I am trying to create stable GFP CHO cells using G418 as a selection agent. I carried out a dose response curve and determined 0.6 mg/ml would completely kill cells by day 7. I used 0.8 mg/ml for my study. After 24 hours 90% of cells were producing GFP. I added the G418 24 hours after transfection. Within a week my negative control contained no cells, so the drug was at a good concentration. At 1-2 weeks my cells regained their viability (>95%), but were not producing GFP accordingly. The more days that pass, the fewer cell are producing GFP. Now only 5% of cells are GFP positive. I wondered if the positive cells supplied enough resistance for all the cells, so i seeded at a very low density to try and combat this but it didnt work. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?