67 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ammar Bader
I found this ornamental plant in the garden please help me identify this specie.
01 July 2024 4,427 8 View
Several studies have suggested capsaicin as a treatment for Morton's neuroma, is it a curative or a temporary analgesic treatment, how much time it lasts?
26 November 2022 6,936 3 View
There is a relationship between smoking and Parkinsonism , could MPTP be a degradation product of Nicotine.
21 August 2018 8,009 3 View
The composition of myelin sheath is reported, it is rich in Lipids, Cholesterol, Cerebroside, Sulfatide, Ethanolamine, phosphatides, Lecithin, Sphingomyelin, Phosphatidylserine and...
04 March 2018 1,153 2 View
Which sex pheromones are produced by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus? Which component of human sweat attract these mosquitoes?
20 January 2018 8,008 6 View
Kynureninase is an interesting enzyme involved in many diseases such as schizophrenia and viral diseases, is these a synthetic ligand that can be used to compare the activity of certain...
19 January 2018 2,544 1 View
some journal with open access ask high fees to publish an article, this cost can reach up to 2500 $ USA, is it logic to charge this high cost on the author who has paid a lot of costs to...
19 January 2018 924 42 View
In nature there are very few natural compounds with anthelmintic properties, what is the best guideline for the selection of natural compounds to be screened as anthelmintic drugs? what are the...
19 November 2017 6,456 3 View
Wilson's disease is a genetic disorder caused by excess of copper in the body, the treatment includes chelating agents such as trientine and d-penicillamine and zinc acetate (Brand name: Galzin)...
08 October 2017 2,932 1 View
some metals melt at a very high temperature such as Tungsten (3422 °C) while the boiling point is 5930 °C !! which instrument can measure these temperatures??
03 October 2017 9,810 10 View
D-ribose has demonstrated significant enhancing abilities in replenishing deficient cellular energy levels following myocardial ischemia, does the metabolic pathway differ from that of D-glucose?...
29 September 2017 8,317 2 View
some drugs are found in combination with caffeine such as: Cafergot (Dihydroergotamine+Caffeine), Saridon (Propyphenazone+paracetamol+caffeine), Excedrin (Aspirin+paracetamol+caffeine) Phrenilin...
27 July 2017 5,938 4 View
could osteopetrosis "stone bone or marble bone disease" be treated by chemical agents that cause osteoporosis such as corticosteroids.
24 July 2017 3,189 3 View
I met a patient who has allergy to all types of penicillins, cephalosoprines, sulphanamides and flouroquinolones drugs. Can I advise this patient to take corticosteroids and ant-histaminic drugs...
24 July 2017 6,742 1 View
some infectious diseases are unresponsive to broad spectrum of antibiotics, how can we prevent the antibiotic resistance of very narrow choices of antibiotics. In some cases the effective...
23 July 2017 9,653 3 View
I found this plant in a Saudi Drugstore, I have no idea about its origin or scientific name can you help me in the identification of this plant.
29 April 2017 9,321 9 View
Galanthamine hydrobromide is a good compound for positive control, but it is very expensive, which other compounds can be used as positive assay against the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum? in...
05 March 2017 5,280 9 View
How to perform a study on plants from countries belonging to Nagoya Protocol? Is it sufficient to mention the country? or to add the name of a scientist from that country?
28 February 2017 8,766 3 View
I am looking for compounds containing quinone in their structures such as thymoquinone, Griseofulvin etc. please exclude tetracycline, naphthaquinone "juglone, lawsone etc, or anthraquinone...
02 February 2017 3,679 3 View
people spend hours and hours by reading a lot of news on facebook, the kind of information received depends on the user and his/her tendency to read within certain areas and the type of pages and...
02 February 2017 9,731 6 View
We are investigating the phytochemistry of Psiadia sp. it contains some compounds which were isolated previously in Baccharis sp. is there a genetic and morphological relationship between the two...
20 January 2017 8,335 3 View
Euphorbia taifensis is a new species of Euphorbia discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2007, its fruits are eaten by Hamadryas baboon "Papio hamadryas" in case of severe hunger, it seems very unusual...
