25 December 2023 0 1K Report

Current limits on both compression molded and injection molded black pigmented polyproylene is 1,000 hours at 150C using ASTM Circ.Oven on suspended plaques. The correlation of conventional O.I.T. is not suited for predicting Long term thermo-oxidative oven stabiiity at ASTM temperatures of 150C nor 125C. There appears to be limits on enhancment in LTHA due to limits in additive technologies, blooming/migration of the additives during thermal exposure. Why have there been no significant advancements in the last ten years from the major additive companies? Automotive uses 1% carbon black and a standard package of primary to secondary and when 10% recycled is susequently introduced the 1,000 hours goes to 900 hours and average of 10% loss in LTHA for every 10% increase in recycled content back into prime.

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