40 Questions 105 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aqleem Abbas
Can anyone explain the step up PCR? The following is the paragraph, I could not understand the PCR condition for step up PCR [For the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II second largest subunit...
20 July 2020 5,864 5 View
Dear all, Kindly explain these two primers, Are these forward or reverse or different types of primers? Here is the statment from the paper [The Internal Transcribed Spacer region (ITS) was...
20 July 2020 8,088 0 View
Dear All, I did qPCR. How can I calculate CT values for this qPCR data? How can I quantify cDNA? What about down-regulation and up-regulation of genes? Please find the attached excel file and...
22 January 2020 5,675 0 View
Dear All, Can someone help me in the determination of these enzyme activities in the barley leaves for example; Catalase (CAT), Guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), SOD and Polyphenol oxidase (PPO)...
15 November 2019 2,798 2 View
Dear All, I have checked GPX activity of wheat leaves, the absorbance was not stable. I have got this reading Treatment 1= 1.3, 1.40, 1.50 Control 1.0, 1.11, 110 . GPX activity was determined...
20 August 2019 4,977 6 View
Dear All, Today I received an email from a Journal of Scientia Ricerca. Dear Dr. Karim A, Warm Greetings from Scientia Ricerca! Hope you are doing well! We would like to write on behalf of...
15 November 2018 9,931 9 View
Dear All, I have to mix mycelia of an endophytic fungi with the seeds of barley and incubate it in an optimum temperature until germination. Question 1: Is there any method of mixing mycelia...
24 October 2018 605 4 View
Dear All, I want to grow local grass in pots. Then I apply extracts I100ppm|200ppm|0ppm to the seeds, soil in pots, or soil plus seeds in pots. What would be the statistical design for this? How...
23 October 2018 446 5 View
Dear All, I want to grow Barley in pots. I have nutrient soil, vermiculite and perlite in three different 40 kg bags. What would be the ratio of these tree when I mix these three soils? What is...
23 October 2018 6,357 4 View
I have a haemocytometer with 25 major grids and each grid is divided into 16 small grids, The dept is 0.1mm. I put 10 ml ddH20 in petriplates and rub to get spores. I take 10ul from that 10 ml...
20 February 2018 8,190 1 View
Dear All, I have read several papers like these: twelve strains of fungus Trichoderma harzianum were evaluated against Phytopathogen. So in these case what would be the definition of strains?
21 November 2017 1,407 9 View
I have got paired reads from the company. The sequence base for each forward and reverse read was 300. Then I use Greengenes (16S rRNA) 13.8 MARKER GENE DATABASE USING FOLLOWING COMMANDS TO TRAIN...
16 October 2017 1,148 3 View
I have got a sequence from company as I did colony PCR using 16S primers. Now my question, can I make a phylogentic tree using that sequence?? If yes how? Explain. Thanks
08 July 2017 5,426 4 View
Want to set optical density of bacterial cultures at 0.5 or 0.3 of Bacillus spp and Pseudomonas spp. to check their antimicrobial activity. How can I set?
07 June 2017 6,237 7 View
Why there is need to maintain optical density of bacterial suspension before use it as antagonist against fungi??
07 May 2017 5,590 3 View
How many days I grow bacteria in LB broth to obtain culture filtrate?
07 May 2017 9,673 3 View
I would like to get quality total DNA from the soil. I need an extraction buffer and protocol. If you have please do share with me.
07 May 2017 9,004 2 View
I use an extraction buffer to get DNA, I got but the quality is very low. I measure the quality and quantity of DNA using nanodrop spectrophotometer??
29 April 2017 8,283 3 View
I want to isolate various microorganisms especially bacteria from soil. Therefore I need the protocols of all the available growth media.
25 April 2017 600 8 View
Did colony PCR for bacteria?? Could not get a good result??
20 March 2017 3,917 6 View
I want to extract DNA of unknown soil bacteria. I would like to send it back to company for sequencing. After Gell running, I would send the company or after extracting DNA, I will do Pcr than PCR...
20 February 2017 2,899 3 View
I have isolated fungi from a diseased fruit and cultured this fungi in Petri plates. Which protocol should I follow to extract the DNA of these unknown fungi? What strategy, I should use to do...
14 February 2017 2,041 22 View
Most of the researchers have reported mixed infection of Alternaria alternata and Alternaria solani . I want to differentiate them based on morphology as well as molecular methods. If you have a...
13 February 2017 2,629 26 View
Most of the researchers nowadays use detached leaves of a certain plants to check the pathogenicity of a plant pathogenic fungi. Is there any current reference is available for that method.
10 February 2017 8,726 17 View
I have prepared the conidial suspension of fungi and now I want to adjust the spore concentration by hemocytometer> Your suggestions are needed.
06 February 2017 6,142 8 View
Penicillium is a problem in Petri plates having PDA media. I have sterilized the PDA media but still, it is a potential threat. I want to work on other fungi but I face Penicillium and its spores....
06 February 2017 4,791 6 View
Edit What is the difference between sterilized, de ionize and distil water? Under what circumstances we have to use sterilize, deionize or distil water? For which experiments we have to use these...
22 January 2017 5,654 3 View
What is the difference between sterilized, de ionize and distil water? Under what circumstances we have to use sterilize, deionize or distil water? For which experiments we have to use these...
12 January 2017 6,387 7 View
I have collected soil from two types of soil: I got sclerotia of R. solani and then ..I have to bury them in the soil to isolate biocontrol agents. What would be the experimental design,...
12 January 2017 2,842 8 View
I want a clear cut protocol regarding screening of biocontrol agents from the soil by using sclerotia of R. solani as baiting test. If someone has knowledge regarding this topic please do share...
03 January 2017 1,705 5 View
I place some of R. solani cultured Petriplates under fluorescent tubes and some of the Petri dishes in complete dark. The results were surprising, the color of R. solani under flouresent tubes as...
29 December 2016 7,794 12 View
How can I prepare sequencing library? what is rRNA depletion?
05 December 2016 1,963 3 View
What is importance of mycoviruses in terms of Plant pathology?
28 November 2016 853 10 View
I want to write a review paper on major viral diseases of Potato crop. I can use DAS-ELISA or DAC-ELISA for detection of all these viruses. ELISA is the old technique, I want recent PCR techniques...
24 November 2016 1,428 2 View
Some proteins have secondary, tertiary or primary structures. Even some of the nucleic acids have the same phenomenon. what is the importance of these structures in strength and flexibility? Which...
13 November 2016 4,122 4 View
The 16S rRNA gene is used for phylogenetic studies between different species of bacteria and archaea. What sort of genes that are used to study phylogeny within the strains/subspecies of bacteria?
29 October 2016 5,828 3 View
Can anyone explain major difference between northern and southern blotting?
28 October 2016 3,291 8 View
I want to know about the difference between qPCR and RTPCR. What is major difference between these two PCRs? For which experiments, I have to use these PCRs?
20 October 2016 1,903 21 View
Why the DNA loading Dye is made up of Bromophenol blue and Xylene cynaol? Is not there any other chemical which can be used in place of Bromophenol blue and Xylene cyanol?
29 September 2016 2,794 13 View
We want to check the effect on DNA due to infection of Plant Pathogen. What could be proper procedure to isolate DNA from an infected Plant? Is the procedure of isolation of DNA same for both...
25 September 2016 3,126 5 View