed Lamine Mekhalfia
Dear researchers. I am trying to perform a simulation where I used "AMR" magneto-resistive sensor for gear tooth sensing where extract the sensor output in function of time and the distribution...
17 July 2023 8,820 0 View
Dear Researchers. I am trying to resolve the following physical problem. using ANSYS 2021 r1. Electromagnet that has a coil of 165 turns and 0.0031H and powered by 25 A (AC/DC pending on need)...
03 May 2023 2,674 3 View
Dear Researchers. I hope that this will fin you well. I made a modal analysis of a structure (long twisted blade), yet in the results which were proven also experimentally, I found that the...
10 November 2022 4,208 17 View
Dear Researchers. Hope this will find you well. for those who have experience with the LDV, I am trying to measure the vibration at a tip of a blade, while the blade has a twist angle (alpha)...
11 October 2022 8,236 1 View
Dear researchers, I plotted the Campbell Diagram for a Bladed disk. I would like to know please the deepen definition of prohibited speed range meaning? How to identify this in the attached...
18 September 2022 9,950 0 View
Dear I hope this post will find all researchers well, I am trying using ANSYS to plot the Campbell diagram for a Bladed disk (60 blades). I was wondering if there is a possibility to make Ansys...
29 August 2022 8,776 0 View
I would highly appreciate your thoughts well this question is a follow up for a previous question but it seems that I could not found it. Well, I am trying to vary the mesh size and record the...
18 August 2022 1,477 0 View
Dear. in my code below I am trying to plot an output. This output is related to a vector S so , the output would equal 1 if the value of time t equals one (1) of the value of the vector S else...
08 June 2022 7,078 0 View
Dear researchers, I am trying to build a rotary rig where I am using a belt for the transmission of rotation from an electric motor to the shaft. I have same diameter pulley both ends, I measured...
30 March 2022 7,041 0 View
Dear researchers I hope that you are all doing well. I prepared a paper about Fluid/Structure interactions and it is based on computer simulation. I would like to know if some of you has a...
22 November 2021 5,017 5 View
Dear Researchers. I am studying the vibration of twisted blade under rotation using scanning head PSV 500 . We positioned the LDV to be in front of the blade . dispositions is available in the...
18 October 2021 6,309 2 View
Dear researchers. I would like please to get your opinion and expertise on this issue. If we have a paper that deals only with a numerical results obtained from simulation. Is there any journals...
23 September 2021 3,280 3 View
Dear All is there any one who performed mode shape analysis via Laser vibrometry to guide me on how to analyze for mode shape of Bladed disk in rotation. the manual did not help much, I used to...
31 August 2021 3,625 1 View
Dear . I have a Laser vibrometry unit with a scanning head PSV 500 and a sensor head OFV-505/503. The optimal stand of for OFV-505/-503 is "234mm +(n.l)" The optimal stand of for PSV-500 is...
30 June 2021 4,823 4 View
Dear Researchers, I would like to create the following system (attached Picture) which will be my virtual test bench. it consist of 4 pulse generator distributed equally on a circumference. A...
15 June 2021 2,148 0 View
if I would like to obtain resonance due to rotation what is the conditions I should set? is it enough to only assume that the rotation frequency need to be equal to the natural frequency? if I...
02 June 2021 6,994 11 View
Dear all I am trying to perform a modal analysis of a beam yet I am keeping recieving the following warning: ''The model dimensions in the solver unit system were determined to be very large....
14 May 2021 4,118 3 View
Dear All. I hope you are doing well, I have a problem handling this blade geometry, I am trying to perform analysis on this blade but I could not use the APDL, it shutdown when I start meshing...
12 May 2021 9,412 3 View
Dears. I have a system where the input was a constant value, I plotted the output in function of time. Later I used FFT to get amplitude per frequency. The total sampling time was 1.3 second. I...
29 April 2021 9,474 3 View
Dear All. if I have a pipe with a constant ID= x a totally horizontal. the pipe length is L. Now if I used two different fluids with the same input pressure 2 bar , how should be the variation...
