27 Questions 41 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Indumati Sharma
I want to know which one is more suitable for dendritic cell transduction. I see that in: https://www.cell.com/cell/pdfExtended/S0092-8674(15)00829-6 PAX2 plasmid is used for dendritic cells...
01 January 2019 3,804 3 View
I have a Cas9 plasmid which is human codon optimised. Will there be any difference in Cas9 protein expression if this is expressed in mice?
08 August 2018 5,932 0 View
I'm not referring to error bars. I want to add +/- signs in front of my mean (just like in a paper), without having to go to insert symbols and inserting them individually. Are there any keys to...
11 November 2013 8,530 9 View
10 October 2013 5,948 1 View
Why are standards for phenolics dissolved in methanol for HPLC?
10 October 2013 483 9 View
I tried it with water, 5% DMSO but it seems to insoluble in those solvents.
10 October 2013 6,392 7 View
I’m working on particular species of lizard in India. One of the objectives of my study is to isolate the epididymal luminal protein/s that specifically binds to the sperm surface. In this regard,...
09 September 2013 2,776 4 View
I'm running TLC with silica sheets. As the solvent travels quarter way up its movement changes such that we no longer see a straight line of solvent but rather a squiggly line. This largely...
09 September 2013 7,161 15 View
What should be the nutritional status of wistar rats before the injection of STZ.? I came across this very interesting paper titled 'Streptozotocin is equally diabetogenic whether administered to...
08 August 2013 7,030 1 View
I'm getting 1731nM of MDA in my 10% homogenate. And my 10% homogenate has 16.44 mg/ml of protein. How do I express my results in terms of nmoles of MDA/mg of protein? It should fall within the...
08 August 2013 578 16 View
what does 30% w/v of H2O2 mean? does it mean 30g of H2O2 is present in 100ml of that solution?
08 August 2013 799 17 View
What are the conditions to be maintained to get a consistent fast blood glucose levels in all my rats when injected them with STZ?
07 July 2013 628 3 View
Can we measure antioxidant status, like CAT, SOD, GSH a week after autopsy of wister rats? I know that LPO should be measured the day of autopsy. But what about other parameters? Is it true that...
07 July 2013 3,041 0 View
My alpha-glucosidase enzyme (from SRL) is degrading too quickly when I make working and stock solution. I store it at -4.0 C. How can I prevent it from degrading? Do I need to store it at -20 or -80?
04 April 2013 6,984 2 View
In Alpha glucosidase assay does PNPG (from SRL) degrade readily if kept at room temperature for about 2-3h?
04 April 2013 737 1 View
Can alpha glucosidase and alpha amylase work at room temperature and at 37*C? If so why? The specifications for these enzymes are that they work at 37*C. But number of papers have modified their...
04 April 2013 2,614 3 View
Why is methanol used for dpph assay as control? Shouldn't it be dpph+methanol solution?
04 April 2013 296 2 View
What are the key features to look out for when inducing type 2 diabetic animal models? How will there histological and biochemical parameters be different to that of type 1 diabetic animal models?...
03 March 2013 2,292 9 View
How do we tackle diabetes 2? Obesity and diabetes are the two most debilitating and insidious diseases; and its scientifically proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that its largely due to...
03 March 2013 9,591 27 View
If I add lard, or coconut oil, or sucrose or starch into my rat's diet will it be palatable for the rats? What are the common sources of fat and carbohydrates in purified diets for high fat diets...
03 March 2013 4,541 4 View
For high energy diets, how much (g/unit-body-weight) does a Wistar rat pup eat? Will they reach satiety with a smaller quantity when they are fed a high energy diets compared to a regular chow diet?
02 February 2013 756 0 View
I need to homogenize my rat's liver to obtain crude enzyme. Usually I homogenize it with phosphate buffer and salts like KCl and MgCl2. It has worked, but I am afraid that the salts could be...
02 February 2013 5,460 23 View
Why is sucrose used for isotonic solution preparation? Why not any other mono or disaccharides, like glucose, maltose or fructose?
02 February 2013 826 3 View
How much do rat pups, of 4 weeks of age, eat at a time? Is 5g/100g of body weight correct? And how much would they drink in a day?
02 February 2013 9,369 2 View
Why is it that Glucose is the preferred (if not the only monosaccharide) that is ultimately used as the prime energy source? Why not galactose or fructose for example?
02 February 2013 2,397 34 View
I want to estimate GLUT4 antibody in my animal models. According to a number of publications western blot is the primary method of estimating GLUT4. But is ELISA an option? Why is Western Blot the...
02 February 2013 8,244 11 View
What's the difference between ELISA and Western Blot in terms of quantifying membrane proteins?
02 February 2013 696 9 View