39 Questions 62 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Farzane Besharat
adding graphene oxide / rGO / graphene have shown conflicting surface roughness changes in Polyethersulfone. for rGO in specific, why do we have roughness decrease whilst porosity has increased?
02 February 2019 9,708 5 View
GO in NMP - considering NMP is not an electrilyte on itself, can the flakes move towards the opposite electrode?
09 September 2018 9,329 0 View
when the loadings of GO in the polymer increased the contacact angle was almost the same as the pure polymer and in one case higher... what can be the reason ... it is expected to have more...
05 May 2018 8,044 3 View
when I apply an electric field over my polymer solution it tries to move toward the negative electrode (the distance between the two electrodes is very low) this local movement is different every...
03 March 2018 10,067 4 View
while casting a carbon filler /polymer composite membrane on glass, during inversion in water , it gets up with a convex surface which is a little shiny. is this side the top surface of the...
02 February 2018 8,002 9 View
I need to cover a metal surface with a thin layer of a water soluble polymer and this layer should adhere very well and not separate , also no-toxic ... what are the feasible methods?please...
01 January 2018 3,726 10 View
I need to know the viscosity and dielectric of my solution. (polymer in a polar solvent)please advise if there is simple models or estimation techniques just to know an approximate estimation
01 January 2018 6,027 2 View
when i want to try thick sectioning of my sample, I fill in the tray with water bu even with angular and axial regulations and also filling and vacuuming water , it does not wet the upper part !...
01 January 2018 6,478 6 View
my membranes are produced about 4.5 cm . is it possible to test them by a sterlitech HP4750 cell with some modifications of the setup?
12 December 2017 3,842 2 View
when we are using phase inversion method, how can we avoid formation of holes in the film casting on a glass slide? what parameters are effective?
10 October 2017 4,769 1 View
please note that I want to find the proper power and time of ultrasonication (probe) for different concentrations of GO in NMP , to make sure of the dispersion stability with no sedimentation. thanks
09 September 2017 3,472 4 View
when we have nanoparticles in a polymeric solvent and it is not moving (hydrostatic), should we consider inertia for the particles negligible vs viscose forces? - and how would that be in case of...
09 September 2017 2,375 4 View
I want to make a gold electrode through sputtering to get a very good, flat and smooth conductive electrode. but I do not know the condition of operation.... do you know what parameters are...
09 September 2017 4,224 7 View
I want to have a good dispersion of graphene oxide (oxide on the edges) in NMP solvent to be stable and sustainable for a few days and not sediment ...the solution is dilute- what should the...
08 August 2017 2,558 6 View
after some of my particles aggregate I remove the remaining dispersion and use that (which does not have precipitation) ....how do I get the concentration of this new solution? what are the...
08 August 2017 6,332 3 View
some where with quick sending service... I need very little piece of this membrane to use a support
08 August 2017 3,810 1 View
while membrane fabrication, I have to consider the width (not thickness) very narrow which results in shrink to some extent ... does that affect the pore structure inside the membrane ??
06 June 2017 2,842 7 View
what causes difference in pore radius in membranes when observed in SEM cross section images? is it the typical structure or may there be another morphologies ?
06 June 2017 7,384 15 View
I want to find GO (dispersed in NMP) dielectric constant / permittivity , under DC field of about 3.7 V/mm
05 May 2017 6,668 4 View
I am trying to fix a wire on a steel plate as an electrode which is located in my solution (including NMP) ... I dont know if the silver paste would dissolve in my material
02 February 2017 9,748 2 View
are saxs and TEM appropriate?
02 February 2017 1,363 3 View
in aqueous or organic media, a polymer which can bond to graphene oxide and move with it simultaneously in the solvent or non-solvent? among PVDF, Polyamid, PTFE, PP, PSF, PES .
01 January 2017 1,018 9 View
I am looking for a processible and typical polymer which is easy to work with and use an easy and short time method to make micro pores in it to be used as support form my synthetic active layer...
11 November 2016 8,368 4 View
when electropolymerization of brittle films is taking place on stainless steel electrodes they are easy in detaching from the electrode but they get damaged mechanically as they are so fragile...
08 August 2016 5,851 4 View
I know about the nanoparticles used for fabrics and cloths like nanosilver and TiO2, ZnO, .... to reduce dirt and smell of the street sweepers uniforms and easier cleaning and washing what...
11 November 2015 4,400 8 View
when we have an aquase sol of TiO2 nps how is it added to polymers? I mean is it only possible when the polymer is water base like PVA? or for PMMA and Epoxy is possible too? also I want to k now...
11 November 2015 9,828 5 View
my pyrrole doesn't vaporize into the condenser at 75 -85 degrees and on the other hand I am afraid rising the temperature would cause it to polymerize... what is a proper temperature..and does it...
11 November 2015 1,880 4 View
I want to make a support of PES on which another layer will deposit such as graphene, and I want to do this by electrodeposition. How should I use a system to obtain a porous conductive layer of C...
10 October 2015 3,917 8 View
I think nitrogen and sulfur compounds are the origin of bad smell and are the odorous compounds in waste ... what nanoparticles are useful for remove or inactivate such materials...
10 October 2015 7,435 13 View
nanoparticles suitable for fabrication of anti-scratch coatings for building stones and other surfaces ....also I want to know about the base polymers suitable for coating nanocomposite synthesis
10 October 2015 3,213 8 View
is sol- gel used for this purpose or only reduction can be used?
10 October 2015 5,170 4 View
polymers like polypyrrole...I need a detailed procedure ...most of articles do not explain in detail I would be thankful if you coud advise me on some thesis about the subject. graphene...
10 October 2015 4,492 10 View
I want to obtain some practical information and procedures on making a polyurea/nanosilver nanocomposite... and also its ability to remove waste odors.....please help. tnx
10 October 2015 5,080 4 View
an ultrasonicator for dispersing nanoparticles in different organic and aqueous solutions with different viscousities and pH
09 September 2015 10,082 5 View
I want to use nanotechnology for waste leachate treatment. I have to learn about the typical processing sequence of stages and then apply nanotechnology in order to eliminate some of the stages or...
08 August 2015 9,854 2 View
In my samples TEM images, there are some aggregates of black nanoparticles mostly located on the edges and some of them are on the sheets...I guess they may be a little contaminants or may be...
06 June 2015 6,007 5 View
I know that different mechanisms such as acidic reaction basic reaction and chelating occur in rust removing operations...I want to know about the name of the chelating ligands or acids to remove...
05 May 2015 707 0 View
I want to have small units or rooms that can keep the temperature at a specific value in the range 35 to 65 degrees...with 0.1 degree accuracy...
04 April 2015 2,582 4 View
I am searching for new papers and books to find out about graphene oxide and graphene oxide/nanoparticle hybrids application in adsorption of waste water organic pollutants. (I should consider...
11 November 2013 9,415 8 View