26 April 2021 9,444 5 View
Dear I would like to plot the FFT while I am having only a table of two vectors times and amplitude! is that possible? could someone guide me!
21 April 2021 2,663 5 View
Dear all. I am exporting results from ANSYS fluent to CSV format yet when I open those with excel the two column supposed appear just in one so is there a way to separate that as the manual...
18 April 2021 4,178 3 View
Dear I would like to know the answer of the question, I know that airfoils follow NACA profile as a standard so is there other profile's standards in the field of aeronautics or turbomachinery...
23 March 2021 2,524 8 View
Dear I need to have the stiffness and mass matrix for my Geometry in ANSYS, yet I tried the commands and just still receiving an error message. Can anyone guide me through the process?
16 March 2021 3,318 2 View
In ANSYS 2 way FSI guide, they input the value of the force in transient structural setup bloc. while they do not mention that in the fluid side ( Fluid fluent) even that we identify the...
15 March 2021 9,689 3 View
I have a pipe with 10 mm in Diameter and 2 bar pressure, the fluid velocity is 200 m/s, the fluid is air. is there a way to reduce velocity without affecting the pressure value?
26 February 2021 7,469 3 View
I am trying to simulate the impact of a sinusoidal force on a Beam, yet I registred this beating signal (Displacement by time). The freaquency of excitation was the same as the first natural...
20 February 2021 6,160 3 View
Dear I have an air reservoir with 50 bar pressure , this reservoir is fed by 2 bar air pressure source, I would like to instal air pump ( 30 m3/h ) to evacuate the 2 bar fed pressure so I always...
07 February 2021 3,842 3 View
I tried to submit my 1st paper at one of Springer journal, yet it been rejected because that the field of research is not contained in the journal. after that II been contacted by Springer...
14 July 2020 5,729 13 View
Dear. I have a beam that is fixed from a side and free from another and I would like to measure the vibration on the free end of this beam. I am looking for a non contact method so my sensor will...
01 January 1970 9,138 4 View
Hi all. I would like to start a small discussion about something that I am real curious about. since there is FSI ( Fluid structure Interaction) I wounder if Software like ANSYS give a chance to...
01 January 1970 6,014 1 View
Dear. Since I am interested ;ore in understanding the way sensors work, so I would like to start a numerical analysis for several sensors to try to combine that with experimental results. an...
01 January 1970 9,128 3 View
Dear researchers. I am studying the vibration of a blade in function of rotational velocity. the blade feedback through ANSYS is presented in the attached picture. Why the feedback is...
01 January 1970 6,248 7 View
Dear I am working on a Fluid structure interaction problem, I am using ANSYS. Following their user guide, I successfully built the project schematic . My question is related to setting the...
01 January 1970 6,886 3 View
Dear All. I think that all the engineering software adopt FEM to analyse in structure or system, yet let focus on mechanical structures ( Blade or an airfoil). to study that we need to determine...
01 January 1970 8,471 2 View
in structural analysis, I would like to know what is the real physical meaning of having a low and high natural frequencies? which is better to avoid structure with low or high natural frequencies?!!
01 January 1970 4,879 5 View
Dear researchers. well I am studying a 1 way FSI problem where the input pressure is transient The Input pressure is a step function where at t0.11s P = 1 bar. I...
01 January 1970 7,522 3 View
Dear all Suppose that we have a gas used in STL condition where the density of this GAS is near to ambient air environment. Now if we jet Air into air and this Gas into air using the same nozzle...
01 January 1970 3,906 0 View
Dear. I have a shaker that generate pulse signal, I would like to use the shaker to excite a rotating blade. I would like to excite to obtain resonance mode. so what is the condition of speed...
01 January 1970 6,198 1 View
Dear researcher. I am trying to acquire knowledge on the topics related to the non linear behavior of rotating bladed disk. I read some research papers :Theoretical and experimental...
01 January 1970 2,174 0 View
Dear Researchers. I have a permanent magnet that need to be inserted inside a ferromagnetic cylinder. the magnet has a cylindrical shape made with ferrite and it should be anisotropic (bought...
01 January 1970 978 1 View