61 Questions 335 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Debi S. Saini
During the last some years, artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting most areas of management, including the different functions of the management of the human resource. Which aspects of HRM,...
25 May 2020 6,333 2 View
Both terms appear very similar. How do they differ?
08 March 2018 1,131 12 View
Scholars have used the two terms similarly. i was keen to know if there is a difference between these two terms.
30 June 2017 727 14 View
Especially after the publication of the book, "Japanization of the British Industry" in the late eighties some European scholars argued that HRM postulates are rooted in Japanese people...
03 October 2016 8,838 11 View
It has been observed in a number of relationships that management of 'ego' is a very difficult issue. Often people stick to their stand, sometimes unreasonably, even when they know that they...
24 June 2016 3,591 44 View
Both at home and at work we often involve others in getting some work. There are two broad ways of getting the work done from others, both of which are also used by managers. Some use one, and...
15 June 2016 4,757 53 View
It has been observed that managers have a general aversion to reading research-based management books, which if read, could have made them understand more comprehensively the causality of the...
29 May 2016 4,113 63 View
Globalization is built on the foundations of market logic; it postulates that the state will facilitate the functioning of the market as per notions of freedom, efficiency, non-interference, and...
22 April 2016 9,471 35 View
Indian government adopted in 1990 a policy for providing in government employment reservation of jobs and admission in publicly-run educational institutions for people from socially and...
28 February 2016 4,333 21 View
It is believed that trade union power and density across countries is declining in the post-globalization period. I could not find any systematically compiled data in support or against this. Can...
05 March 2015 6,748 4 View
In Asian countries as also in many other developing countries, all HR issues are put under the rubric of HRD rather than HRM. I was the chief guest in an HRD conference organized by a...
21 February 2015 5,620 16 View
Normally, SEM is used to test some hypotheses. A students of mine wants to use SEM for his exploratory research in the area of Social Media and HR Roles.. He has stated some general and special...
14 December 2014 5,038 15 View
In view of the fast changing economic environment, organizations at the global level are taking a number of steps for building their employer brand. This includes adopting diversity management as...
13 December 2014 5,613 10 View
Employee engagement is the buzz word in people management research and practice these days. Some of the most important competencies that need to be developed among managers for promoting employee...
27 October 2014 1,411 45 View
Contemporary research in organization structure shows a paradigm shift in people management across the globe. Organizations are moving from high power-distance to building themselves as low...
18 October 2014 6,814 64 View
Often, organizations decay in effectiveness due to bad internal communication. Research has revealed that communication skills are the most important skills for determining success of managers in...
30 September 2014 7,980 19 View
It is well known that strategic people management is concerned with alignment of HR strategy with business strategy; and also shaping the desired behaviours among the employees that help...
08 September 2014 7,368 28 View
Employee engagement in organizations is more talked about than actually happens in a real sense. Research reveals that the global average of highly engaged employees as per research is only 14%,...
29 August 2014 2,136 34 View
Leadership is one of the essential conditions for organizational success. But research has found that sometimes organizations excel even without top rate leadership if they have grand culture...
27 August 2014 1,359 96 View
The term industrial relations (IR) is giving way to employee relations (ER). I was wondering what indicators should be used for measuring the state of ER in an organization.
08 August 2014 9,563 35 View
The chances of managerial failure in larger organizations is observed as higher than is the case in SMEs. What do you think makes the managerial function in such organizations more difficult?
10 July 2014 863 41 View
Normally, the factors for engagement of employees is culture-determined. Definitely, the eastern culture is quite different from that in the Western countries. Any thoughts on this issue would be...
02 July 2014 4,225 24 View
Lately, the IR research in developing countries is tending to wither away. Scholars in these countries are researching more about human resource management (HRM) issues and its different aspects....
17 June 2014 2,432 20 View
After more than 60 years of the evolution of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we still have high incidence of child labour in some developing countries. India is one of the top in this...
12 June 2014 4,684 40 View
Often, a wide gaps exists between HR strategy of an organization and what exactly is needed by the business strategy on HR front. Since talent of the right disposition and commitment is required...
05 June 2014 1,904 88 View
One of the leading strategic human resource management issues for employers in the developed world is managing collective and individual diversity. This facilitates employee engagement. More and...
04 June 2014 3,835 12 View
Many times, people use these two terms interchangeably. There is a need to understand them precisely.
30 May 2014 2,384 42 View
Though FDI is a major aim of developing economies so as to enhance industrialization, exports and development, it could have many demerits as well for developing economies, Can you suggest both...
30 May 2014 6,754 45 View
The manufacturing sector across the world is known to have higher trade union incidence as compared to that in the service sector. But after the globalization coming into vogue, this is still more...
25 May 2014 2,321 15 View
The critical task that Professor Ram Charan, of Harvard Business school, claims in the process is identifying these two key persons who have the credibility among the rest 98 employees, and...
18 May 2014 8,425 33 View
Usually, during downturn employers find it difficult to meet the financial aspirations of people as that involves additional cost. They need to search for appropriate interventions to fight such a...
16 May 2014 6,617 27 View
When the market is highly competitive, costs are cut down. Labour becomes a big victim. People are treated like other assets such as buildings, plant, machines, material. Such employers take the...
