I have one bulk soil sample which i will extract by two different methods. Both methods have around 6-7 steps before the purified protein is ready for mass spectrometery identification of the different proteins extracted by each method. The bulk sample is split in two A and B , sample A is subjected to a boiling treatment, some sonication and then is split into 5 parts for overnight protein precipitation . The five subsamples are cleaned and precipitated with methanol etc . Three different samples of these are separated on an SDS page gel. Each lane is in-gel digested and run through a mass spectrometer.
The second sample B is treated in a different manner for two processes and then is split into 8-9 for the overnight protein precipitation using a different chemistry. The precipitated protein is then centrifuged the next day and cleaned with solvent and prepared for mass spectrometry. Three different samples from B are then run on an SDS-page gel, in-gel digested and run on a mass spectrometer, giving MS and MS /MSprofiles.
I want to compare the groups of proteins I have extracted by both extraction methods A and B and make inferances from the differences. Perhaps to say that A method extracts proteins which belong more to membrane type protein families than method B . To do this I think I need triplicate observations so that I can make some statistical inferences. Can I call these triplicates of observations biological replicates rather than technical replicates ?