As measured by student's grades, retention, and transfer, is it necessary to remodel our education system. Does every student require separate counseling to discuss his or her problems?
I can say certainly that there is literature supporting this statement. There is literature however, stating that the appropriate teaching practice has to do with the particular context. In other words some teaching practices might benefit specific groups of learners but not all.
في بلدي العراق الان بدأت مثل هذه الدراسات تزداد لأهميتها بالفعل في تحسين مستوى الطلبة فتم إنشاء كوادر للإرشاد التربوي تتمحور حول دراسة حالة الطلاب بصوره فردية .فنعم مثل هذه الدراسات التي تتمحور حول الطلبة ستؤدي مستقبلا إلى تطور مستوياتهم ونجاحهم
In my country of Iraq, such studies have begun to increase in importance to the improvement of the level of students, and the establishment of cadres for educational guidance centered on the case study of students individually. Such studies, which are centered around the students, will in the future lead to the development of their levels and success.
Personalized educational system,(students centered approaches) with self directed learning, individual discussion of students' preferences and expectations with faculty, can improve learning outcomes.
I am sure that Student Centered Teaching Practice would bring better results among students. It focuses around Good Student Teacher relationship and favors better Accountability. Regards
This is certainly because it will expand students' perceptions through direct contribution to listening to them and solving their problems. In our universities in Iraq there are now specialized centers in this field as well as the presence of specialized people in the departments .
The advancement in technology has promoted these student-centered practices as students do not depend solely on the teacher for the course content anymore. Instead, the teacher increasingly provides scaffolding for developing students' collaborative and problem-solving skills in achieving learning outcomes. I share one example of using synchronous debates successfully that I hope would be helpful for you:
Conference Paper Debating: A Dynamic Teaching Strategy for Motivating Student...
After teaching in student centric again we should ensure the evaluation system otherwise if evaluation system will be pen and paper test , then student won't success as they loose writing quality
This hinges on teachers really knowing and understanding students - how they learn and what truly motivates them. Students need to feel their ideas and aspirations are valued and feel comfortable in their learning environment in order for them to explore and discover their interests. In addition, the education system needs to allow more time for them to make their discoveries and to further investigate and pose expanding inquiry questions. Student centred learning is fabulous and much can be gained but education systems need to be structured in such a way that this is whole-heartedly supported and adopted for students to reap the full benefits.
Remodelling our education system to be less crowded will allow students time to thoroughly hone their research techniques and become creative innovators. Throughout 30 years of teaching experience I have seen many students begin to think deeply but then abandon their depth by having to move onto another project in order to meet their teachers’ time frames. While meeting deadlines is important in the workplace, surely learning how to think deeply and ask probing questions should be given time to develop. In education, the teacher’s ability to devise and implement strategies to help make student thinking visible is important for it is from here that we discover what opportunities will allow for the development of even deeper thinking to solve some of the big questions.
In certain point, yes, it will allow any student to fulfill their objectives, the problem is when comparing a general GPA or the time-efficiency in teaching.
Yes why not, micro teaching is one such example and internship is today's buzz word, where mentor's or so called supervisors is minimized. Also we have to change our students' evaluation system during practice accordingly, we can consider self (Intern), peer and expert evaluation.