11 May 2014 2,072 17 View
Some people give tremendous importance from the employee engagement point of view if the best friend of an employee works at the same workplace. Others think that it might be a nuisance and...
10 May 2014 5,633 19 View
India has Constitutional protection for reservation of jobs in government and public sector for such communities. This includes universities, research institute, civil services, police, health...
26 April 2014 5,887 22 View
Leading organizations are focusing on carving out appropriate values and creating such conditions that facilitate people to learn to live those values. This enhances organizational brand and helps...
24 April 2014 2,226 7 View
Most organizations do not get turned around because of people's unwillingness to change. It is the job of every leader to undertake measures that enable the organization to survive and grow in the...
23 April 2014 339 43 View
Many people consider anger as something like a curse; it is seen as a weakness of the person getting angry. But that may be too ideal an interpretation. In actuality, to get angry at the...
23 April 2014 5,000 16 View
It is believed that less than one third of the attempts to change the mindsets of people succeed. For what reasons is the success rate so low?
22 April 2014 1,152 29 View
It has been revealed by research that Gen Y (those born between 1979-1995) has demonstrated a different attitude. On the positive side, the commonality among their habits and expectations are:...
17 April 2014 494 18 View
It has been found that dispositionally most people can be divided into either of these two broad categories in their leadership/managerial style. While some proactively trust everyone they work...
16 April 2014 9,587 11 View
In the contemporary discourse on leadership, transformational leadership is perhaps the most talked-about approach. This concept came around the time when the economic world began changing towards...
13 April 2014 2,416 3 View
Usually there are three models of HR strategy: the universal best practice approach; the fit approach; and the resource-based view approach.´I am curious to know whether benchmarking the...
12 April 2014 8,132 2 View
The popular Harvard Model of HRM as envisaged in the book, Managing Human Assets by M. Beer, Bert Spector, Paul R. Lawrence, D. Q. Mills, Richard E. Walton is known to be oriented to multiple...
09 April 2014 344 1 View
Professor Baruch Lev talked of some critical business intangibles that leading companies build to get competitive advantage. The solidity of these intangibles will speak about the possible...
08 April 2014 5,005 2 View
It is believed that in the sphere of production system the paradigm is shifting from Fordism to post-Fordism, but a full comprehension of this concept is not quite clear. What all are the features...
05 April 2014 7,257 7 View
In terms of preferences which three factors you value the most in order of preference: more salary & benefits, autonomy, good boss with leadership qualities; dignity; caring employer; conducive...
04 April 2014 8,605 13 View
Communication specialists have been suggesting the use of terms or emotions (through body language) that can really make impact on the receiver and influence her/him to the desired goal. One has...
03 April 2014 4,221 20 View
I would be looking for the key ideas used by some leaders or entrepreneurs in business that brought exponential success through the use of some systems, processes, values, care, style, etc. Please...
02 April 2014 4,671 4 View
People in business and research scholars are familiar with the term “economies of scale.” But in the present era of chaotic competition, It is now believed that this term is largely being replaced...
02 April 2014 2,383 9 View
It is well known that the employee engagement literature is talking of the workplace revolution in terms of the use of imaginary and innovative human resource practices for promoting employer...
01 April 2014 6,372 12 View
Today’s business is in the age of chaotic competition. To confront it successfully, businesses need to continuously focus on innovation—of products, systems and processes. So one should free the...
01 April 2014 1,246 12 View
Often organization strategy fails because the strategists and the top executives are not able to change the organizational culture, which eventually proves to be antithetical to the conditions...
30 March 2014 8,675 2 View
Southwest Airlines of the USA has 20% lower cost than its competitors, and it has never suffered a loss in its 40 year history. Likewise, Tata Steel Ltd. is the cheapest steel producing company in...
24 March 2014 8,207 17 View
Mintzberg et al. talk about intended strategy and deliberate strategy in their model of business strategy; the difference between the two terms is not quite clear. I was wondering how the former...
24 March 2014 3,196 8 View
While attitude involves mind's predisposition to certain ideas, values, people, systems, institutions; behaviour relates to the actual expression of feelings, action or inaction orally or/and...
23 March 2014 4,030 21 View
To me they appear quite similar except that Barnie has laid down four conditions of a resource being labeled strategic, and perhaps Prahlad has left that issue open.
15 March 2014 6,486 1 View
Is this a process or method of promoting change?
15 March 2014 5,328 6 View
Are mainly knowledge workers known as gold-collared or can even other high profile employees in manufacturing and services sectors sectors be labeled as gold collared?
15 March 2014 3,736 15 View
While commitment refers to employee's satisfaction as well as identification with the organization, employee engagement goes a step further, and involves the employee making discretionary efforts...
15 March 2014 5,297 11 View
Perhaps, it is because they are ethnocentric in their management style. They believe that their management practices are the best and must be followed despite cultural differences. That is why...
15 March 2014 5,962 25 View
What is your experience about a more effective aid to teaching university students. Some people believe that PPTs help promote focus and coherence of thoughts of the teacher, others feel that the...
01 January 1970 4,920 24 View