in my code below I am trying to plot an output.
This output is related to a vector S so , the output would equal 1 if the value of time t equals one (1) of the value of the vector S else the output = 0
how to integrate this if statement wit the fact that S is a vector
I tried a lot
Instead of the (3) I need to make an index
My code:
clear all
omega=1000 %rotation frequency (rpm)
omega_rad=(omega*2*pi)/60 %rotation frequency (rad/s)
TRot=(360*(pi/180))/omega_rad %Time of one rotation
Holes=15 %Number of holes in Cylinder
Pressure_In1=0 %Pressure Amplitude in Bar
Pressure_In2=1 %Pressure Amplitude in Bar
alpha=360/Holes %angles between holes (degree)
beta=11.20 %angles swept by 1 hole (degree)
alpha_rad=alpha*(pi/180) %angles between holes (rad)
beta_rad=beta*(pi/180) %angles swept by 1 hole (rad)
k=TRot/100 %timestep
for N=1:1:Holes
s= TRot*(N*alpha)/360
for time=0:k:TRot
if (time>(S(3)-0.002))&&(time