02 January 2017 8,176 3 View
I found this species in many irrigated places in Makkah-Saudi Arabia I seems Phyllanthus species. In Saudi Arabia there are 3 species of Phyllanthus: Phyllanthus maderaspatenensis, P. tenellus...
20 December 2016 7,301 16 View
Many physicians prescribe for the same patient anti-cough drug (Dextromethorphan or Dihydrocodeine) with mucolytic drug (Mucosolvan or Bisolvon or Prospan)?I think that cough is necessary...
14 December 2016 4,482 6 View
In MTT test we can measure the toxicity of plant crude extracts, at which concentration we can consider the crude extract with potent, remarkable, good, weak or no activity? is there a scale...
26 November 2016 735 4 View
I prefer to re-use the solvents after their evaporation and recovery, but sometimes the percentage of these solvents is changed after their recovery. for example, if I use chloroform and methanol...
06 May 2016 4,676 9 View
I found this algae on Jeddah coast, western Saudi Arabia, Red Sea, can any specialist help me to identify this alga?
16 April 2016 3,835 6 View
smooth muscle relaxants are necessary for the elimination of small stones from the kidney through the ureter, and when they arrive to bladder they need open way to pass through the urethra, but...
12 December 2015 7,868 3 View
I am looking to study the Ayurvedic formula Triphala, how can I purchase it from serious source in India or from Europe??
06 December 2015 10,026 23 View
in SciFinder 3157 papers and patents are published on ivy, but no study was conducted for pregnancy. but I found one article "Ethnoveterinary medicines used for ruminants in British...
10 November 2015 8,340 6 View
many sources claim that CO2 emitted from the human skin attracts mosquito to bite human, other sources claim that uric acid, lactic acid and cholesterol attract the mosquito. I think it should be...
26 October 2015 6,904 10 View
is it possible to perform a mixed culture between Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Acinetobacter baumannii and a yeast? how it is possible to monitor mixed culture and to shift the favorable conditions...
24 February 2015 214 9 View
some gynecologist advise the pregnant with twin to take dexamethasone 12 mg injection several time ( 2 or 4 times) in the third trimester of pregnancy, what are the expected benefits and what are...
20 February 2015 434 6 View
I found this cultivated plant as an ornamental plant in the campus of my university, I am unable to recognize it. Please help me to identify it. Its fruit seem to possess dying property.
17 January 2015 733 41 View
Teucrium polium L. (Lamiaceae) is a polymorphic species, but I found this sample of plant very close also to Teucrium popovii R.A.King, it is found near Taif, Saudi Arabia..unfortunatelly I don't...
26 December 2014 164 4 View
Why the second generation of H1 histamine antagonist drugs such as Claritin "Loratidine" and Aerius "Desloratadine" should be administrated before sleeping although the have non-sedating effect?
19 December 2014 9,979 8 View
this exotic plant is cultivated in Saudi Arabia, it tolerate the hot environment. It remembers me of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae), the leaves are opposite, ovate with smooth margin, the upper...
14 December 2014 481 10 View
I am looking for the isolation of onopordopicrin from some Onopordum species, please provide me the RF of silica TLC and mention the used mobile phase.
21 October 2014 3,695 3 View
Bio-transformations of natural and synthetic compounds are performed by using a large range of bacteria and fungi. Can I use a magnetic stirrer for water insoluble compounds; or should I use...
18 October 2014 3,038 6 View
Cerium (IV) sulfate is an excellent universal spray reagent especially for plant extracts on TLC. I would like to know the rate of Cerium (IV) sulfate vs. conc H2SO4. What is the best way to...
15 October 2014 3,011 3 View
This plant is successfully cultivated in Jordan as ornamental plant, but I am unable to find it as a species in the local or neighboring floras, It has alternate leaves with olive green color on...
08 October 2014 2,829 9 View
although plant tissue and cell culture is performed in aseptic conditions, sometimes contamination occurs, what are the standard anti-fungal and antibacterial antibiotics that should be added to...
06 October 2014 7,016 24 View
Some drugs are oil soluble, could these oleates be nebulized and taken as aerosols. What are the limitations and risks of these type of formulations.
