I conducted a practical whereby previously isolated plasmid and chromasomal DNAs that had been electrophoriesd in sepeerate gells where then both treated with the same restiction enzyme (EcoR1) and placed in wells next to the uncut samples as comparisons. my results however where both that of uncut plasmid DNA and cut plasmid DNA but i doubt it possible that i just added plasmid in both as we didnt have enough samples for multiple wells of the same.
Any idea why this could of happend?
i thought maybe it could just be plasmid sample contamination distorting the chromasomal samples which i believe may have been swapped with the plasmid as PU(Plasmid uncut) looks more to me like the expected results of a chromasomal cut whereby a smear should be seen.
Samples used where both from Ecoli JM109 / pGEM R- 3Zf(+) and sepearated by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis