I would like to ask how to grow E.coli which resists 50 or 100ug/ml of Blasticidin.
I have tried many methods by using low salt Luria-Bertain(LB) agar plate.
However, no colonies grow.
Let me explain what I have tried.
1) I used LB agar powder with Blasticidin, which made from Invivogen.
2) I dissolved the powder in a microwave for 2min 30sec because the powder cannot be autoclaved.
3) I poured the melted medium in sterile plates, and stored plates overnight in a dark 4°C(39.2°F) refrigerator.
4) You can see the information of the LB agar powder from this site( https://www.invivogen.com/sites/default/files/invivogen/resources/documents/flyer-selective-antibiotics-invivogen.pdf ).
1) Autoclave Low salt LB agar(0.5g NaCl, 1g Tryptone powder, 0.5g Yeast extract, 1.5g Agar powder, and 100mL of distilled water.
2) Before using the Blasticidin S HCl(10mg/mL) which freezes at -4°C(24.8°F), thaw it at room temperature.
3) Allow the medium to cool to at least 55°C( 131°F ) before adding the blasticidin to 100ug/ml final concentration. I used the Blasticidin S HCl(10mg/mL), which made from ThermoFisher.
4) Store plates overnight at 4°C(39.2°F) in the dark.
5) You can see the information of the Blasticidin S HCl(10mg/mL) from this site( https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/A1113903#/A1113903 )
1) Autoclave Low salt LB agar(0.5g NaCl, 1g Tryptone powder, 0.5g Yeast extract, 1.5g Agar powder, and 100mL of distilled water).
2) Before using the Blasticidin S HCl(10mg/mL) which freezes at -4°C(24.8°F), thaw it at room temperature.
3) Allow the medium to cool to at least 55°C( 131°F ) before adding the blasticidin to 50ug/ml final concentration. I used the Blasticidin S HCl(10mg/mL).
4) Store plates overnight at 4°C(39.2°F) in the dark.
What should I do in order to facilitate selection of blasticidin resistant E.coli?
Should I make the final concentration of blasticidin at lower than 50ug/ml?
I have no idea.
Thank you for reading my problems, and I am looking forward to seeing your answer.