33 Questions 90 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gerry A Quinn
Can anyone tell me the largest number of proteins directly extracted from soil ? I am writing a paper about soil protein extraction and wanted to know what sort of yields other researchers were...
01 January 2020 8,065 2 View
We are looking for a Candicidin D standard for HPLC and mass spectrometry. It is no longer made by the company listed on PubChem (alpha chemistry). Does anybody have any other suggestions?
01 January 2019 4,406 3 View
I am conducting a metagenomic analysis of alkaline soil and I wondered if there were any specialised methods of DNA extraction given the alkaline nature of the soil.
08 August 2018 3,238 4 View
I am being asked to provide polyphasic studies to name a new bacterial species, however, I have already provided the whole genomic sequence together with some comparitive genome analysis and some...
07 July 2018 2,044 0 View
I have been characterising a new strain of Streptomyces and was wanting to compare it to other similar alkaliphilic strains of Streptomyces. I have read of figures as high as 11.5 but the...
07 July 2018 1,528 8 View
Are there any references to the maximum pH levels tolerated by strain S. coelicolor M145 ?
04 April 2018 2,578 4 View
I had previously made a series of (modified SFM) agars at high alkaline pH 8----->13.6. I did not measure the pH of the resulting solidified agar because it just seemed a bit awkward and I...
03 March 2018 839 4 View
I was wondering if the pH of an environment influences the development of amyloid proteins ? Cellular control of pH is performed by porters/ antiporters. I have searched for these in human...
11 November 2017 9,352 4 View
I have been using activated carbon columns to clean up protein samples. Protein recovery has been very low. When I use a large amount of protein i.e. 5mg the recovery is only 0.5mg . I was...
10 October 2017 479 1 View
We have sequenced a bacteria and found multiple copies of antibiotic resistance genes. The sequences of the copies are not identical. I was wondering if this diversity of copies is to increase the...
10 October 2017 6,445 13 View
We use quite a lot of trypsin in our protocols to digest large amounts of proteins into peptides. I was wondering if there are any efficient trypsin recycling systems that would save on the amount...
09 September 2017 3,947 2 View
I am trying to optimise protein yields from a graphite column. The yields are in the order of 11% of the original protein. I have tried collecting the run through (contains protein) and using...
09 September 2017 6,826 2 View
I am testing the inhibitory potential of some environmental Streptomyces. Some of the zones of inhibition are not immediately apparent and you have to tilt the plates against the light to see the...
08 August 2017 7,849 6 View
After repeatedly sub-culturing some of my strains of Streptomycetes, I find that their antimicrobial potential is diminishing. Are there some good methods for re-awakening their antimicrobial...
05 May 2017 2,799 7 View
I have a protein solution with 4% SDS. I want to remove the SDS for later downstream analysis. I know a few techniques for protein precipitation , actone/ethanol, choloform/methanol, TCA/acetone,...
03 March 2017 1,475 7 View
I am trying to clean up some colour from bacterial protein. Graphite columns work quite well but they only hold 100ug of protein. Are there any suppliers of higher capacity columns in europe (i...
02 February 2017 4,037 5 View
I am trying to identify some metabolites from a recently sequenced strain of Streptomyces. The metabolites were extracted from the secreted products of the Streptomyces using methanol, chloroform...
02 February 2017 5,334 6 View
I am assembling a soil metaproteome. I was wondering if there was a standard group of proteins which define the dynamics of the soil or are conclusions on soil health /dynamics strictly dependent...
11 November 2016 6,197 4 View
My protein extraction methodology from bacteria produces a light brown pellet. I have been toldthat these colours or pigmens can be problematic for the downstram mass-spec analysis on the Q...
11 November 2016 1,631 6 View
During prolonged washing steps or overnight incubations of Western blots, are proteins fixed to the PDVF membrane sufficiently ? Are there some optimal methods of fixation like air-drying after...
10 October 2016 4,280 9 View
I am seeing a lot of background staining on pIMAGO kit for phosphorylated proteins on membrane. I am using PVDF membrane . All reagents were freshly prepared with milliQ water etc. Does anybody...
10 October 2016 1,290 2 View
I have a environmental sample which has been subject to two diiferent extraction procedures. The resulting proteins have been digested and run through a mass spectrometer giving results (through...
09 September 2016 4,594 4 View
I have one bulk soil sample which i will extract by two different methods. Both methods have around 6-7 steps before the purified protein is ready for mass spectrometery identification of the...
07 July 2016 4,955 6 View
I am trying to enrich an environmental bacterial membrane proteome . Are there any good papers I should read about successful membrane proteome analysis in bacteria ?
06 June 2016 5,175 1 View
What is currently considered to be the best therapy for Alzheimers disease ? I was also wondering what is the most promising therapy that has yet to reach people suffering from this disease ?
03 March 2016 4,568 8 View
I am measuring water contact angles on top of organisms that produce hydrophobic proteins. I use pure water to measure water contact angles with a goniometer on top of a lawn of organisms....
12 December 2015 560 2 View
I am working on isolation of the total proteome of soils with a high organic content. There are very few labs which do this successfully. I was wanting to know the most preferred techniques for...
12 December 2014 9,458 2 View
I am looking for simple assays to test whether large bacterial amyloid-like proteins are broken down after treatment. The solutions for testing would also contain bacterial media components.
03 March 2014 4,733 2 View
I am looking for a successful protein extraction protocol for soils. I have been favouring detergent based methods using Alkaline SDS, TCS precipitation, and solubilization in guanidine buffer,...
08 August 2013 2,281 2 View
Especially chaplins , rodlins etc
06 June 2013 6,582 2 View
I want to find patterns in proteomic data from an analysis of bacterial membrane proteins
01 January 2013 3,727 0 View
Reading some research recently on the anti-diabetic drug metformin and its mode of action I wondered if there were many explanations about its effect on Alzheimers patients ? Looking at the...
01 January 1970 3,245 2 View
I was wondering if phosphorylation was necessary for amyloid fibre formation ? I have read a lot about eukaryotic phosphorylation in the case of alzheimers etc . I wondered if it was generally...
01 January 1970 5,799 3 View