06 October 2014 9,646 3 View
Is it linked to vasoconstriction? What are the consequences?
19 September 2014 4,285 12 View
I noticed the formation of e red pigment on a typical Arabic cheese, this cheese is prepared by Bedouins from the goat milk and conversed in a hyper-saline water, the pigment is formed only when...
06 September 2014 6,827 12 View
I have found some samples of Euphorbia taifensis ( a new species discovered in Saudi Arabia, it was confused with Euphorbia ammak), this plant can exceed 10 meters of high, is it the tallest...
02 September 2014 9,382 9 View
This plant is successfully cultivated in Jordan as ornamental plant, but I am unable to find it as a species in the local or neighboring floras.
18 August 2014 8,622 56 View
Is it possible to detect the mental illness in children early? If this illness is discovered in early stage what are the chances of complete recovery? What are the major alarming signs in early age?
09 August 2014 5,122 5 View
What are the ethics for the use of human physiological liquids after performing the requested analysis, in other words if some patients perform routine analysis of blood, urine, seminal liquid...
01 August 2014 1,265 4 View
I would like to know the best method for the separation of lectin from plant origin, I will appreciate some review article in matter. 1- what is the best solvent for extraction? 2- what is the...
26 June 2014 8,185 1 View
Which are the factors which trigger the multidrug resistance in cancer therapy. Why cancer becomes very aggressive for certain patients?
15 May 2014 927 8 View
Cancer is a very complex disease which involves many enzymes. The enzymatic targets are increasing dramatically due to the continuous discovery of new key enzymes involved in the cancer cells...
14 May 2014 3,100 2 View
I need some papers which help me to understand the selectivity of amidification and amination reaction, in case of the presence of carboxylic group, ketone function and lactone ring as shown in...
05 February 2014 1,457 6 View
When I tried to transfer some endangered plants to their original habitat they failed to survive, although they were transferred during the rainy season. Ideas as to why?
07 January 2014 6,000 4 View
What is the behavior of organometallic compounds on TLC? What is the best method for their detection?
06 January 2014 2,212 8 View
What is the role of kynurenine aminotransferase in humans?
17 December 2013 4,598 1 View
I am performing a simple bioinformatic study on some diterpenes isolated from a plant, used popularly for the treatment of bone fracture. I am using the program molinspiration.com, some data...
01 September 2013 5,601 0 View
Psoriasis is a very complex and multifactorial skin disease, is it possible to induce an experimental animal model close to human disease?
05 August 2013 9,700 3 View
Hypericin is a photosensitive principle of many Hypericum species, it is a very expensive natural compound, it undergoes a rapid oxidation process in light conditions if I work in normal condition...
31 July 2013 2,615 3 View
Some anti-viral drugs are inactive prior to phosphorylation, but they become active after their phosphorylation within the cells. Which other class of compounds become phosphorylated inside the...
23 February 2013 9,986 1 View
If I know the flora of certain country, and I have found a species which is not included in this flora, what are the steps that I have to follow to discover if this plant is a new species or not?...
22 January 2013 1,301 27 View
Stress is a factor that contributes for the induction of gastric ulcers, could these ulcers develop to gastric cancer? What are the factors involved in this process?
19 January 2013 1,588 16 View
Osteoporosis is a complicated disease which results in bone mass loss, many factors are involved such as menopause, vitamin D deficiency, hyperparathyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism,...
23 December 2012 7,449 4 View
Ficus cordata ssp. salicifolia is a toxic plant for cattles, Myburgh, J.G et al. have published a paper in Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research reporting an outbreaks of neurotoxicoses...
06 November 2012 907 2 View
when I identify unknown plant using analytical flora books some time I face difficult terminology, so i need a pictorial dictionary to understand certain terms.
06 October 2012 3,122 11 View
In the past minimum variety in 2 species gave origin to subspecies, but nowadays when a botanist observes a very small difference between 2 species he/she gives immediately the name of a new...
05 October 2012 3,477 3 View
Many excellent drugs have passed all the necessary clinical trials, and they are approved in their original countries but still not approved by FDA!! Why?? I can mention Phenobarbital which is...
01 January 1970 7,133 4 View