42 Questions 218 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Asad Ali Khan
Soil is one of the most important life sustaining materials on the earth. It is an essential medium for plants growth that initiate the ecosystem and provide food, either directly or indirectly,...
07 January 2022 4,859 33 View
Many land areas in different parts of the world are infertile due to waterlogging and salinity. In Pakistan too huge areas have become waterlogged and saline due to certain reasons. If such areas...
09 February 2021 4,242 7 View
Many bad and good things happened for global community in 2020. However, the present question is about one top most worst thing and one top most good thing that happened in the world in 2020 and...
31 December 2020 6,519 3 View
Many steps can be taken to make the year 2021 good for humanity. For instance, if powerful and rich countries decide and spend some part of their resources for the improvement and betterment of...
31 December 2020 1,071 4 View
Several environmental experts have warned about the global warming and its effects on different ecosystems. It may also cause large scale melting of continental and alpine glaciers. If this...
24 December 2020 4,875 3 View
Agriculture provides for almost all the basic needs essential for survival and industries provide mostly the luxury commodities required for comfortable life. However, some countries are heavily...
08 December 2020 2,361 15 View
About 71% of the earth's surface is covered by the water bodies which contain huge amount of creatures. Humans are commonly concerned with fish because it is consumed almost in every part of the...
07 December 2020 8,321 4 View
Presently we are living in 'electronics age'. Use of electronics has dominated every sphere of life in almost all parts of the world. All electronic appliances release electromagnetic radiation...
09 November 2020 1,759 2 View
Many countries of the world claim that they have made tremendous progress in different branches of science including virology, but they seem to be helpless in front of COVID-19. Why it is so? Will...
02 November 2020 911 16 View
Agrochemicals are widely used especially in intensive crop farming areas. The applied agrochemicals are not decomposed completely, even fertilizers are partially consumed by the crops. Certainly,...
16 September 2020 4,703 7 View
Cities in the world over, especially in developing countries are expanding rapidly without any effective planning. Natural drainage (natural water passages and stream courses) of the areas cities...
30 August 2020 2,421 10 View
Presently about forty food crops are in common use in the world over. Amongst these four crops namely wheat, rice, maize and potatoes dominate the scene. However, I want to know which food crop is...
07 August 2020 1,896 19 View
Many people use these crops for the sake of enjoyment and satisfaction, and relaxing themselves without knowing their health effects. Anything which we eat or drink must have positive or negative...
07 August 2020 7,298 8 View
There are more than eight places on the earth's surface located in various parts of the world including US, Armenia, Myanmar, Argentina, Saudi Arabia etc. where earth's gravitational force has no...
06 August 2020 6,613 10 View
Solar eclipse is a natural phenomena that happens frequently (several times during the life span of people) and observed on almost all parts of the world. Causes of its happening have been pointed...
23 June 2020 3,033 9 View
Fertile soils are an important requirement for agriculture. Basic soil constituents are minerals, humus, moisture and air. Soil ability to grow plants is certainly affected by the increase or...
18 June 2020 1,974 4 View
With growing population and expanding human activities built-up area is also rapidly increasing resulting in the creation of huge artificial surfaces. The albedo of these surfaces is different...
16 June 2020 4,379 10 View
Mango is popularly known as king of fruits. Hundreds of varieties of mangoes are produced in the world over. Some of them are most liked and popular because of their taste and deliciousness such...
11 June 2020 1,432 5 View
Thundering and lightninging frequently happen over the earth. It is a worldwide and frequently happening phenomenon which is experienced almost everywhere and by everybody. However, the present...
03 June 2020 6,848 26 View
Trees are termed as lungs of the earth because these small natural factories produce free of cost oxygen and consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and keep the environment in balance. These...
20 May 2020 6,615 0 View
It widely accepted view that wide spread human activities, specifically industrial, mining, agricultural, construction, transportation and other movement activities have changed the face of the...
14 April 2020 3,066 11 View
Almost 97% of the global water is saline (brackish) oceanic and only about 3% is fresh water (sweet water) directly usable for drinking, agriculture and other activities. Saline water is not...
01 April 2020 8,548 8 View
Benefits of forests for humans are perhaps uncountable. If look at the uses of wood only, non of the departments and aspects of human life is complete without it. We can easily find articles made...
19 March 2020 4,125 12 View
Forestry is one of the most significant primary activities of the world that provides employment to millions of people. However, forest resources are dwindling over time as a consequence of human...
19 March 2020 7,360 31 View
It is theorized that if circumstances arise that world countries get divided into two distinctive major groups, ' group of industrial countries' and 'group of agricultural countries'. Industrial...
15 March 2020 9,323 16 View
All countries of the world do not produce as much agricultural goods as they consume, specifically food items. What can happen with such countries if due to any reason, surplus agricultural goods...
12 March 2020 8,417 17 View
Rainfall is the most common form of precipitation. It is predominantly useful for land ecosystems but sometimes becomes harmful, particularly its splash action is greater on bare land surface....
06 March 2020 7,474 3 View
Land erosion is a natural phenomenon having both positive as well as negative impacts on ecosystems. Up to what extant land erosion can be beneficial for ecosystem and when it becomes harmful....
06 March 2020 7,285 12 View
Most of the Africa is located in tropical region and receive lot of sunshine and day light. It is the only continent through which Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn run. Then, why...
01 March 2020 6,581 4 View
Soil microorganisms are considered as natural soil labour that keep on working to maintain soil health with out any break. The extent of their work in some cases is more than the work of farmers...
01 March 2020 2,107 42 View
In many cities of the world including cities of Pakistan, huge amount of ground water is drawn through pumps every day for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. Due to this under ground...
25 February 2020 5,732 11 View
Human population over the globe is increasing rapidly and it seems that growth will continue in future too. The question arises that how much it can grow and what size of population our earth can...
18 February 2020 4,415 3 View
Locust is one of the big enemies of plants and a major factor that causes huge crop losses in various parts of the world. Data based scientific answer is required about the extent of agricultural...
09 February 2020 9,840 3 View
It has been reported by several researches that several factors and human activities like increasing use of freon gas, nitrogenous fertilizers, fuel burning in supersonic jets etc. are causing...
24 December 2019 8,254 3 View
Tornados originate in some specific areas of the world more frequently during specific months of the year. These violent winds are very destructive and may cause economic and life losses. Why are...
01 June 2019 5,309 2 View
Answer of the question that when and where the world's ever biggest flood occurred and how much losses were caused by that hazard would be helpful for temporal assessment of floods in terms of...
04 May 2019 7,166 3 View
Urbanisation in most of the less developed countries like Pakistan is at its accelerated stage and encroachment problem is very common which is increasing over time. Thus, it needs proper...
23 March 2019 1,602 4 View
Keeping in view the increasing food needs of rapidly growing population we my need more efficient food resources in future. In this context is there any possibility of Plankton's use as human food...
07 January 2019 3,219 1 View
Humans in the world are facing many economic, social and demographic problems. Many people opine that world is not an ideal and peaceful place. Can it be made peaceful and ideal place for human...
31 December 2018 8,029 3 View
It is widely believed that without controlling the size of population through culturally acceptable measures and policies, the countries having high fertility rates like Pakistan, cannot...
25 September 2018 5,741 3 View
Some people believe that dying rivers can be revived by opting technological measure like constructing dams, controlling the flow of water, diverting the direction of flow of water etc. However,...
14 September 2018 9,712 3 View
Many things are invented for the destruction of humans in the result of modern scientific knowledge. Are with the invention and use of such kind of things we are heading towards the mass...
01 January 1970 2,556 2 View